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SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds. Maidens. Special Weights. Feb 9, 1918—1:11 1-5—6—116. i CUT,Jr;P. b f 3 ffini 10t By Wrack-Janina, by The Scribe. Trainer. W. Scofield. U o Owner, R. P. « „ Marshall. M.:hunh;i 7 -•. i :.7 Sfclaat 17. 107 3 3 ! - a Collins 14 CorUlg, Eleanor 8., Fantoche 51SK Church 1 3-4 1:18 food 82 112 1 s I 81 5«| J J Mncy 15 Cold.Quinee, RlancI.eMac, Corilla a 1. La onia 3-4 LIMfhvy S 14 i | f" S- W W Tlorl2 MissFontaine. C.Quince. Puaaie -J,.,; j:,t ,1Kl VlaSt H! 1 6 n 5" 6iW Mofyl- Romance. LndyChamp. EleanorS. 509o9 Latoma 5-1 rw 1 143%faat 11 117. 3 I 7 3| 21 A Collins 11 Pignle Niobe Rallyeihen JMHSLatoala 8-4 l:14%faat U U3 1 3 6 i? A tjtj u Vft,iMS gEA.S°T1 K*J g . Tu* _, By Seahorse IL-Sylvan Dell, by Oddfellow. Trainer. J. Hewitt. Owner. J. Hewitt. SUSS fSSfi! Snil ;:" :; " " J" " r Ponc" 1" V„..r,nir. Wirebs-. M. Jusephine f.CCJ, Jamaica E| f 1 :W~fast M8 Ml 3 1 2 3 i-* i Cabin 3 Vibrate. Drv Moon ZA a?.!.",,8 C3 ". Ch.pp,,,. 0„"4 ,. A. B,.»s,f J"k ***-X* C""«» k? H"«-- sandsssr «;ss s is 5 n i miss izszjsjsandsand I0HNtvA-RB0Rt B- 3«M c14 Bowman-Ponte Rosa, by Bridge of Canny. Trainer. J. m. Tigue. Owner, x. F. St. John. t v * -•!;!;!- lrnls fi V22P**t* ll5 i?? M s s ■ : r- Mink »Oallot. Vulcanize, loe WMnale Um Jet son .-si :ii2»iKood 12 117, ti 7, 4 4 J". L Mink 7 Ace Philanderer Wirele*. r!s,: ™S] -? :Tfnst - 1,:i s S1" •• irHI»»D Connelly 14 Corilla. Kleatior S., Cut Up MOM K • rth 8-4 104%faat M Ml S 7 8 8 7- H Myers ■ Petrarch, MabelJo*ephtaVoapoa VtrLCTAraTn!r «22 ", By ▼»I«»»-Her Majesty, by Hi, Highna... i I arainer, * 8. A. A Clopton. n Owner, D. r, Gideon. v 1 -Xi-T , V. ,d ;- •■ -fa--t • n: 4 7 I 13 UssF CritllettlM Raneocaa, Dav Lilly Rolo A-i ,Vf SU1 "-: YW!:- ow - "" " :! 4 4» 4 F Cltiletti 8 Rosecliff. PliiPderef, CaUthmp IS7M Empire 5-S l:uo fast M J14 9 9 11 U«U««M Buxton 15 LeonardoIL. Oufaor! G Ayerage PLATO, ch. c. 3 M 114 By Uncle— Dike, by Sir Dixon. Trainer. F Dunne. Owner, P. Dunnel. .;:.•; FGnda lm70y 1:« fast W M « U 12 s s and:• s Mitchell 14 Salute. Wild Flower. Lor. Moss •„;. I , ""; -: V;VSt ,, tat1; " I Vl?. Jr i JJ.neyli? Ntebe- H«»ver. Mauatatn Dbw , -C ••.""" •.-; ;■■ lvy : *• I I 7 7i 7°J J MneylO Tony Sal ton. Secretary, Repent | « Ml:. Jef .son 3-41:18%hry 12 IM 7 7 7 7 0" J J Mney K Toss Pp. secretary, Iimllto Hgajeradn 8-4 1:M mud 10 107, C 6 6 SJ 4-= J Mooney t; Tom Roach Pimlico Renent dIO.17 Latonia 1 l:41%faat .51 102 10 8 9 10 M 9» L Coney 10 RillyKarton Mr.X LouWldrlg OBSTINATE, ch. f 3 M 109 By The Manager-Wilful, by The Scribe. o""« . Trainer. W. J. Burke. Owner. Maryland Stable. :■::!:, r]:"f ?J:SS£BI j: 22.? I " ■ T " Mo"r" ,:! ,;:ili"- v„i.-anize. .i.P WMpav Samp.Qada -4 1:B%faat b M7| 7 7 7 M H W Heiach Vi Ilopover Mountain bUr - ••,S"n SeJUSZ 2 !? ! 2 l; "" and* W "eincliln Tony Sutton. Score tar" Repent -nirS°n rv ;"a sfSt :: !", i ■ V.lf, U Mo°re " "antoun. L. Wynne. Mary hSa, „1.|., .let son .,-4 M MQ 3 - I G 8»» H Moore 8 Tosa Up. Secretary. Pin.IlVo LADY FRAPPE, ch. f. 3 M 109 By Sir Martin— Geloe. by Isinglasa Tiamer, A. L. Denny. Owner, G. C. Denny. -!nr l-rl," SeiSLaa" J7 ! " S" €" ° «l".son 0 Iidy Stella. Ravanna, fiwendola 51107 bmpire 5J f l:87«ifaat « IS l„: I 5 -• j Mooney « CorneliaC M Gunr J-imiiciK 51031 Empire || f bi:il,,v 12 Hl| 8 S 3 8» 8«s c RobaonlO Segarola. DraftsiaVn Rataaa 50718 Jamaica 8 f 1.88 fast M 113 7 7 S cj 5 C Kommer 3 Toat Or" llegwotaOTbrfhr M443 Aqduct 5-8 M%f«at IS 113 10 10 10 W» C KammerlO Vibrate Per .bxiv Lady Stella Oastt Sar-toaa -OlMlfaat U MS 9 9 9 »*• B Kwnaaer 8 Waaatah. T2£ aliot D0RfTrIinerbrwf: i. fL. Owner. Jain » Sanford. * "" «" * E« ass !;;,4,r4"i, : i Psvri BUacanrchl ::-. ill .fast 7f M74 I s H 3*» fi Pollard 13 SaartIoaht! BaiaoTa: MARJ0RIE M br f. 3 M 109 By Zeus-Lassie, by Knight Errant. Trainer, J. Fitzsimmons. Owner, J. E. Nash. inn Aqduct 5 I ;.:•.-, fast 7n ill i. jj irjll" M Rowan IS Xancyl Mddle.CaaVaa. t.Olrl isjjLJannuca .-s Poi-oo.l i u:7. 4 I 3» 8»» M Rowan 7 Rnatter. JimlSmUj UanduZltt ISinjamaca 5-8 1MI faat 30 112 7, 3 7 7= fcs T Rowan 10 GoodByc Present Mile CadeV. 7387 Jam* ca 5-81*1 faat S 112 I 8 « * P1M Rowan s.Iaeobii,, Foam Chin coteSJo" 17338 Jaaaalca 5-8 l»l%taat 12 111 4 4 4 4 Pi M Rowan 8 LaaVUatttt,1. l5£ LOCARNO, be, 3 CM 114 By Sain-Hermoso. by Oddfellow. Trainer. R. Williams. Ownor. J. G. Long. 1 "■ : u,,;,i"or : w ■"" W ■ S BJ 5-W Wright 8 SergLTork, Paatalette. Tt.l.brA LUSM0RE, ch. c 3 M 138 By Celt-Cara Belle, by Charaxus. «»*u». Trainer. F. E. Rodgers. Owner F. E. Rodgers. •. l:;"-, V-l ;•" 1 5 -:.,-v -12 puna,,,.-..,-, u-uny, c.m m], MMTrLdeGoa M lU8%taat 1- IMI7 7 7 5« 0»j ■ HaVaea 8 Dotty C, Loughlaud, Toss t5p ANNES PET. ch. f. 3 M 109 By Great Britain— Idle Box, by Box. Trainer. J. M. Brown. Owner. L. J. Brown. BM F.Oldl 1-4 l:16%fast 1W KM IS IX 12 111 11" N Everett IS Galiot. Vulcanize. .Tut- Whipple I 1223 Church 1 3-4 l:14%fast U HW 14 M 11 14 14 "• G Stack IS Cranebird. Iuniu. Eleanors. .1281 Churchl ::-4 l:16*4taa U3-lo 112 14 U II IS1 12- .1 Robert! 14 LouiseWynue, GoldQuime. louia 50752 Chagrin Ab5-S 1 :02V.slop 9 109 3* E Smith 5 Busy Bird. Dorothy, Styes 50745 Chagrin Ab5-S l:01.-,fast 0 102 4. E Smith .i Get Em. Busy Bin], Dorothy 49995 Dufrin Ab 5-8 l:031.-,fast 17 MM o-* A Finley G M.Uolland. .1. Goodman. P.usyBd First start for the following: SURMOUNT, b. c. 3 M 114 By The Manager— Alix. by Star Ruby. I Owner. H. Stoddard. DOMINGO, b. c. 3 M 114 By Marathon — Edna Shannon, by Onondaga. Trainer. W. Fizer. Owner. Earnum and Fizer.