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* 1 * I - ! a , f J 1 1 SHORT GRASS STABLE HORSES FOR 1921 Ten Splendid Hoine-Bred Two-Year-Olds in Winter 1 Quarters at Gravescnd Track. NFW YORK. X. V.. January Di. There is a lot of lacing promise in tin ll in I mad barn of the Short Graas Stable, under Which name the horses ; owned by Fmil Heiz ami the Slim t Grass Stud I Corporation will be entered for racing this year. in ii are ten two-year-oMs. all but one by Hbort Grass, a good racer in England and this country. and as finely bred a sire as lives. Among theni is the chestnut ec It by short Graoa Marian Hood, half sister to Iolymelus. sad the dam i of Siinboiinei. .Marian Hood, by tin- way. will not produce this year. She was barren to Fair Flay in i ittjti and died Friday in Kentucky. Here is a list of the xtabtax hm-s.-s with Their pedglees SHORT GRASS STABLE. Trainer. Stephen Judge. Fib Grass, ch. c, J. by Short tirass Marian lluod. • b] Martagvn. Knot til ass. h. ,.•. J by Short Gram Celitlc- woman, by S.gin. Lung Grass, ch. c. -. by short irass Oaeeni Loch, bg Locbryaa S|dit Grass, br. f. i. by Short Grass- Intrigue, by Kingston. Mana t.rass. ch. f, -. by Short t.rass Ida lain-, b GoMea Maxim Swift Crass, eh. f. -J. by Short t.rass Safe 11 e, b] Hilarious. June Crass, h. ,,| br. c. 2, b.v short Grass Com-sura, by The Commoner. Sleep.v Grass, eh. f. J. by Shoii Gram Veracity. by Golden Maxim. Crass Tree, b. c, -. b.v Short Crass Cheer, by Plaudit. Filaudjay. b. c. J. by Spanish lrinee II. — Junta. . b Bnrgooiaster. a - -