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l • . ■ ■ ; ■" ; i | j - ; 1 , - •- i | I. - i I I 1 — _ . ._. _ THIRD RACE— 1 Mile 70 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Feb. 1. 1920—1:43 1-5—6—122. MODISTE, b. f. 4 103 By Von Tromp— Kodesia, by Canopus. Trainer. J. Dale, Owner, W. A. Wright. - : l;|:; laat « 108 . i: Dority 11 Playthina. Mamlie Etbel .-" ;;;:•!"• :" 3-4 lfaat l» no :.-: 1; 1,.,ity SPrfratePeat. Deckhand. JohnJr. 51899 Tijuana I l:41-tfast 16 106 :.■ L Mills 8 Coffield, Weiatand. Stelclif f 51857 Tijuann 3-4 l:15ifcfa«t G IM :;■•.• Dmygaa 10 Cbas.CaaaHl, Strik.-r. Examiner ANNA JACKSON, ch. f. 4 108 By Seth— Mazonia. by Mazagan. Trainer. J. J. Quinlan. Owner, Qtiinlan and Hoipel. 2298 T 1 HL-.-.fasi I 109 . M M " li -w .-U Tamilian. Ilnpli.-.-v. Commander "•2127 Tijuana ::-1 1 :l 23 108 i- R Carter 8 JohnJr. , MlssParnell M Sedalia :l"" T.ju.ii -. 3-4-1:15 fast 41-18 112 M MthewsU. lJt.Priuce «, Prairie. Applejack 51858 Tijuana 3-4 1:15 fast Ej 113 i: Carter » Belancey. Ocadourll., J.J.Mock HONOLULU, b. m, 6 103 Bv Sweep— Miss Anne, by Top Gallant. Trainer, W. Walker. Owner, W. Walker. 52403 Tijuana 1 1-8 i:.M .fast. 13 104 Pod n 11 Cork. Oar Maid. Baby Sister 52336 Tijuana I 1-8 l:58%hvy 7 IM !«|N Dwcsan 7 R.Sfarter. Bat. Mountain. BeaLcr* 52279 Tijuana lm78y 1:48 fast E l«s r. Dmycaa 7 Curalcadoarll., Boreas, llnmmn b2193 Tijuana li l:54Hfaat 9 KG ::: v Poden 7 Mike Daly. Baby8teter V Belle 52143 Tijuana 1 1-16 1 :i7-tast r NC :, x Poden T Cor*ado, Mount.Glit. B.Dchssaa SAUER, b. gr, 6 110 By McGec— Frances S., by Dick Welles. Trainer. J. A. Pardon:.. Owner. J. A. Parsons. Tijuana lm70y i:45Hfaal 8 10 i ;n i:.,w.. 8 Yermak. Minnie fl Irish Miid 62334 Tijuana lm70y l :5i-.-.lrvy 1-2 MS a B Mariellill Welpa, PmythlnR, Mayworth 52319 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:4S*iaat 40 89 2 1 Hum 7 W. Willow. CfcctLady, Reveler 52278 Tijuana lm7*y l:46*fa*t 2 110 6«l o Willis 7 StelHlff, Audrey K.. Coacha 52248 Tijuana in, y 1:46 fast in-5lll 2 | B Carter 13 Shenandoah, BabyBlster Concha POINT TO POINT, b. t, 7 110 By Jack Point— Gold Ten. by Goldcrest. Trciner, A. Brent. Owner. A. Brent. CTl 1:11 *«at 26 188 i-,v Hmphy K BabyCal. CieHolters, Deckhaad i lo Bowie lmTOy 1 :50«ifast 35 113 5 3 3 ! J- !• J HeupH 8 Bpewrieac, Aurum Benerowat t.1468 Bowie 1 1-1S 1 :..4-.-.iioo.l a 1"" 3 6 9 7 V 8* G Hal. in 8 JackReeTes, MavW. Spearlene 51448 Bowie 11-16 1:58 stop 68 U2 •". 7 7 •; f 5« ii Myers 8 M.RoselL, M.Lkett, Senmental BUSY BIRD, b. f. 3 91 By Cock o tho Walk— Busy Lass, by Meddler. Trainer, J. M. Cooper. Owner, J. M. Cooper. 523 i-i juana 5J f l:0S%fasl 6 |«i n r, Tearwin 11 Miss Meettck, F. Moon, L.l.ovitt :i". Ujt-ana 5i f 1:88 fast M M Q Yeargin 10 SmiLMagale, MoveOn. Blanchita 51718 njuana 3-4 1:15 fast :i 5.4 6» D Hum 8 Chow, Neaette. Dark Friar oOMl chagrin Ab3-4 l:18*ifaat 9 M m O Atwefl C. B.Ally. PaadeChaaec, The Desert PATSY MACK. ch. g, 10 110 By Andrew Mack— Cotillion, by Kingston. Trainer. J. Hill. Owner. H. V. Barnes. 52192-Tijuana i i:4::, fast *5 ii:: M * R Carter 11 Borons. Zetetic, Ceaterrftte "juana .■: I i :• 7 fa-1 5Kf 109 8*1 R Carter 11 Lobelia. V.WeUea, llaanaHeir 1580 Tijuana 1 1 :4::-.-.f ast 4o 113 IHA Carroll 8 Baby Cal. Weinland Concha 1539 Tijuana, 61 f 1:89 fast 251 no S" n r.trter 12 W. Wbltaker, Neg Alerrv Iss 24J74Reno I l:42*faat I 111 vi AV Mclnre S Treoweu. Argeuto, GoodEnough CZARDOM, b. h. 5 118 By Royal Realm— Zoara, by Matchmaker. Trainer, C. Whyte. Owner. C. Whyte. "■2** Tijuana l 7- li:. 5«f B MarPellUS Gila, T. P. McMabea Btoaer 52106 Tijuana 5-8 l:01«£fast M M8 !""• o Yearpln 11 UttleJake. I. Brigade, Daisy S 51897 Tijuana 6-8 la n, fast tif 188 I .; li Jones 11 Pireplace. UdySmall GtrudeB 51701 Tijuana 5-8 l2%faat 27f 118 a| H Jones 10 Herder. Cal Cum. Ringleader |68436Porval 3-4 15 MS g 8 8 8* P|V Maiallilo Asaasapa, Irin.Myrtlo. B.Pelaec JIM WINN. b. g. 9 M 110 By Handsel— Mattie Haley, by Conrad. Trainer. G. L. Palmquist. Owner. G. L. Palmquist. 52422 Tijuana 11:42 fast 31 118 7 ; ]• ChlavtalO Gobrita, T.Breckridge. Miatake 1.2313 Tijuana 1 l : iL--.-fast :7 p Chtavta 8 T.P.McMahon. Ml Rey. Cal. Jack PH91 Tijuana 1 83 188 I ,11 Rettlg 11 Q. Nunc. Hkkorynnt. FjSbannon 61978 Tijuana 5-8 l:01Hfaat 145 112 g W Perry 12 Stsnley 11.. Mistake Maud M 41993 Oaklwn 1 l:42%taat 88 IM 9 9 8 8 8" S" M CruhM 8 Po-Hi, Jim Dudley. AlfVezina COMMANDER, b. g, 5 110 By Broomstick— Polly Flinders, by Burgomaster. Trainer, L. Matthews. Owner, Matthews Sc Dunlap. Tijuana I 1-8 l:54»ifasl in ..• .- Gross 11 Cork. Our Maid noaotata 2298 Tijuana 1 1:42--. fast M in Il X Foden 12 Tambian. Aa.Jackson Prophecy 52000 Tijuana lm70y 1:46 fast 11 ill B*| L Mills 8 Darnay, Eamlocfa Honotola 51981 Tijuana lmTOy l:45%fast 2S8 188 .-,-•, I. Mills B VerdiLoon, PteDrapeao Pierrot 51882 Tijuana 1 IM U3 S-KHnyWd 8 Mias Orb. Beydo, The GaUaat ARGENTO. br. g, 7 110 By Jake Argent— Ardenes. by Amigo. Trainer, A. E. Sherman. Owner, Lane and Sherman. Tijuana lmTOy l:51«ihvy 28 115 j p Martinez 11 Welga, Bauer. Pmythtag 52258 Tijuana 1 1 :4J-fast 7t 112 ««f C Groas li ciin. T. P. McMabea Blaaer 61643 Tijuana 3-4 l -;i i- 4 m W Parry P JohnJr.. Pret.Baby N 1 Witwer B02»4 Reno 3-4 1 :l4M,fast 5 1 « 4» Perry 8 MlkeDaly, C.Cannell. I Douglas- 50101 Reno 11:49 fast 6 106 M C Gross 7 Stanl.-ys.. MoaLBcBe, M. LISTAL. br. li. 8 Ml 513 By Lissak— Kitsilas, by Kitimat. Trainer. A. J. Christie. Owner, Breadin Sc Christie. "2277 Tijuana ii:i • | ii.: • q Ptamet; r 12 May snort h. MaudM MhtyLeTer «»2TIJuana 1 l : l",fast I9f /ill ll*» W tllnphy 11 Boreas. Zetetic, Cenierville ] - -Jnwnv.i 7 v 104 113 8« HI ttig 12 Josenia. Minal Jim. OertmdeB . ,v- ij.iana 6-S 1:02 i,,st IM in 8" B Haywd 12 Irish Dais.,. Joseaia. CrorerJunia 61863 Tijuana 3-4 l:17%faat 2M 114 12 * B Pinnesarl3 •- mP * ""r.""- T.B.Favorite. a.i».i .nvuiv, CJunia, .lillli.l, l C.Evana .ATim