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BRUCE LOWE NO. 23 FAMILY Barcaldine and Galopade and War Dance Dams from It. , — « — Flourishes Best in America — Ethelbert, Fitz Herbert and Re- I quital Among- Its Members. i j t BY EXILE. Members of the Brace Lowe family So. 23 hi re bad much to do with tin- making of tarf history, but. until the appearance of BarcaMlae in 1S7S. no really influential sin- from this family had conn-. Tin- best ill" them. 1 suppose, was Parcal-dines , own aire, Solon, also the sire of the Liver- ! i pool Autumn ui winner Arbitrator, tl.e St. Leger winner Chanticleer, tlie site, of Sunbeam, which. ! 1 ou -ver. could found no sire line of his own. and j j Xenoph.m. Cabin Bay and Pepper and Salt, | line still carries on hjr the aid of Grey Plume and j Verwood. Then there is Ethelbert, l red in this louatij . the sue of Kitz Herbert and BeqnitaL 1 The beat of the No. tt liot-cs. however, have I beea bred in the United States and ail of them. | barring Ethelbert, trace hack to the original aoarce liy way of attons daughter Oalopade. After her 1 arrival la thin country. Galopade at once atatt 1 dad i I to success as the dam of Keel and as the ancestress I of winners in almost t a— th aa number-. I It is hard to say Which of the ttraneh.s of the. No. _:i family abroad have beea most productive of! , , winners. BarcaMlae, his sire Solon, Favioniaa. Ian. Cabin Boy, Xeaophaa and Toai King all trace back liy way of aa nuaamfd daughter of Birdcatcher. . Pepper and Ball runs to Marianne liy Slim;, as • does the unlooked for Derby and daks rhnft of mil. Slgnorjneria. I To Barbette, by Faugh-a Hallagi . trace many , I Rood winners in France, as do.- Sophia. Ih.- dam of llasios. . FAMILYS EXCELLENCE IN ITS DAMS. To Comedy, by Comas, strata lie si. Leger winner Oniau, Fiddler. Eastern Emperor and the Oac Thousand Guineas winner Thais and to the Oaks • winner Cyprlaa, by Parisian, a number of good j winners, including the Oaka winners Songstre-- and 1 I Limasol. as well as Maori, dam of Lihelbi i t. None of these branehes of the family, outside- ..! Bar-caldllne, • I have been prodllcthc of sires of Hole at sires callable of I ran-mit I ill; their own Bite excol-lenee to their male descendants, and for a leap time. too. this was a characteristic .if the wood [ racial members of the tSalonade family in this country. .on. of tie- members of the Daace family in the Tailed Ktates, until the ad.ent of Domino, had 1 ever been noted for their excellence as race horses. They were distiinuishi d as brood mares rather than for their success as sires ..f race horses, sad !l still leas for the ability of sire transmission. The famous War Dane- failed in this, as did many another great racing member of the Uak pad family. Domiao, however, by the aid of the coarse .Melbourne No. 14 sin- strain of Darebin. was able j 10 throw off the noa-sire embai taasmeat which had ! I theretofore fettered the sire efforts of member-- of the Galopade family. Hamburg, too. attained to groat eminence as a sire of winners and of good producing daughters, bill as a sire of -ires een Hamburg is aol a success. This s.-ason. a- ever, the No. 33 familv take-high rank as a ruaaiag line, for i- not that wood J J and coti-i-tcnt fiUj Careful a member, as is the [ prise package of tie- seaooa Paal Wehlei and the old war horse Naturalist. So ii goes. Sire suc-ruaa at not. members of the Dame family always will be held in high esteem. lioth as race horses and as brood maris