Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-17


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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA", MEX.. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 15. 19217 Sereatj ad dayT Lower California Jockey Club. Winter Meeting of. 123 or more days. Weathed clear; temperature 70 . Presiding Sleward. Francis Neisoa. Associate Steward-, .1 . CoBroth and Leon Wing. Starter. Harry Morrissey, Baring Secretary. I. eon Wing. Baeiag starts at 1:50 p. m. h Uicago time :;:■" » p. m.. •Indicates apprentice allowance. PT QQOC FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1916— 1:05 5— 3— 113.1 Purse 00. 3-year-OlJslO olds and upward. Maidens. Allowances. Net value to winner 50; second, 00: third. 0. "Index Horses AWtPPSI i % i su Kin Jockey Owners Kqtiiv. odds strt 52018 IKE HARVEY a I KB i~: 2 ! - l, B Taylor A Jones 130-WO 58000 HEADMAN a BUS 7 I 1* 1* $• 2=| J Robton M N Singer 140-108 58000 HELEN HAVES bb » W8 8 5 ::,; :;•• l«k 3" D Powell G F Horn 749-101 .ViKH.-i LA8T CHANCE ss ios i, s ] ;, j |« | Veargin L Gibson 1260-100 r -iKHK SADIE STROCP w 7 108 l t 7 t3 • ■"■ .] H* tamer W .Mil.. 1 18450-100 4!8H3 saint PIERRE a 103 1 :: 4" t* .".1 6* M Slghter Meadowbrook Farm IC10-10Q .-»-K87 ROYAL IRISH W 4 111 It n 7 7 T Rae- I Due ,„ :,.;,„, r,"Hil SPAGHnTTTI u 1 101 I T 5*17* B 8 P Martin / E Borghero 7148-10B Time, 24-,. 5043. l:04;c. 1:11-;,. Track muddy. f J mutu-1- paid. Ike Harrey, 84.08 straight, 82.08 place. 82.40 -how: Headman. 82.88 place, 82.40 show: Helen Hayes, .08 show Bqairaleat heokiaa oddx lki Harrey. 130 to 100 straight, 30 to 100 place, 28 to 108 shew : Headman. 40 to 100 place, 20 to 100 -how: Helen Hayes. 88 to 100 -how. Winner B. c, hj lUki Helen Harrey, by star Bab] trained hi A. Jones; bred by Mr. A. L. Jones. Went t" seal 41 1:55. At post 1 minute Start good and -low. Won driving: second and third the same. IKE HARVEY was saved chute up while racing wide la the best gohnj and. passing HELEN HAYES, withstood the sudden rush of HEADMAN. The Inter thawed the mo-t early -peed and came again after being passed. HELEN HAYES Bared much round by I riose stretch turn and took the lead momentarily, but tired from rating in the worst going. LAST CHANI K closed a big gap and linished resolutely, saint PIEBBE ikowed i Bash of upend S. rat Ched— Mi— oula. 110 Overweights- Spaghetti. 3 pounds: Hie Harrey. 3. ROA9Q SECOND RACE— 5-8 Mile. May 20. 1920—59—4—107. Purse 00. 3 -year -olds and 34al«7Asf*Z7 upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. Indes Horses AWtPPSt u __ -., Str Kin Joel Ownera Eqniv. Odds Strt 52849-*ENOLISH LADY ws T~ its-:i— 1 I1 1* 1* ll B 3tarielli V Ctdud 17O-N0 CS801*HCMMA Wah f tM II E 9 ." 2" 2= II Rowe Clear Lake Stable 1120-100 ."•JDfi ROPE PRINCESS w I 143 1" . 3 _ 9 V SI a Willis F DoJbnken 210 I » :V.»l « RIFLE SHOOTER WU » U0 5 9 K* 7] I I ■ lb* S War;;:,; II tOO r..HUi OSTENTATIOUS v 12 hht 3 12 ■ ] • ■_ P E ! v Taylor R Wilaon !»2U 100 5280**BROWN BEE w 5 103 I i U BJ B1 13 M Bignter C I. Smith -i I -o I0D .".•J771 PHIL MARTIN una 6 II" i 1 1" 10" 8s J T Rae C i-: Archer .".2771 CHOIR MASTER wn 8 HO n I! 8] Bj i| Bj I Martinez .1 Kern I09-10B C 2885- LIMA W 11 l"o 7 -" l| 8 " 0 fOnfMai A McTatluuc .ll" .-••.»K-!7 OOMA ws M Ml B 1 7» i i" m i: Taylor R Pmrton :.-iH~:i ERNa r. w 11 M0 IM U 12 12 11*1 D Powell White A Lllley f ."?8-.Mi CALIFOR JACK wi 10 MC I 1 n 11- IF U W Hlaphy MiUerlck Bros t • Mutuei liehl Time. 24-.. 50,. 1:042-J. Track muddy. su mutuei- paid, English Lady. 85.40 straight, 83.00 puce, 82.00 ihow; Humma. 80.00 place, 84.80 show; Hope Prlaceas, 83.80 show. Banlraleni booking odds — English Lady. I7n to 108 straight, S3 to lxi place, 88 to 108 -how: Humma. 330 to 108 place, mo to mo -how: Hope PrinceiM, 80 to 100 -how. Winner h. m. by Di -k WeUes— Miladl Love, by Flying Hutchmau trained by V. Cloud: bred by Mr. Jerome v.. I!es| . -st. Went to post at 2:18. At post ." minute-, start g 1 and -low. Won. easily; tecond and third Orii ing. RNOL1SH LAKY Ixgan fast and. sbowiaf the ni"-l -poo | throughout, always held the race safe. HiMMA raced gamely and finished fa-t. HOPE PRINCESS bad no mishap* and was well ridden, klii.i: SHOOTER steadih improve! hi- position and Imi-hed fa-t. OSTENTATIOUS closed up much groaad. BROWN BEE and VOLIMA tired badly in the going. Scratched 32820* RoselUs, 10:1: .vj7l". Tom Caro. 10." : Neosho Dale, 108. Orerweightj Hope Priucesa, 5 pound-: Bifle Shooter. -; Ostentations. :i: Ooma. •"•; Ema B., 3. e_OQQ|_ THIRD RACE— 5-8 Mile May 20. 1920—59—4-1077 Purse S5O0.~3-year-olds and •_■ s" cy O V upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt _ Str Fin Jockeys Owners BquiT. Odds Strt 3 S 7 03 :Ti-:ill. DFXiAX w to"iwT~i 1? 1» 1 1 1 P Martinez O 3 Inria 55T iot S 2828 : SEA BEACH wit 3 MB B I S] S] :- V 0 Willis F Bnlly 21«-10ii 32301 W. C. DOOLY w 5 115 I 8 .v » 31 8 A Eetgler Mny A Ehtnder H300-10 C2?S0*VALTINE LADY wo 4 M 7 .: I I1 I1 -1 B Marieill T G Morris t ."J8-J7 MONDA1NE WB 6 113 8 2 3* 5 B* Bl E Taylor .1 Anderson 11BM01 i282C*REVIEW wa IMS 3 9 - I 8* Q II Low • Bardillo Broa 40-1W ry.Hi; MNTGOMERY JR. u 7 IF. .". 7 7 Ba B 7 V Taylor F Lain, r 49013 LADY HARR1GAN w 1 MO B B * I 7 7*3 • ; Yeargin E E Major I S 52027 BANDAD w 3 105 2 ■"■ B B • B W Hinphy W Bowler • Mutuei leM. Time. 244-.. 51. 1:05. Track muddy. 82 mutueia paid. Tenspy Dnncsa, 88.00 itraight, 83.40 place, 88.00 -how: Sea Beach, s:;. 10 place, 82.00 -how: W. C. Dooly, li. Id. 82.80 -law. Eqaimlent I king adds — Tempy Duncan, iru to Kh» straight. 70 to 10o place, 50 to loo ■how; Sea Beach, 7o to 108 place, 88 to 100 show; W. C. Dooly, Behi, 40 to 100 -how. Winner !.. m. by BUly Mavhuo — Edna Edwards, by Deerslayer trained by C. B. Irwin; bred by Mr. W. K. Moody. Went to lio-t at :4S. At past I minute-. Start good and slow. Won ea-ily: Kccoad and third driving. TEMPY DINCAN net a good pace and. when chaUenged by SEA BEACH midway of the atrefch. drew away decisively. SEA REACH raced In closest pursuit of the leader and loomed ap menacingly ! alter entering the -notch, but tired. W. C. DOOLY ran a good race rrom a -low beginning. VAI.EN TINE LADY was mt to the rail throughout and in the deepest going. MONOAINF showed a flash of sped. REVIEW was away poorly and mad.- ail much ground. Scratched 52000 Bab] Faust. 103; 52847 Capers, 103; 52833 Cobalt, 105; 52027 Bhtter, lol: 52-150. Visas Nail. 103; 51078 Peter Payne. 10.".. Orerweighta Tempy Duncan, 1 pound; Reriew, _: Sandab, 2. CTOQO _ EOURTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70. Yards. Feb. 1. 1920— 1:43 -,— G— 1227~Purse S501. tJsllOX 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. SandO. Index Horses AWtPPSt , J-..-=i Str Fin Jockeyi Owners Bquir. Odds sTrt 53823 •MAUDIE- wn8 M6 8 2 V !■» B Marieill C Bustillos 52801 *L. JOSEPHINE wn 5 114 1 a 1*13* ::; II 21 l» Powell F Martin W30-W0 ." i«JH rorus waOlOI 6 8 i 8 B 4: :■ G Yenrgla I. a McDowell 780-lot r-.SHK MIGHTY LEVERwsa 1 MC I I I I 1 11 _! i"- W Hinphy A Morgan 780-108 .V,H88 ANNA STAR W i MO 4 % 4* 8] 6 lJ ■"■ B Taylor M Sanders BMO-M0 51S08**MIKE DIXON w S 105 7 1 21 2* 4* 5] V .1 Clements B E Graham 2880-101 5288S*BARBER w : B8 2 7 .". 7 ::; 7* 7- II B B*wer W Walk. -r 710-109 : i-,Al ETHEL w 8 115 :: I 3] I 7J 8 8 M Slghter A Mackay 750-MO Time. 25 = -,. 503,. 1:18. 1:473, 1:52. Track muddy. sl mutnels paid. Maudie, 83.80 Ktraight, 82.80 place, 82.00 -how: Lady Josephine, so. no place. 34.40 show: Tours, 83.80 -how. Bouiralent booking odds- Maudie. 80 to 100 Btrabrbt, J.o to 108 place, ::n to 100 -how: Lady Josephine. 215 to 100 place, Uo to li» -lav ; Tours. 80 to 108 -how. Winner Blk. m, by The Commoner Niaxas, by Charaxas trained by C. BastiBos; bred by Messrs. Farmer. Stone ft Co. I. Went to post at :i:l I. At post 1 minute. Start faif and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. MAI D1K. from a fa-t outside sf..rt. wa- taken back on the flrst turn, then moved up fast after leaving the backstretch and. finishing wide in the best going, took the lend when a sixteenth out. but 1 hail to be bnrd ridden to win. LADY JOSEPHINE raced forwardly and. when seemingly easily beaten, came fast agi in light at the end. TOlBS closed a big gap and lini-hed fastest of all. MIGHTY LEVER Bbowed the most speed to the stretch and finished well. MIKE DIXON tired after racing la closest pursuit of the leader for a half. Scratched 52805*Hehnan. lo7: 52828 Teo Breckenrhlge, 110; .".id* Leo II.. K;7: r.J.L:! Clan A.. 107. Orerweigbts- Mighty LeTer. ? pound-: Anna Star. 1. 9Q9 FIFTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. May 23, 1920—1:53—4—109. Purse 00.~ 3-year-olds *JJmd*y*_P*4 and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 90: second. 40: third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt ;, ■ j BtrFia Jockeyi owner- ______ odds Strt 52870s* WAR SMOKE wb 5 111 4 1 i I M SPgnter i . W Crippeit iM-tn» I 52775 = HORCE l. Kuril won I M : I 11 1* 1" L-i :-l C Yeargin C E Davidson 60-101 52870 •COFFIELD W 5 112 5 I I I* S«* 3* :• B MarielH North ft Rowe 208-100 52870 WATER WILLOW w 5 MB 2 2 :- ::, I " t1 - P Martinea C B Irwin mo-inn .". !." PEERLESS ONE wstt 6 MM 2 B ." E ■■ E E Fator S Polk 1900-MO Time. 25. 49 = ,. 1:18, 1:42:,, 1:5730. Track muddy. 82 mutuela paid, War Smoke, 84.20 itraight, 82.00 place, 82.20 -how; Horace Lereh, 88.08 place. 82 20 show: Cotseld. 82.20 show. i: ini.aleiit booking odd-- War Smoke, llfl 1o Kill straight, 38 to 100 place. 10 to 108 -how: II Plate Lereh, 80 to 100 place, lo to 100 -how: ConVId, 10 to loo show. Winner Ch. g, by Uncle -OUie Bell, by Charaxua trained by G. W. Crinnen; bred by Messrs. Head-ley ft Miller I. Went to post at :L:-;s. At post 1 minute. Start good and -low. Won c.intning : second ami third diiin-. WAB SMOKE, racing wide in the best going under -tour restraint and. racing past the lender ! when called on. won hard held. HORACE LERCH set a g 1 pace, bat gave way when challenge,!. COFFIELD raced gamely, but waa outpaced. WATEB WILLOW tired after ihoa lag speed Cor Utree-qnarterH. PEEBLES8 ONE was eased up in the la-t quarter. Scratched 52005 lmis. 104. Overweights Water Willow. 3 psoasls. KOCgOO SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Ysids. Feb. 1. 1920—1:43—6—122. PurSe 00 UiatfOO 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. . Index Horses AWtPPSt j Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir. Odds Strt 53878 OUR MAID w 4 MS - - " : 1*1 1| W Hinphy v C Wennt ;:i0-hi S2882*GEN. BYNG w3 lit E 1 Bl 5* -- -- M Srgnter Pritchnrd »N- .lames 70-100 £2807 : judge D"ii wn 3 112 1 •: 1- I" :.•:; D 1ow 11 I .1 0*Ronrke 1120-100 I 52850* BILL DTCHMAN w 8 UN I E fi E B* r. ■■ I- i: Parke .1 A Phraon uosVtSO 52802 AUDREY K. a SB B 117 I 1 :; 2] ::- t; .". - P Martinea C B Irwin 520-100 52873*WEDGA wan 8 107 :: J 1 -" •: B S II Rowe Char Lake Stable tPJO-l" Time. 2420. 493;.. l:Mr*», 1:45%, 1:004,. Track muddy. sl mntnels paid. Our Maid. $.80 itraight, ,00 place. 82.80 -how: Ben. Byng, 82.00 place, 82.20 -how: Judge David. 83.40 show. Equivalent booking odd* iur Mai I. 340 lo Khi atraigbt. 50 to 100 place, M to 108 -how: ien. Byng. : o to 100 plaW. lo to 100 -how: Judge David. 70 lo 100 -how. Winner B. f. by Uncle- Busy Edith, bj Yankee trained by W. C. Wennt; bred by Mr. W. B. MiDer. Went to post at 4:H. At post 1 minute Start good and kIow. Won driring; aecond and third the same. Hit maid raced to the front with a rush after entering the backstretrh and took a long lead. but wax doing her best at the end. GEN. BYNtl raced oa the outside throughout and made a game nni-h. JUDGE DAVID made op ground in the stretch. AUDREY K. iiuit badly after showing -peed. WELGA ran a I I liaH mile In the lead, then fell bad;. Scratched - 52000 Bardora, 104; 52887 J. J. Murdoch, 108; 52878* Don Jose, 111. Overweights Our Maid. 1 pound. pr»TBQO/| SEVENTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 18161:11= ,— G— 110. Purse 003-year-olds t3 ana *J O fat and upward. Claiming;. Ne*- value to winner 50: second, 00: third. S50. Index Horses AWtPPSl . . , Str Fin Jockeys Owners F.i|iiiv. Odds strt r 2802 "MANNCHEN w 7 112 o 4 2=1 2* 1*3 B MnrPelll C Whyte :.i ii 52001 AUNT ANNIE u J 83 7 3 I i, I 2G Yenrgba J A Parson +11W1... i " 7»« CLEAR THE WAYw 1114 S 1 l, i; T. :! C Duggan v Walker ::K-Ki I 52875** LIT. PRINCESS w 6 107 B E E 51 *■ E Taylor hlePhernon ft OConncll 1409-100 .v:8 « .Miss SEDALIA W5107 1 B S* W V S W Hinphy A Lund 790-180 .-.■ .- 8." MODISTE W 4 188 L 7 71 71 7- B» P Muitinei W A Wright f .~»H7« BEN PAYNE wa M0 i I 8 I I 7*3 W Taylor Mill, rick Hros -; 529B2*DELANCE w 8 MO I : S* 3* 8| 8 J Clements B E Graham j ■fMutuel liehl. Tiae. MK, 49, 1:16V Track muddy. sj mntnefa paid, Mann. Pen. *:i. Mi itraight, 82 .88 place. 82.28 show: Aunt Annie, liehl. 84.40 place. .20 -how: Clear Us? Way. 82.40 show. Equiraleut booking odd- .Mannchen. 50 to 100 straight. 40 to loo place. 10 to 100 show; Aunt Annie, tieid. 120 to 100 place, 10 to 100 -how: Clear the Way, 20 to 100 -how. Wianei B. g, by Olambala— Madchen, by Knight of the Thistle trained by C. Whyte; bred by Mr. Richard T. Wilson. Weill to post at I:-". At po-t 1 minute. Start good and -low. Won easily; -•end and third driv-| ing. MANNCHEN waa Bared close up under stout restraint to the last eighth, then took the lead and | won hard held. AUNT ANNIE lini-h d gamelj and waa a fa-t going second. CLEAB THE WAV set i i good pace, but after entering the atreteh Kwerved to the inner rail and tired. LITTLE PRINCESS ! worked her waj up to third place, then tired. Miss SEDALIA ran poorly. DELANCEX showed early I speed. Scratched :.Js7s Miss Parneil. lo7; 52021 Fireplace, 11-: 52S50OUie Wood. 100; ."iJDLl Thrifty ! Three, lol: .".lsv.i Trulaae, 1L.*. Orerweigbts Modiste, _ pound-.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921021701/drf1921021701_2_7
Local Identifier: drf1921021701_2_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800