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D 1 0 t J. 1. 1 it | SHREVEPORT STRICTLY STABLE INFORMATION Yesterday at Havana: ELMONT, 8-5, WON On Saturday, February 19, at Shreveport, I will have exceptional information. The horse was prepared for a ooup for the Fair Grounds. On Tuesday. February 22. and Saturday. February 26, I promise you fully as good stable information as I had at New Orleans. I have only two or three plays a week. At Havana I will also have occasional plays. THE LAST EIGHT DAYS AT NEW ORLEANS I HAD ONLY FOUR LOSING PLAYS. EVELYN WHITK. « to 1. AVON: III STI.I.K. 83 to I. WOIfj MTTHOLOG¥ LOST; DAY LILLY, K to B, VO. TERMS— Wire me the winnings of a 0 straight bet day after race. Send by telegraphic money order only, as I do no business by mail. READ MY PLAN — TelegTaph me the cost of five day -rate telegrams and I will wire you five times, charges prepaid, the best STABLE INFORMATION obtainable, regardless of price. KEMEMBER, I DO NO BUSINESS BY MAIL. Unless you wire me corre-ct business or residence address. I will not wire you. ,000.00 REWARD — Paid to anyone if I have not made many thousands of my patrons winner on a r.traight flat 0 "play for me" who have played ray strictly STABLE INFORMATION. Stick to mo — Ill make you winner, as I positively will be the giant factor at Shreveport and Havana. BILL TURNER - SUITE 336 - 17 WEST 42nd STREET - NEW YORK CITY u u , : ■ ■ e " M. M. LEACH Exile C. E. MICKELWAIT ■ Pedigree Authority Managing Director Lexington, Ky. New York City. AMERICAN BLOOD STOCK AGENCY CorrcxiKiniietits In i Iniilji nd, Ireland, Irainc Australia, Argentine Hepuhllo, etc AM Transactions on a Commission Basis. DcniPDrco inciudin* »*e. coi T- cic rtUlbflfcto Ssft, **!*,"!■ OlO Sound Matings Selected, 0. All Data In Connection with Blood Stock Furnished. LEXINGTON, KY. NEW YORK CITY SlBSCKlBB lor DAILY HALING IOUD THE WINNING POST TODAYS FRFE SPECIAL: MY ADA .00 per year. 15 cents per copv THE WINNING POST 101 WEST 41ST ST. NEW YORK CITY The American Racing Manual for 1921 IS NOW ON BALE. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COTTRT CHICAGO, ILL. 167-158 EAST 82nd STREET, NEW YORK, N. T. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO, N. Y. Fraivk W.. 8-5. Won. was yesterdays Form Special. Get next to the live ones. Dont fail to pit raw Blue Book, on sale now. 35c everywhere. To-j days Form Special: June-Grape-21-S3-42-15. THE KTANDAHD TURF ttlTIDR. I Room 403, 22 West Quincy Street, Chicago, Illinois.