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■ I " n ., is s i 1 u ,, it, .. T ij ,. ; 19 rd te i •k T X „I T m M, •n ! * r * io 11 t i; " a k. Uy i e« ■ss FIFTH RACE — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Feb. 1, 1920—1:43 1-5—6—122. SAUER. b. g, 6 103 By McC-ee— Frances S., by Dick Wellei. Trainer, J. A. Parson. Owner. J. A. Parson. 52903 Tijuana ini7oy 1 :!.".. -,f -1 11-10 109 •"• 2 2 2 :: 3*1 B MarTelll 8 Audrey.*.., Pr.Direct, MikeDaiy 52803 Tijuana lmTOy 1:44 fast 14-5197 6 5 4 1 1 21 i: Mar.lli 0 Gen.Byng, UttleGink, AudreyK. ".Tijuana lmTOy 1:48 fast 5 H2 2 2 Z T P 2n B Mar*cllil2 AnnaJacksoa, Maudie. RuCArass 52704 Tijuana lmTOy 1:47 fast 7 MO 3*1 H Rowe 6 Lit-Giak, Gea.Byag, IrineeDirec 52685 Tijuana l l-M 1: -I ! 54slow I 109 5" P. Taylor 7 Ola Lee, Horace Lereh, Yermak 52629 Tijuana 1 1-16 P..oPslmv 8 5 107 1*1 E Taylor 7 Baby Sister. Prairie, Argento l Tijuana lm70y l:50%mud ZS !""■ Fell. «: Yeargin 7 Shortstop, YivaCuba. Runecraft 52458 Tijuana lmTOy l:4Ssslop 21-5 110 •** Q Yeargin 10 Modiste. Honolulu, Busy Bird MODISTE, b. f. 4 101 By Von Tromp — Modesia, by Canopui. Trainer, W. H. Leonard. Owner, W. A. Wright. i Tijuana ::-4 pp.1, i.oid lif ]• : 7 7 7 7- ! M rtiu i s M iinela n. AuntAnnie, C.theWay 2585 Tijuana 11-16 1:52 slow 40 WO 7,:l M Brgbter 8 fenaak, Cossasaader, BhortStop 52509 TUuana linT; l:50 hvy 17 101 I | M Blgbter • Yermak. AudreyK.. Chrla.H*ltra 52458 Tijuana Un70y l:4S%alop 5 103 PJ M SlghterlO Honolulu. BasyBird, Commander 52461 Tijuana 11:43 fast I 108 H R Dority 11 Playthlag. Maudie. Kthel 62304 Tijuana 3-4 139 110 6»i R Dority B PrivatePeat, Deckhand, John.Tr. MIKE DALY. br. g, 7 112 By David Tenny— Dewinne, by Green. Trainer. G. V. Billerman. Owner, Lawless So Murphy. - slop 9 1 ". : 7 7 7 M BTghter 7 BabySister, BatlandArnis, Cork : Tijuana lmTOy p i." l..f.-..-t 12-5 112 is : i i 1*1 M Slghter B Audrey A., Prime Direct, Saner 0 Tijuana lm70y l:40%faat 47-10 112 5 6 6 4 2- 2*1 M Slghter S John Jr., Pink Teany, Honolulu 52705 Tijuana 1 1 S 1:56 fast 5 117 8,; J Mulealiy 8 AudyK.. I.eDsaure. Lylncenee 52442 TUuana 1 1 6 1:54 fast 5J 110 1 M STghter 7 CavaleadourlP. Oen.Byng, Cork 52365 TUuana 1 1-1 2:0X .good 6 1 J6 67 M Slghter 8 Reydo, Dark, Baby Sister 52239 Tijuana 1 1-16 P4SP-,fast 19-10 1M l1 M Slghter 7 Weinland. Per. Iasfy, Oen.Byng 52193 TUuana 1 1-8 l:5*%faat 13-10 105 I] M Slghter 7 BJUster, Hoaotata, MtanaBelle 62086 Tijuana 11-101:01 fast 2J 111 2" K Haywd 9 IrishMaid. OeauByag, AudreyK. RUTLAND ARMS, b, g, 7 113 By Thrush— Luscinia, by St. Simon. Trainer. F. W. Ritsch. Owner, J. W. Tatel. I TUuana 1 1-8 l:58feslop IS 107 1 ! t 1 1- 2* E Taylor 7 Bab] Sister. Cork, Sadie D. .-.75 Tijuana 1 Pll.f st 17-5 112 5 7 7 7 5- g | C Thpson 7 P.toPoint, Per. Lady. L.Prineess 52862 Tijuana lm70y 1:48 faat 61 112 ill 1 r 57 C Tmpoon 9 Gea. Byng, Baaer, Little link 52028 Tijuana Dn70y 1:06 faat 14-6 112 1 S 9 7 ti; 43 E Taylor 13 Anna Jack-on. Saner, Maudie 52793 Tijuana 3-4 1:14 fast ."2 110 •»• C Wbiftonll Smil.Mag., Mer.Lss, HgaasHr 524C3 Tijuana 1 1-8 1:5 29 115 111SR Dority 11 Cork. Our Maid. Honolulu - "i Tijuana 1 PI1-hvy 12 114 5" G Yeargin 5 Midia, Tom Goose, Yermak "2003 Tijuara 1 1-8 1:." I1 ,1ast 12-10 111 3::; G Yeargin s Lit. ;ink. IDsaure, BabySister a6M Tijuana DnTOy l-irfast 17 111 6* L Mills 9 Coffitld. Mister Mark, Miss Orb BILL DEITCHMAN. br. g, 9 108 By Hastings— Wild Bess, by Lroquois. Trainer, J. A. Parson. Owner, J. A. Parson. t TIJuan lmTOy l:49*4mud !5 108 " 6 I 6 •" ■ I 1 B Park- »; Our Ma id, GeauByag, JudgeDaTid 52850 Tijuana 1ri70v 1 : P--fast 25 101 2 4 4 5 61 V V Park. 0 John Jr., Mike Daly, PinkTenny Tijuana Il-M: t slow 12 104 lh E Taylor 7 W.M.I.ker. Canute. T.P.Uridge 52624 Tijuana lm70y l:5:!-f,slop 8 110 893 G Yeargin 11 FrankShnon. BronBee, Humma 52191 Tijuana 1 l:421-,fast 14 108 THRowe 11 Q.. Nunc. Hirkorjmut, F.Shannon 52149 Tijuana 1 1-16 22 103 471 B Taylor 7 Coronailo. Mount. Girl, Honolulu 52083 Tijuana 1 1-8 l:5Pifast 14 10R 5" E Fator 9 Lit. Gink, LcIPaaare, Rut. Arms 51923 Tijuana 1 1-8 1 :."-P..last 17 106 4» G Yeargin 10 Examr, B.o.t.Kitehen, AlWiek 51S79 Tijua:ia 1 1-16 l:47%fast 9 107 67 W Perry 10 V.Ion. B.of theKitn, B. Mount. IRISH DAISY, ch. m. 6 110 By Cederstrome — Malaspina, by Brutus. Trainer, J. Greenhow. Owner, J. Greenhow. LmTOj PP-fast 62 ii". s 7 7 7 p PJ P. Taylor 8 Audrey A., Prince Direct. Baaer 62892 TUuana E ! I: P..itM 72 MM !• J 9 1 9*1 E Taylor .» Xukoa, Neg, Bedgegrasa 52811 Tijuana 1 1-8 1:54 fast 29 MS 6*1 II Jones 7 B.Mntn. CaTTdonrll., I.yCal 62774 TUuana 1116 1:43 fast 25 Ml 5; C Y.hitton 7 Lit.tiink. BabyCal, LeDlaeaaare 1 Tijuana 11:44 slow M HI 1« C Whit4 ton 9 Busy Bird. Pce DTas, Lavaga 62603 Tijuana 1 1 :4S".,niu l 28 109 6;3 D Powell 7 Ola I,oe. Yukon. Lewis P.. 52 It. Tijuana 61 t l:ll1.-,mu l IS M8 10 3 II Jones 10 Mex, Pastime. Indian Brigade 62211 Tijuana I l:42*4faat 15 108 2t**W Perry 10 Nashotab, Moan.Girl, T.GaUaat 62195 Tijuana 51 f 1 M „fast 14 105 6° Rowe S C" Weaver. Cauciou, Sm.Mag0ie BOBOLINR. br. m. 8 106 By Clifford — Maicst, by Potomac. Trainer, A. Kartin. Owner, F. A. Vance. 62902 Tijuana ImTOj 1:46 faat M I" 5 6 0 1 7 7" H Jones 7 C.Hoiters, Sheadoah, Sh. Green ... Tijuana :pi7";. 1:5 hvy I6f 107 T B MariellilO Bat. Mntn. Gen.Byng, Batgge 52128 Tijuana lm70y pp. i 108 8* W Perry 11 AudyK.. Humma, G.Maehlebca 51898 Tijuana I Pll.f ast 2 NC 6 I W Perry 8 P.Drapeau, MikeDaiy. Balgeorga 51719 Tijuana I PIP. .fast 6 108 t . H Jones 7 Wlaad, Horace Lereh, Bahy t;al 61608 Tijuana 11:43 faat 19 Mffl 1" W Perry 11 T.K.McMn. T.Goose, B.o.t.Kitn : Reno 1 Pl.Pfast 6 !"3 2" Perry 8 M.S.-dalia. Treowen, Sham. Green D0BRITA, b. m, 6 115 By Sweep — Valeureuse, by Orsini. Trainer, J. Pierce. Owner, Coeur dAlnne Stnble. 52850 TUuana Im7y0 1 :40%faat -14 116 t 7 5. 7 :- !• J Robaon B John Jr., MikeDaiy, PinkTenny 52807 Tijuana 1 1-16 1:48 fast IS P7 7* D Powell 7 Gen.Byag, J. David. LeDiaoaaure 62772 Tijnana 1 1-16 Pis. fast 6 119 • I Powell 13 B. Sister. Lobelia. T. Ilkenridge 62U49 Tijuana lm70y l:53%mud .2 116 1* F J Baker »; LeDinosaure, Honolulu. Argeata 52629 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:50%slow 27-10 HO 6* | I Yeargin 7 Baaer, Baby Sister, Prairie 52582 TUuana lm70y l:50%alow 38 114 2-5 R McPrnn 8 G.Maehlebaeb, Plunger. Sgeorge i2489 Tijuana 11-818 mud 47 MB 99 T Powell ! Viva Cuba. Baby Sister. Cork 52422 TUuana 1 1:41 fast 61 108 l1 B MariellilO T.Breckearidge, Mistake, Bdors ELECTBIC, b. m, 12 102 By Martinet — Perdition, by Sandringhnm. Trainer, W. Mikcl., W. M. Mikcl. 52851 TUuana lm70y 1:4 »f 108 b s b s b 8* B Marielli 8 Sweet Apple. Pheiaa, Dione 51698 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:50%f ast 117 112 I J Shilling 0 M.BeUe, J.Darid, BleoftheK. : Tijuana I PPPfast ISf ill I .I Shilling IO TlieGalt, ArtRick. Linn ace 51605 Tijuana lmTOy l:47%tiist 83 li « ]•• ■ .1 Sbllifaag 11 I*. Innocence, M.Belle, BaaaJoca 51640 Tijuana 11:44 fast 13 in 81S J Shilling 9 M. Josephine, Zamloea, Petelaa 50942 Chagrin ll:46 ifast 6 113 I1 J Schlessr 8 Bev. James. DICoronel, L.nyesll.