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FAVORITES WIN iN MUD AT TIJUANA sN DIEGO. Cal . Pebraary 16. iikt a track deep in mud War Smoke, which t;. V. Oippea recently acqaired in i claiming race, won the fifth 1 and feature race of yesterdays program ai Tijuana. PaTored by the going the mob of Inch-- Dili.- Belle was afforded confident support am, the gelding [ paraded to the ii.-t a w.di backed favorite. He raced in close pursuit of the pacemaker. Horace Kerch, and although losing . mound by racing v. idi in Hie best g ing he took the lead when jockey ; Slaughter called on him and eventually won in a ! canter. Haras ■ Letch .vliieh set the pace until . entering tli .stretch, was aa rased up second I from Coffi.ld. The latter ran his usual honest race over a Hack on which he is not at his best. Despite the uncertain track comtitfoas fsTorites had their iuaiajc, -ix of tie- public- ehelct s at viag Htccessfal. Bat oae lone choice tell by th.- way-aide, ien. Byag suffering defeat hy Our Maid. The I. liter showed an abundance of spaed in the mild and led throughout the sixth race. two horses changed owner-hip during tin.- after-Boon. v. C. w mi. represented bj Oat Maid in i the sixth race, added to hi- large string by claiming , on. Byug for ,Oup,. in the aereath race i .. i:. Graham look the good mud raaaet Mauachea for f S!tM». Jockey Merrill Baxtoa was an arrival here today in advance of ■ carload of horses which his brother. • Clarence Buxton, is bringing from New Orleans. • The ■lllpmrill ea r Bte, which is due to arrive tliis tnorning. number eleven head. including ; War Ma-k. the good handicap horse owned I -y 1 .i hnaj Dundee.