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TIJUANA The hors.s which seem best la Thursday! races are: Tijuana. Mexico. February 16. 1921. 1— Welga. Mineral Jim. Our Leader. •J — Billy Joe, Aunt Annie. Plaager. ;; Clear the Way. TUlotsoa, Miss ParaeU. 4 BmUiag Maggie, Duly Fashion, Hoover. "i -Modiste, Dill Deitehmaa. Saner. -, BiUy Lane, My Maxie. Myrtle A. 7 VBBDI LOON, Cork. Woodie Montgomery. G. W. Schilling. Sew York: Handicap. 1 Bon Ills. Indian Bcsgadl . Na-liotah. Mighty Lever. 2 -Chas. annell. Hilly Toe. Apple -lack. Arietta. 8 -Maancheu, Perch, Mex, Miss Parneil. I Daly Fashion, Hoover. Ely. Babylonian. 3 — SAFER. Electric, Irish Daisy. Dill Dettchaua. 0 — Bitty Lane, Myrtle A.. My Maxie, Camouflage II. 7 — ;,.n. Byng, Verdi Loan, EeteUc, Cork. Chicago and Buffalo Handicaps. ] Boot llli. Porte Draneaa, Nashetah. Convoy. 1— Aunt Annie. Billy Joe, Foxy Griff, Little Princess. :: Mex, Maaaehea. Mis- ParaeU. Blanehita. A Babylonian, Bailing Maggie, Gertrade B., Bty. n RALBB, Modiste. Mike Daly. Rutland Arms. S— Myrtle A., CaaMMflage II., Billy Lane. Miss Or.. 7_;,.„. Byng, Le Dinosauro. lins Wiag, Verdi Leon. Observers Handicap. 1 Mighty Lever, Porte Drapeaa, Welga. BoseBis. BUly Joe, Aunt Annie Mike Dixon. Apple .lack. S— Mannchen, Mex. Miss Iarneii. char the Way. I Babylonian, Smiling Maggie, Duly Fashion. Ely. ." — Batland Anns. Bauer, Modiste, Bill Deitcmnan. 0 — Bitty Lane. Myrtle A., My Maxie, Cajaonflage II*. 7 t;i:x. BYNG, Verdi Loon. Le Mnosaare, Cork. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Bosrilln. Welga, Mighty Lever. Porte Drapeaa. 2— BILLY JOE, has. Caaaett, Aunt Annie. Apple Jack. 3 Maaaehea. clear the Way. Mex. Mi-s ParaeU. 4— Babylonian, Smiling Maggie. Duly Fashion. Fly. 5 Saner, Modiste, Batlaad Arms. Dill Deitch maa. I BUly Lane. Myrtle A., My Maxie, Camouflage II. 7— Gen. Byag, Verdi Loon. Cork, Le Diaosaart.