Havana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-17


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j HAVANA FORM CHART ! HAVANA, CUBA. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 10, 1921. Oriental Pnrk. Berenty-Orst day. Cuba -American Jo.Lc and Auto Club. Winter Meeting of IM or more days. Weather clear; temperature 90 . .steward-. ■ . 1 lachmeister. . II. I.au-dalc and F. J. P.ruen. Starter, James F. Milton. Racing Secretary, M. Nathanson. Kaoing start- at l..M p. in. Chicago time 1 ;.77 p. m.l. Indicates apprentice allowance. ■rrhQQCT FIRST RACE— 3 1-2 Furlongs. .Feb. 14. 1921— 42-3— 2— 110. Purse S700. 2-year-olds. : dadtlOD Maiden:. Special Weights. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. " Index Horses AWtPPSt , :. Str Fin Jockeys Owners o II c p s I 52803 JCOL CHILE a lla 11 l ■ i :! Tryon Marianno Stable 41 i" 4. 8-5 4-5 52853 *PACIFIER a 112 ; I VI :: ." A Pickens E 1. FlUgerald :: 3 2 i . .". .v».-!: PINNACLE a U2 3 S - i- -I ■. Domlck H P Whitney »J ." 21 7-101-:; 52530 SQUAW CHIEF a 11 2 •. fi I t B Scott W B I oe SB 28 Bj I 4 £2808*HYEREH 112 3 3 6 .v Bl W MeehanE D Springer ID 10 in 4 2 TRUMPET CALL w 112 fi E l« y Kelaay E Cahrian 3-5 3-5 3-5 1-4 1-1 Time, 23. 41 53 aeu track record. Track 1at. mutuei- paid, "ol Chile. 830.30 straight, 88.80 place, .08 -how; Pacbter. 85.20 place, sl.7o -how; Pinaacle, 82.70 -how . Bquiraienl booking odds -Col Chile, 1805 to 108 straight, :;;■" to 100 place. 80 to loo show: Paciaer, loo to loo place. ;;:. to Hmi show : Pinnacle, :io to 100 show. Winner- B. c, by Marts Santa — Dividend, by Ingotdsbjr trained by J, Aratstreag; bred bv Mr. J. N. i Marker . Went to post at 22. At po-t I minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the ; same. COL CHILE set a fust pace from tie- atari and. tini-hing resolutely, just lasted long enough to | win. PACIFIER Onlshed fast on the inside, gradually wearing the winner down. PINNACLE ran a ; fa-t quarter and tired. TRUMPET ALL. slightly lame when going to the post, began slowly aad, being forced to rhee, wide all the way. was eased up at the enl. fsTBQO-CJ SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— 1:05V,— 5— 1027 Pnrse 00. Tycar- OsdiFOU olds and upward. _ Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. I Index IhTrM-s AWtPPSt1! j- "4 "str~I"i"ii Jockeys Owniys ■ Q jf~r S 32012*ED GARRISON w 7 1 J7 3 l 1 r i l, s Lane W Feuchter 7-5 8-5 8-5 1-2 1-4 52800*LANGHORNE WB 9 W B p Hunt W 5 Campbell I l | B-B 4 5 S2S24 BED a "7 11 ::« ::« . Dreycr T Cheek M i- i: I l" ."•;." :1 c.WAX BOI wnCllS 2 3 7 B* l t • W Cramp K 0 Woods I 3 1 l t-2 52730 SCARPIA II w 7 107 6 1 V V hj J Francis Florida Stable : . . I 52035 BIBBLEB w-u I 101 it t ; a McLhlln/ I. /..m, SO M 38 lo .". r.2400«"lEW u i Wt 7 s s s t--- :■ J Smith W B Padgett B T 7 .". i;-j oiHil MARTI L"L WI V i" I ■. H 8 8 J McCium Lo-dale Stable tfi ii li tf j Time. 23-;,. 48J3. 1 Ol1.,. 1.0?";,. Track fast. |3 urn tui 1- paid, Ed ttarrissu, CM straight, 84 W place. 82.88 -how: luaghoim . 84 oo place :,o tLuw: Kcd. 88.38 -how. E.iuivalent heukssg odds -M Gsrrtssu, 388 to loo straight, lor. to toy place, 49 m 188 -how: Lang. hurne. 100 to 100 place. To to 100 show: Ked. 228 to lOtt show. Winner--B. and. by Ogden Country fraud, by Deceiver trained b.v I. Any: bred UJ Mr. Bsnferd C. Li M I . Went to post :it 2:88. At po-l 4 minutes. Start good and -low. Won jilting , second und third the ■anas. BD HARRISON took s quick lead aad, racial LAXGHORXK into defeat, in* away, but araa under I mild drive at the end. LAXGHORXE had to race around oa the outside to x to the load, r .ttid made ■ same tlni-li. RED Buished fast in close quarters m the laaide. CAYAN BOY begaa slowly and dosed a tap. BCARPIA II wa- under restraial for nio-t of the i;oe. Scratched 52888 Pickle Fancy. 100. Ev9QQ7 THIRD RACE— 1 Mile. March 23. 1919— 1 : 38 5— 5—105. Purse 00. 4-year-olds UMt/t 4 and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Hi."i--.-s~ AUiiisi , • ■ , sn Kit- Jockeys Qwaenr 5 H C P 8 .V :81 FOSTER K.MHRV mb S m 4 4 31 2 1 lJ 1 I W Kelsaj R B Allen 1 -12 4 .VJ85H JELLISON m I Ml 1 1 2»| I* 2*1 V ." A Pickens I. Poster 7 " 8-5 8-6 1-2 -4 BM11 -SUPERIOR n: 4 104 7 5 I* I | 2 ::• I* K MerimeeXI Dugan I 1 4 ; 5 7 LI 6S8S2*GALOPIN a I I MM B T i "; 4»i 4:l 4- 4" J Smith W G Campbell M M » 1" i »M7SS*F1NIS a I 168 8 3 41 R L isterC K I. -Italian i » M 18 i 6t8tS*JAMRH a i 162 t 1 •;•■ I i 6" I. Penman 1 Doyle I 7 7 2 8-1 BM11*HATRACK a 4 MS 2 I !■» 7 7 7 7 .1 Prancta H A Cotton 4 4: l| 6-5 4 :. Time, 25. 49. 1:16. 1:42. TTack fast. 82 mntuets paid. Paster Eatery, s:..:,u straight, 68.18 place, 82288 aksw; Jettison, si. in place, .80 show: Superior, 88.86 -how. Equivalent booking adds Poster Rmbry, 1 T " to urn straight, 53 to loo place, IS to loo show; Jciii-ou. in.", to loo place, lo to loo -how: Superior, SB to kki -how. Winner Ch r. bj Stalwart Margaret Bastings, by Basting* trained by R. B. Allen: bred by Mr. iarle- Suekats, Jr. I. Went to post at 2:21. At pool 1 minute. Start goad and fast. W«a ea-ily: second and third driving. POSTER BMBRY raced lata ■ rood lead after rounding the far turn and was ridden out through the la-i eighth. J ELLISON ran well, but tired after lesdinf in mosl of the lir-t live-eighths. Sl-PERIOR raced forwaruly and antsned daae an. GALOPIN tini-hed fas! and aronM hare heea third la another stride. Overweights Pints, 1 pound; Hatrark, 4: Foster Embry, 5. pr»J QQO FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. March 6. 1918—1:41—5—117. Purse 00.~~ fj £t*y*yO 3-year-oldc and apward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00; third. 0. Index ~i"l.".rs«s AWtPPgl . . t Str Fin iockeyt umihk o H 1* S BtSW**ELMONT a V. i MS 5 I • P* 2 l» 1 I. Penman T Doyle 7 i 8-fi 8-1 :i-5 1-3 B2S2S*RAVKN8EA a lion 7 7 S] 83 Il 3 2| R LcasterG Price 14 4 2 1 .".»K.4 UOl li STONE wa 6 Ml 4 4 l] T T- V 8" .1 Francis V Saurea 8] 7-5 7-M andS912 FLYING FROG n 1 Ml N I 2 - T- .".- ■; P MerimeeG Leydecker 12 IS IS I 1 BttsM* JANICE UOGN ars 4 M I 3 7 I 7 v_ ." .; smiih li .; WooOm 10 12 1- E H .VJ4I:-: Hi.lKi:i n IMS 1 1 ••■ l» I U i. A Try..n Marlanao Stable H I I :: l-S 8ZM4*EMMA J. a I Ill SB! 7 ; S 7 7 1 A Pickena H Mock 41 S 5 1 1 .-,KKO SAYOXA ara S Ml I 2 4- :.- ta I I .1 Domick A C Henderson - -: -"■ l 1-2 Time. 24. 4833, 1:15. 1:40. 1:44%. Track fast. IS niutin 1- paid. Klmont. BS.16 -traiuht. 84-20 place, 82.88 show; EtaTensea, .46 place, 8S.S4 show; Gold sione. .00 show. BqaiTalenl booking oiid- ElaMtat. IBB to loo Rtraigkt, llo t 1 h place, 40 ta M0 ■hoar; Rareasea, 3i;o to loo place. K to 1«hi show: Gold Btone, 50 to 1oo show. Winner B. a, by I.uke M. I.hU. Kerr. Ii,. ..ininon trained by 15. ,. Rice; bred by Mr. Richard T. WRssn. Went to i" -t at 8:48. At int-t ." minute-. Start uocmI and alow. Wmi ea-ily: aeconil and third driving. ELMOXT began -lowly, but gained Kteadily after ronnding the far turn and raced into a tang lean after pBteriag the utretch. RAVEN8KA raced well and oatstayed GOLD BTONE for second place. The latter sel a good pace ta the stretch and tired. FLYING FROG ran well. BAYONA quit badly. Scratched :.l777 Plewhigh, 85; 52913 El Coronet, 1os: 52788 Langhiag Ryes IL, 101. OTerweighta Jaalce Lagan. 1 poand; Ravenses, 1: Kimna J., i. CrOQQQ FIFTH RACE— 1 1-16 Mileu. Feb. 3. 1918— 1 : 44%— 3— 92. Purse S90oT 3-year-olds Qalt/Ol/ and upward. Claiming- Handicap. Net value to winner 00: second. 25: third. 5. "indTx Horses AWtlM St . % str Kin Jockeys Owners i H C P 8 Bt4Mla FRANK V. w 4 lb 1 Z :: V l» l« l L Penman ii GoMblatt 8-6 8-5 8-B 1-3 out .".2«9."» BEA PRINCE wa 1103 l 1 .". I f r ! P Hunl H B Bwan 7-5 8-8 8-5 1-2 out ." V8»." BMART MONEY a 7 101 •" 4 1*1 21! 2 1 D* J Domick G Holmes 444 7-: out BSM7*EXHORTER a I Ml I I f 1" V t] 4- .1 Francis J Walters 2] 2] 2] 1 out "•;h.- 7 REDSTART w« M I I 4; !■ .". :. S .1 Smith .1 .1 McCafferty 10 M 18 I onl Time. 24. 49%. 1:14%. 1:39%, 1:46%. Track fast. s amtaeta paid. Frank W.. 85.10 straight, 82.00 place: Bea Prince, 82.80 place; ao show mutu. 1- -..lii. i:.imva!eii: booking odd- Prank W.. 185 to loo straight, 30 ta 100 place: Bea Prince. 10 ta loo place. Winner — B. c, b.v Marathon Maid of Fortanr, by Prince of Monaco trained by M. Ooldnlatt; bred ,r Messrs. Jona l». Parr ft Bra.. Went to post at 4:lL. At past 2 niinub-. Start goad and slow. Won handily: -. . ,,al and third driinu FRANK w. wa- Mtred daae up ta the last turn, then raced Into the lead ami held it gamely to the end. ska PRINCE, after lM-ins far back ta the last turn, closed ■ bis gap and finished with ■ belated rush. BMART MONEY set a fa-t early pace, but tired in the final drive. EXHORTER ran well, but also was tiring at the ead. Orerweighta Redstart. 2 pound-. CTOQ/IA SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. March 23, 1919— 1 :38%— 5— 10o7 Purse 00. 4-year-olds O sna *y ""I: " and upward. Claiming. Net valr.e to winner 50: second. 00; third, 0. "index Horses A vt II.St % A % Str Flu Jockeys Ownera i | C I* S Bt8JM *LENORA P. wn 4 86 1 I 1» 1 1 1 lak J Uowe M K Thompson 81 4 1 8-5 4-5 .".87 1 1 IM ALLEY w 0 ill : ." |skfi |3ss.ss ji - Kelaay Pogolottl Stable 1 ." S I 1 B27Clt*JACK HEALB7Y w r. nil :: 1 :u V -2 J1 HJ L Penman J Brerest :: I :: 1 1-2 C2SM*HOMAM a 7 1m; 4 4 7 7 1 5 1 4* A McLhlinO Tuggie M M la 4 I Ctvl2* AIGRETTE wn 5 Ml . 0 6* 8 ."• 4 B« R LctaterC Price 3 :: :;.. 6-6 3-S riStv*SYLVANp nv M7 ! 2 -■ I I I I ; • l" Hun1 11 Gutcatoga 8 8 2 1 1- BtM7MANOKIN wn 7 112 7 7 4 4 ■ • 17 7 .1 Sniih K Allen 21 ". 1 1-2 Time. 24%. 49%. 1:16. 1:41%. Track fast. minuets paid. Lenora P., 3.20 straight, 87.08 place, si.oo -how: OMuRey, si;.7o place, 83.70 show: Jack llealcy. 83.10 -how. Equivalent hooking odd- I.eiu.i:: P., 540 to 100 straight. l.",o t. loo place, loo ta 100 show; oMallcv. 233 to 100 place, sr, to 100 show: .lack Hcai-y. 85 to Kill show. Winner B. f. by Beua Honed. 1. by Albert trained bj A. Finley; bred by Messrs. Williams St Bad-turd . Went to past at 4:30. At post 3 minutes, start gaad and slow. Won driving; nrrond and third the -anie. LENORA P. set a goad pace tram the start and with t 1 1 challenge from BYLVANO In the early running, bul bad ta be ridden hard throughout the last eighth. OMALLEY raced prominently and was gaining at the end. JACK 1IKA1.KY ran well and finished close up. HOMAM closed a big gap. SV1.VA.no t ii -tl after running a good Ire-eighths. MANOKIN pulled ap extreaseij Isaac Scratched 528JB8*Le Balafre. 106. . i — — — ■

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921021701/drf1921021701_2_8
Local Identifier: drf1921021701_2_8
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800