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FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Dec. 20. 1916—1:11 2-5—3—110. Index Course Dlst TimeTVkOdds Wl St % % % Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Flnlsa R0SELLIS, b. m, 7 102 By Jim Benson — Pourquoi Pas, by Iroquois. Trainer, C. Berry- Owner. Thompson and Berryl 12828 Tijuana ::t IM fast 13 188 7 I I ::- pat w Taylor 13 Shoacrea, B.Beacfa. K.ofPythiaa 6:«J0 Tijuana. .".; f 1 48%slow S-2 l"f» I2»» C Wnittonl2 PosiUno, Baby Faaat, Red Mas 5VW, Tijuana l| f l:15%slop 16 110 7" A Zeiglnr 11 Our Lender, Ia-w is I!.. Velvet 62259 Tijuana l| f 1 :SB%f ast lOf 110 3-J A Zelgler 12 C.tlieWay. 1 Direct. M.Frauklla MH Jefson 6J f 1 :0SVsgood L 0 M21M 10 11 9* 10,u R Bolton 13 Hlaise. AuntieCuil. J.F.Caaanca PORTE DRAPEATT, b. h. 6 115 By Bunstar— Bright Cherry, by Ayrshire. Trainer. O. Hunt. Owner. J. M. Hubbard. 62772 Tijuana 1 l-H l:48%faat 18-5 115 M ■ H Rowc 12 B.Mater, Lobelia, T. B*kenridgc 52882 Tijuana lnuiiy l:50%alow 7-5 117 ..•• H Taylor 8 O.Buenlefcuch, Ptuager, Cobrita 12548 Tijuana lm78y l:53%inud 28-5 115 1- B Ta lor 18 Naahotak, Q.Muehlehh, Plunger B23M Tijuana lm7 K 1:41 fna4 115 B* p Hum 7 JadgeDuTid. UewisB.. Naahotab tun Tijuana hm78y 1:48 fast ti-r. U8 5s* J Rooney T 0*rnlf dagrll.. Honolulu. Boreas NASH0TAH, ch. f, 4 108 By Meelick— Modens, by Armeatb II. Trainer. J. Bishop. Owner. J. Lne It Bro.. 5288 Tijuana :• 4 l :14 .fast 7 112 11 li . s1 r.i- c,r -- 12 HagaasHeir Ap.Jack, LewiaB. 12648 Tijuana lm70v l:S3%mnd I IM l c Qroua 18 P.D*peuu, O.Muehlehk, Ptuuger I2JB8 Tijuana 5 f 1:11 slop 24 1M 0" B HayWd 18 Mannclicu, Chrome. MissParnell 12318 Tijuana lm70] 1:48 fast 13 18 li" Dross 7 J. Dnrid. Ijvwm li.. !.. i i , ,■ atAl Tijuana 1 l:42%faa4 -■■ • los l/sa C Qroua lo Iriah Palsy. Mouu.tiirl, T.UaUai CONVOY, h, a, 4 104 By Uncle— On ins, by Orsini. Trainer. H. CHSMty. Owner, H. Cassity. 887 Tijuana I l:42%fast I NC :: l 1 2 7J s;" B Taylor 12.1.. I Murdoch, Vita, Vou Lady 61580 Tijuana i l:43%faat u H3 S» Ij Mills s Baby Cal, Weinlaud, Concha M17S Latonia I l I2%mud 94 MS S s 7 Fell. L Couey :i laaajtry, Friz. Tulsa 18278 Sar" toga 1 l:38%faat a0 181 0 7 7 7 7 712 V Wilson i" Penelope. Smart. Guy, Tattle 4f127 Empire 1 1-8 l:64%faa4 .n M . I I 9 9 %** L Coney 8 Ctgujacr, Dorcas. Mose 4W91 Empire 1 1:40 fast .".I Hi I 9 I I .I 9t" H King 9 Kj;Albert. SwtMusic. Bmarals 4S6S0 Latonia 11-81:81 fast 48 100 8 8 8 9 9l 8" H Kins 18 B.Chalce. Mrse.lohn. Kimpalong INDIAN BRIGADE, ch. g, 8 108 By Brigade— Wild Irish, by Pontisc. Trainer, R. Campbell. Owner, 0. L. Fundln rsland. ."2917 Tijuana 6-8 l:02%slop 241 l"u .". 7 0 4. J3 H Parke 8 C.A.Oomlskey, I. .Small. ByOlrl 62848 Tijuana 6-8 i:0i-5fast ::if MR 3 I « li 7*i B Mar-Hill H.Angleton, Bag. Lady Ternetta 62884 Tijuana l 1:42 fas: li M8 fi!0 J Clementa 8 MlaaPameU, Bardora, Chantreaa 62883 Tijuana l 1 :4". slow 7-.". Ill P|C Thpuou B I Harrigaa, Ap. .lack. Ctreai 62832 Tijuana 3-1 l:lB%alow : If lit f,7 C T*mpaonll Mann. hen. John Jr.. Neg 82848 Tijuana B| f l:ll%mud 1-2 nr ;;% c TapaonlB Mux, Paathae, Mildred Buretta WELGA. br. m. 8 110 By King James — Wealth, by Rainbow. Trainer, C. C. Emmert. Owner. Clear Lake Stable, a Tijuana ImTt l:48%mnd 4 187 2 12 I I 8*1 H Rove 8 OurM.iid. Sea Byng, JaugeDarid 5287i Tim. ma 1 l:41%fast «f m7 112 ti 7 7 li Rows 7 P.toPaiut, Per.Lady, UPrlareaa 62783 Tijuana 1 11:14 fast 18 109 7**11 Rowe 11 Bmil.Mag., Mer.Las, HgaaaHr 62703 Tijuana 61 f l:08%faut 49 li 2* II Rowe 8 Btuesta, TempyDuucaa, TllMCaen 62678 Tijuana 5-1 l:Band%alow 7 llo 8" H Rowe 11 Daisy X., Pretty Baby, McCroan 52507 Tijuana lm.Oy 1 :a0V-.hvy 7 1M 9" H Rowe 10 Bat.Mntn. Oen.Byag, Salpge Tijuana i I !".■:, mid 9 10T. V H Rowe 8 icely Kay, Ringleader, It-view MIGHTY LEVER, br. g, 4 M 106 By Ildrim— Supposition, by Sir Dixon. Trainer. A. Morgan. Owner, A. Morgan. ■ I njuant ImTOy 1:52 mud s MG 3 l l 1 V I | W lliiih;. 8 Maudie, Lady Josephine, Tours 52888 Tijuana i l:41%fa*t 19 lo7 2 2 3 3 :;-" I1" W Hinphy 12 B.Bhilllag, Kly. RedWUliam 52881 Tijuana 11:45 alow 24 112 44 V Hlnphty 11 Horynut, ltrown Bee B. sllinj. 83847 Tijuana 64 f 1:12 mud 10 112 3n "W Hinphy 7 Hot-. MaadBacoa, Bull— nWalla 52381 Tijuana 1 l:44%good llf W »«1K HcCrnnll O.Fmnh, BruwnBee, Chat. Court 62277 Tijuana 1 l:43%faat 222 108 3" W Hinphy 12 Maywarth, Maud M... Mistake 51838 Tijuana ll:41?5fast 286 I«i5 12s" O Willis 12 Per.Lady, O.Byng, T.ICkenridge 51863 Tijuana 3-4 1 "f Ml S"3 G Yeargin 12 T.B. Favorite, C.Junia. O.RraaU THRIFTY THREE, b. f. 4 103 By Hilarious— Responsful, by Meddler. Trainer. S. J. Kelly. Owner. S. J. Kelly. 62882 Tijuana •"• I l:87%fast 15 hK 8 7 7 S- 0" II Jones 8 Yukon, Neg, Bedgegrasa : 52769 Tijuana 6 f l:07s£fast M-5184 l"k I: Mariellu2 Id La Van, Mistake. Pbelaa 49790 Do v re 3-4 l:13%fast 41 188 10 11 11 94 9]1L McDottll Alf Vezina. Fin.Kooster. Ami R. 18218 Ham tn 8-4 l:14%faat 68 lott s 8 8 8 821 J Scluiful s Pueblo. Hidden Ship, PakeyJana 18828 Dev"re 3-4 1:21 %mud 55 186 i--c Duggan 7 GoUatuDnwn, Lancelot, Pr.Bahf 18581 D-vre 1-4 1 r -fast 33 102 6» W Moore 8 C.ot.Main. PtBgasn, Ratstt rer MINERAL JIM. b. g. 10 113 By Radford — Kate Rogers, by Bob Carter. Trainer, M. P. Level. Owner, E. M. Level. 52858 Tijuana J-l 1 :l 23 117 7 7 I | -" A t brier 11 Ol.Wood, J.J.Murdock. si-. Polly 52783 Tijuana 1-4 1:14 fast I 188 FIB Mariellili BmiLMag., Mer.Las, HgaaaHr 52589 Tijuana 6-8 l:86%alow 12 114 6*: A Eeigier 18 Tillotsou, Eng.Lady, NledcAatl 524s: Tijuana 6-8 l:03%mnd 32 110 6*| . Bcigier Cicely Kay. Welga, B ingle adar 62424 Tiiuana 61 f l.~87%fast M 113 I A Belgier 8 Orchid Kfaig. Ringleader, Velvet 52383 Tijuana 3-4 l:14%good 31 114 7- A Eeigier 10 BiUy Joe, Plunger. Yukon 52127 Tijuana 3-4 l:14%fast 26 IK «.. a Eeigier t TikuTr . MtaaParueO, M. Sedalla PLAYTHING, b. f. 4 103 By Dcutschland— Recreation, by Morello. Trainer. G. Neal. Owner, G. Neal. njnana l 1-16 1:63 slop 12 1 i 8*1 W Talor B AudreyK., B.Mntu, Cardourll. 62488 Tijuana 1 1-8 l:f 8 mud 18 b» «•* M S.ghter 9 Viva Cuba. Haby Sister, Cork 6248] Tijuana 11:43 fast IS MS lh B Mari»llil1 Maudie. Modiste. Bthel 52334 Tijuana lm7ly 1:51 %hvy ixf MM 31 Q Yeargin 11 Welga. Saner. Maywarth 63268 Tijuana 61 f 1 M%faat 32 Ma S"i G Yeargin 12 O. the Way, P. Direct. Rosellis 0888 Tijuana 1 l:41%fast 93 M3 I W Perry B Coffield. Weinlaud. BtdcUif HICKORYNUT. b. m. 7 106 Ey Hessian— Lychee Nut, by Sir IXodred. Trainer. G. F. Hurn. Owner, G. F. Hurn. ."..sal Tijuana lm70y l:48%fast 94 187 1111 V ~r 1 Powell 8 Bweet Apple. Pbefaaa, Dtune 62751 Tijuana lm78y l 47 fast •• 1M i . TearginlO May worth. Boreas, Von l-idy 62681 Tijuana l 1:46 slow ll-a llo 1" I Hurn 11 Broara Bee, Baling, M. Leeer 52808 Tijuana 11-16 : :M -slow 14 br". ;: ; D Hurn 18 l". shannon. VouLndy, L.Pceaca 52588 Tijuana 1 l:68%niud 37-M M8 7*1 D Hurn it Argeuto, Bthel, Anna Star 62533 Tijuana lm78y l:50%alop 21 MS 6B R MarielI118 Cammmdtr, FouLady, Prophecy f Ll9t Tijuana 1 l:42%fast 11 1S -~l P Hurn 11 Q.Nuuc, F. Shannon. Dandy Van CHOIR MASTER, ch. g, 6 108 By Uncle — Nethersole, by Tournament. Trainer. J. Kern. Owner. Kern Bros.. 12828 Tijuana ."■-•■ 1 :M:-.minl IM II I I 81 v I" Martin :. 12 Eng. Lady, Iluinnia. H. Princess 62771 Tijuana 3-4 l:15%fast 26 lij 8* M bTthjeu al2 Arietta. J.J.Mdoek. B.Shllllng 62858 Tijuana I l:4S%mud 13-W 188 I C Whittonio BeraiceBL, Audrey A., Pat. Mack 52506 Tijuana 3-4 1:18 hvy M-5 IM 17 Taylor 8 Yukon. Applejack, PrettyBaby 024S4 Tijuana 1 l:46mud 41-10 115 1" I Robtsnll Prersricate, Honolulu. AnnaStar 53363 Tijuana 5] l l:08%goud 5 M5 10" N Fodeu 11 Blanchita, Lady Small. Hiiiosta 51S9S Tijuana 61 f 1:88 last 17 187 32 C Whittonio tancion. QuidXunc. ReyAlfalfu MONTGOMERY JR.. ch. g. 7 109 By Montgomery — Relationship, by Heywood. Trainer. H. Moyio. Owner. I. J. Williams. 52938 Tijuana 5-8 1:83 mud 131 11". 7 7 8 8* 7*1, W Taylor 6 T.Duncaa, BeaBeach, W.C.Dooly ~:slt Tijuana ."■_ i lKM %fast 33 112 :; I 7 6] 12* A Eeigier 12 OMHoasestesd, KISabio. Luutern 17873 Tijuana 51 t l:67%fast 8 11". 11*« J Mulcahyll ille.L.St.Prick, L.Moara 47853 Tijuana 3-4 l:13%fast 16-5US 2» J Mulcahy 10 HattieWilido. MoreOu, Beriew 47.:.! Tijuana 0-s 7 114 1™ J Mulcahy 7 Lady Hester. Virgo, Foemaa 47011 Tijuana 1 16 113 7-- J Mulcahy 7 Neenah, Mannikinll.. RcdMan BEN PAYNE, b. g, 6 108 By Tim Payne— Gottlieben, by Rubicon. Trainer, H. Bel!. Owner, Millerick Bros.. . _a. i Tijuana 3 ! jii-mud llf 109 i I 8 8 71 W Taylor 8 Mnnchen, AuntAnule, C.theWay 52878 Tijuani 3-t 1:1* fast 47 V S i i I I » C rmpson 8 W.Mgaaaery, B.Jast, M.Parnell MM Tijuana 5-8 1:03%rdud 5 110 Hied. P Martinej s cicely Kay. Welga, Bingleader S2424 Tijuana 5 f l:07%faat 13 M9 4»1 P Martin, z S Orchid King. Ringleader. Velvet S2863 Tijuana 3-4 l:14%good 51 IM 1"- B Carter 10 Hilly Joe. Plunger. Vukou 52131 Tijuana 8-1 l:13%fast lOf 106 M" N Fodeu 1.1 K.Cheatlmm, B.Baker, IkeMills 19243 Reno 1 l:48%fast 7 114 lJ J Mulcahy fi Zamloch. Rutland Arms, Reveler OUR LEADER, b. g, 12 112 By Bryn Mawr— Rossa, by Rousseau. Trainer, T. Henry. Owner, Moore and H«nrr. ."iaol Tijuana 1 l:ll%faat 7 1" 7 2 "■ ■ _ V E Tai..r it Lew is !... PntBRO, Harr.a Heir 52848 Tijuana •"-■ 1 ." SS 117 M 9 M M*3 i*i E Haywd 11 H.Angleton, Bug. Lady, Ternette 52792 Tijuana 3-4 l:14%fast 7 ill 81 B MariellilO MiaaManage, Ap.Jack, Deiaueey 52673 Tijuana 3-4 l:17i4hvy 18 IM 8" T McCgh 8 M i— l.n ne!l. PceDirect, Mil. Joe 52647 Tijuana 6] fl:12 mod 47-18 115 I ". Haywd ■ Rlpaeta, Tillotsou. Jeo. James I 52626 Tijuana 6 f l:15%slop 8 116 I* E Haywd 11 Lewis H.. Velvet, Arietta 52402 Tijuana 0-S 1 13-10 106 6»f R Taylor it Lit.Jake. H.M C.irty . BM 1st Tug EM l Tijuana 5a f 1 :08 fast 16 114 4*5 J Glass 0 Pvt.Peat. Bmll Mgsjf sT. Plunger