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TODAYS SHREVEPORT CARD] « Fields Small and of Horses Which , i Class Well Together. j i . More Horses Arrive, with General j Haig, Tableau dHonneur and | i Rapid Day Included. ■ • P.T .1. I. DEMTSKY SHRFVF.POKT. La., February I*.- Shrevopot 1 t inaugural ninninu race meting will pet under way tomorrow with a heary track, 1Vit «l«---i»i T *- the adrenal conditions the program filled will. Willi I charing weather ledaj eaaae ■ eoM -nap. the first iu bmbj days in this section, but the eatloek is f r ■ a rant improvement in this respect within the next liwulvfuur hours. The feature offering on the first days card will be lac Mwetwaatl laaagaiii, .in aUawaacc .lash at five and a half fariaaga, and 1 it will be contested by a small anil well matched I Held. Visitors continued to pour into this city Today. The New OtIhum delegation eaeecded area that af ; I —Hull J while Hat Springs als.. seal another • large I snllagrat There arc still many more to eaaae from both places. The finishing touches on the improvements find j j lh : local lair grounds racing plant considerably changed front what it was a few days age. Tie- • t i seating arrangements arc perfect and the only drawback will be the necessarily slow time iii thai aiioiis race* tec the first few days. The track ; I is made of a red loam peculiar te this part of the country. H dees not dry out as fast as the j ordirrnfy rii.m —* i. ■ Thirty more barret -amc in from New Orleans I 1 this morning. In the band were some belonging - to n i:. watkiaa and Masteraaa A Eegrrs. lien are coming as goon as the horse cars can be routed I I bark !•■ the Creeceat City. I K. W. Moore brought five of hi* racers from I j New Orleans -K«t Stone. Chief Kurtlie-11. Stindufia. i MaUavena and Miss Kraiiland. The latter twe are e twa year olds. V. II. lizei has tin- Irageet stable here, it brlag mail" up af fifteen h.-i-.-s belonging, t j to himself and William Farnuni. the well-kaeara I j motion picture actor. With the Fizer establish- - ! ment iame jock. G. Habin. whose contract he purehased receatl in SCenr Orleans. : tt. 11. Keeae was aa arrival from the Creeceat t : I iiy today. He hruaght three horses. Donna lioina. • i Yellow Mlaaaaai and Honey llont. ltieluded ill the l" , nine horses shipped hero by ;. Driiinhill i is ■ Tableau dHonneiir. the fast sprinter which tie " | : acqairei fr..m the Baaer stable Aariag I be fair r Grounds meetinp. Trainer K. IfcOanrey breaghl cleeea beraea here. . | the property of W. 0. Stoiier and 1.. A. Hroaddus Im luded in the Rteawr eoiisicnmiiit are Qeacral 1 j j Hatg. Warsaw and Kapid Day. j Arrivals of Jackejm from Ne Orleans today include: i .1. ItodriLiiez. A. OeUia , I. Smith and I . I. Smith. The same system of wageriag thai was in us.- at t New Orleans will be the style here. The betting i pavilion under the grandstand is eonsideratdy r : : smaller than at the Crescent City tracks, bul it is s large eaaearh to accaauaatate twenty layers without - crowiliim. Tweaty lajrer* are te operate tomorrow and this number will be lacreaard as the meeting goes on. John Carr. who will serve as paddock .indue, was anion:; the New Orleans delegations arriving today. It was the intention of the BbrcTceorl Jeekey r j Club to put aa ti raees daily, bul owiag te the bad track and the ilelay encoiinlilcd by the barae-lileii iu ahipaiag here from New Orleans six will be the rule for the time betag. I The first tare will be called at 2:M p. in. each I I day. : «