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a i i ■ n • •e . 6 " „ ,;, n t I ,j . ;! 11 I , 1 1 1,1 gaa ln la 1 ■ "«1 T3 Ui nd iff! f I ea I I ill i,. . ir, j ,, J ,j ;ug SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. No track record. PEPPERY POLLY, br. f, 3 97 By McGee— Mirror, by Sir Dixon. Trainer. L. Cahn. Owner. T. J. Pendergast. 52745 F.Gnds ■ r l:10%hvj 20 106 7 7 1 •:* 5»5 F Smith 7 Baric, Wedowood, Julia N. 51366 JeCson 2-4 l:18%hvy 12 in; 11 M 1" !•- MPS F Smith 12 Hi I Hprinrs B.Conrt, l/isrWynne E1J24 .lefson 51 f 1:0s fast 8 MS ! I I !,r •*• F Smith 11 Tan Bon, Boh. Winchester 51383 hurehl ;;-ll:l". good M MO Z 7 7 7 7»J F Smith 7 WlutcStar. Mlersbg, Merrimac 51231 La ton la 3 I 11". -slow 13 113 I 7 7 Ci 8*1 P Smith 12 Acetate, Indine. Draleggo 51167 l.ati.nia 7/ f 1 :"S--0mu l 0 11$ 3 4 t |g .V N Parrett i Pongee. Julia N., Dimples DAHINDA. b. m. 5 110 By Rockton— Oriska, by CUfford. f Trainer C. Clinic Owner. C. Clime i. 51580 la.wi.- 1 1-16 l:.-.liy 23 Ml 2 110 7 7V !■ Hunt 7 Wilfreda, Ahrrette, Kingliafj H 51433 Bowie 1 1-16 1 :."•:;. -.Rood 21 10". 7 :. 4 7 7 7-" K Hunt 7 W.ithrush, Bpearieae, Kliugli. 51443 Bowie 11-16126 slop M 991 S3! 7 I •- I Wefner 8 M.Bosell., M.L*kett, Senmeutal 51368 PUnlico :;-! 1:1: 163 117 8 » a J !•-- P. BaroCBI 0 Alvord, Albert A., Nightstick 50134 Dufriu Ah 5-8 l:04%alow s lis ::- .1 Dnrrntek 1 R.3eanbnrs. Cnrions, Timlterland Kempn AbS-8 lM iaat X 1"S 4" 3V Taylor « Pluviada, Fairy Prince, Steve TONY SUTTON, b. c. 3 102 By Tony Bonero— Maxino Sutton, by Phoenix. Trainer. W. Alford. Owner. W. Alford. ! 763 F.Gnds 5J ;••, 112 a 71 6 6» V Collin 13 M.Gunr. M.Dixon, 52445 F.Gnds 3-4 l:13%faat 30 Ml 13 M 12 13 13" A BicbcrkU Murphy. Bandy H.. Btalae 52271 F.Gnda 3-4 l:15%Bood 15 1"; 7 I 16 13 »»• H King 13 Bak , Omer K.. Leakn Wynne 52135 JeCm n SH 1:15 fast 10 W ■■ 17 8* 8»4 H Kins 1" The Moor, Sea I uurt, s. Springs 52667 Jer •". f I inhw 8 103 2 I 1 l1 1J A vllins lit Secretary. Repent, Calithump 51335 JeCson 5-8 1 .••:; y 6 117. 5 G I o1 V A CaJUaa 12 A-an.Mai I. Secretary. Sealloiird SIR JOHN VERGNE. b. h. 5 M 115 By Sir John Johnson— Auvergne, by Sir Dixon. Trainer. W. St. Vincent. Owner. W. St. Vincent. 52743 F.Gnds 3-4 li.hw si M 8 I 7 4 4*1 A Collhns 13 Destroyer, B.Boberta, PlainBill 524M P.GmIs 1 1 1 1 7-■: 1:17 fast M li" 7 M I I :,,: I - B Martin 11 Boporer. Roisterer, P. Blaasoag _ I F.Gnds 3-4 l:19%nvy 3f 10711 11 11 1|J 7*1 E Martin 13 Kirah, ThdayNighter, TrackMar 51309 Churchl 1 l :.::i -.-fast 163 113 10 13 13 12 13 13«**B Davies 13 Tulsa, Doctor Jim, Lady Britain 61336 1. atom, i 2-4 l:l.-.,fast los ill i C ti 6 614 L, Mink ■ It.OvcrMight. Angnn, P. Paradise ECHOLAND. b. f. 3 M 97 By Sandbar— Gotowin, by St. Gatien. Trainer. J. B. Dunn. Owner, J. Kennedy. 52532 F.Gnda 11-161:41 fast Ml 93 8 01 I I S;1 M BohWta 8 Iwiniurin, Sandy Mac. Undine 57133 Jer son 5-8 l:02%faat 61 113 6 10 11 li5 11" H J Bnrkel2 PbUaader, Secretary, c.tnuinp 52067 JeCson El t l:M%hvy M 1"G 4 7 S 10 Id11 A Richcrklu Tony Button. Secretary. Repent 51864 JeF son i-S 1 : M slow . loo I f. 6 i1 6" A" Hetncta 8 Reluctant, T. Sutton, iilitliump 51723 Jefson 3-4 l:tt%bvy 20 M7 G 7 7 7 :■" L McAtee 7 M.mtillo, Secretary, M.Josphine LADY MILDRED, ch. m, 8 110 y Dick Welles— Incendiary, by Lamplighter. Trainer, C. S. Wilson. Owner, W. F. Strauss. F.Gnda 3-i l:134££aat 20 i08 7 6 5 I" 5*5 B Pool 13 General, Philanderer. Moroni 52723 F.Gnda 8-4 l:16%hvy -•• Ml I I 6 l»l 3»* H Thurberll Reshit, Marinitp. Scrhinn 51334 JeCson 3-4 l:19%mad 20 MS 7 7 | 2» |*1 Q Babin 13 AnnaGalrnp, Lonely, CabaULaaa 51776 JeCson 3-4 l:15%s;ood 12 103 7 6 C 6*1 6* G Babin ! TaaslyTia, Nebraska, Keen Jane 51736 JeCson 3-4 1:17. -hvy 15 lo7 2 2 7. # .".J K Martin 12 Mormon. Safranor, Big Idea i;i77o De vr- 1-41:14 last 42 IM 1 1 1 34 €4 L Gaugel 12 leji Kycs First Pullet, Clark M. BALLYGIHEN. ch. f. 3 M 97 By Handsel— Santa Lucia, by St. Florian. Trainer. A. Luzader. Owner, A. Luzader. ! F.Gnds 3-4 l.i"i..t 101 82112 13 13 12 13»* F And son 13 General. Philanderer. Moroni 52326 JeCson ."•! 1 1 :». 2.". 101 I M 1 13*30* M darner 11 Plantoon. L. Wynne, MaryPonso 51735 JeCson 3-4 l:i:i-.-.hvy 3| MO] 1 6 4 62 6»» H King 7 MoatUlo, Secretary. M Jaapniaa 51646 .lefson f. f 1 :ev -fast 15 104 7 8 7 bl ;".J .1 J MneylL The Moor, P.iu- Sen Uepent 51393 Churchl 7-3 1 :27-"-sfast :i4 Ml 9 7 7 9 9l »«• F Wilson 14 Corflla, Eleanors.. Cat Up D3I3 Churchl 3-4 i:ltl good 12 112 3 10 8 71 7° E Pool la Gohl.Qaiaca, BlancheMae, Corilla ST. JUST. br. c, 4 113 By St. Volma— Mh-ror Maze, by Masetto. Trainer, G. M. Johnson. Owner. J. L. Gruben. 52567 F.Gnda 51 f 147 last 166 117 5 5 1" B» 12«» "W l k son 13 Puebi,,. Ultte Mandie, Circawta 7,211 -I Jet" son 7 r MO 113 7 S S S- I - V B06r*akll2 PainbovM. ii 1. InaKav. Vansylvia 51412 Churchl 1 1-4 2.07-;,fast 77 lo7 5 6 8 S 8 8"7A Collins s Kimpaloug. ParisMaid. J. .Stone 51333 Churchl 1-6 1:21 fast 222 112 9 10 10 9 9l 9" A Collins 10 Anticipate, Larry B., Blue Jeans 53333 churchl 1 l:M%fnat lOf 107 11 13 14 14 14 14» T Murray 14 MarseJohn, BufasBBey, Masola