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WEIGHTS FOR LINCOLNSHIRE Monarch, with 103 Pounds, Favorite for Englands First Big Race. LONDON. England, Pebrnary ::. The English flat racing seas peas at Lincoln Monday, March 11 and i. n tin- tliinl day, Wednesday, March Hi. . i •■ tir-t hit race of the year, the mUe Lincolnshire ; Handicap, i- run. The race rloaed January I last and attracted seventy-sevea entries, among them one of the favorites for the Bpsom Derby, Bh? ! Henry Birjda carl Monarch, which is controlled by the suspended owner and tralaer It. s. Seivier of Sceptre ami Beyal Back fame. Monarch has been assbzned 108 p aads, arhich i a moat reasonable I weight, and be i- certain to he the favorite. ihi- presence of Monarch rather apaH ordlttary handicap calculations. Tin- years Lincolnshire weights, which i r late years was ma a- a fast : mile, range from Grand Fleets I2d ponada ti the eighty pound divfadoa at the end of the H-t I i- iiuiilitiins and weights for the I.inculnshire Handicap are appended: The Lincolnshire Handicap, a sweepatakea, |100 each. ; S it" declared by rneaday, Pebrnary 1, with ,000 added; second, 08, and third, 30; weights published on Jaaaary 27 al aoon; the straigbl mile. lirami iii-it i D. Gant i lit; Poltava W. Raphael 1J4 Glorions II. itapt. .1. Cohn 122 hnagiaaire Capt. .1. Cohn lift I Furious C. Ha try 120 KHii ii..n ill. Waller 120 March Along Lord Derby 119 Wavy Stripe It. Inker 119 Dark Legend Baron Baeyens lis Planet G. Barclay lis I.-K rose ■ i s Joel 11 ; Corn Back J. Joel 117 »tpi ii. Keayon 116 Soranns s. Joel HI Brigand J. de Rothachild ill I Most Beautifnl A. Bendon 114 wily Attorney A. Lowry 114 I Silver Jag F. Gardn 112 Lys II. Major Brugmann ill Dynamo Lord Zettand 1H» [Southern Sir A. Bailey llu lriiei- Herod J. White lid Illuminator E. Short HM» jciaiiun Sir G. Noble 181 | ITgly Duckling A.. Lowry His Royal lliis-ai ii. Hartigan ins Turn Powrie ill. Brown ins Beyal Bucks Marchioness of Qneensberry 187 Arch Gift Major l . McCabnont Ki7 Beggars Opera P. Webb H 7 Ma Ponpee M. Varipati 188 | Lord Tiiain t F. Ingram 188 Lucky Prince A. Oraarod ! ■» l» Sir B. Jardtae 188 PirciLs II. Dickson ifltl Bed Rhetoric Capt. K s;,;rh i MB Royal Ashe D. Harnett KM Bold Boy II. apt. .1. Cobnl 181 Ardavoo II. .la Costa HJ4 Mi ii.ii ii Sir II. Bird 189 Potyclrrus is. Dennis 108 1 , Mambrino F. Benson 181 Al.iir-iy Dnke ui" Westminster 188 Desmond House It. Pope I8H A: il-i nil W. Parrish I Hl1 ; Voxel Mrs. A. Klainl 101 j Royal Alarm F. WUley 100 Shoemaker Mrs. S. Brownlee 180 Adopted Major HoUiday Hhi Jnilp J. Harvii-i 99; .linens i; lilil Sir B. Jardtae 8$ Gleneskaki Major M. Waytaad M Earns il» Fraser H Ardfern L. ImaroanbeJ !i7 Senbora Major l». Da vies I False Report A. Lowry Sprig of Grange ill. Steel M Linggis Boy W. Rirlutrds in 95 Wakeful Willie II. Narris 85 Win the War P. N.-lki-i ill! Wee Mmi .1. Kayli-l M Control Marchioness of Qneensberry Ml Victory Speech !. Benson 82 Pernlc Mrs. P. Kagle 82 GildVd Spur- is. Moore 91 Valentine "i« i D. Goodman i -»l : Woden n. Kenyan W II Lossett C. Kinynni 881 Thermogene J. McLean s7 Messina |F. Stowlmrn st A- v. .! i t.- Lieut. C.i|. B. Johns so Thoughtless Sir i;. Beanmont R8| Blarney stem- T. Pntnam lal Jat-kminl P. Webb _. Sofl Repose Major II. Verschoyle 88 mtons Beanty T. Mitchell " I I -Mil is,;- ,. K,.|i|l-V I St