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TIJUANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19 WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK GOOD. . • j . j 1 ! i I , ■ Racing starts at 1:7,0 p.m. Clllcafro time 3:.-.Jt. ® Superior mud runner. x Knnd mud runner. * Fair mud runner. M Maidens. •Apprentice ■llowaace. b BliakcTS. First Race — 3-4 Mile. 8-year-otda and upward. Clalmfiig Track record: Dec. 39 19M 1:11%— 9— 110i , Todays t ■., Ind. Horse. Oft Rec. A.Wt.Han. ••-!l|:; •Velvet 112 1:14% 7 110X725 ■.207.7. Mack 112 1:14% In 107x720 ■■1-!,:!, Ethel 1101:14% 0 110x715 ..210.,- Cancion 102 1:15% 4 11- 717, 52045 i.swe.t Tooth 115 1:14% 7,11? 715 52054 Rose! lis - ]n- Tln -.20.. I- Mineral Jim 115 1:15% I0117.711-, ■ .2«ic,!i Baby Faust M. .194 1:14% 5 105 X 70.1 52708 la afeteria 100 1:14% 7. lor. 70". :-:11 Vera Wood M...108 1:15% : its 71111 52928 Last haii.e M.. 108 1:15% H 99x700 7.2SS,;- Fannie Na„ M| - 10- ?00 -.2ss, Felicltor loo Kid-- s 107 70,, 52964 •Ilickoi.Miul 10.7 1:17 7 110x700 Second Race — 3-4 Mile. 9-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 1 Track record: Dec. -o. hik; 1:11%. :; Ho. 52955* *Aunt Annie lo: |:u ; ; joj 52957 Ely 98 1:14% I io 120 52889 Mabel Rale 109 1:103 :i os 7r. 52885 July Fly 115 1:14% 7 110 717 K«51 Al Wick g H2..71C 52942* bPretty Baby 108 1:19% 8 115X715 52929 English lady 103 1:10 7 115x715 7.2011 Perfect Day M.. 107 1:10% 4 102x710 52954 Plaything 99 1:10% 4 107 7111 52800 Red Man 109 1:14 7 112x710 ..2sus Frivolous 102 1:10 9 108X705 •-,;sl Links lady M.. s loo. 700 .»2827 Dienero iM 119 1:14 BIOS 700 B2991 Mariels Fat 899 1:14% s nox7oo Third Race— 3-4 Mile. •! rear-olds and upward. Clafaaiag. I Track record: Bee. 20. 1010 1 : 1 1 •-■.-.— H— 110. 52955 •Aparie -la.-k 114 1:19% 7 112x727. .".2041- Mi— Ouri Ml ...1091:15 1; 1H 720 52942* * ;..ldio Base 99 1:13 1 1 7 71". 52954 Miss S dalia 112 1:19% 9 110.. 715 7.2120 Miss Herrmann ...108 1:14% .". no.. 71.", 52944* Pink Teaay 111 1:14% 5 115.!715 52874* Quid None ill 1:14% 12 117x710 52887* Viva 100 1:14% 9 105X710 52900 •Chantress 119 1:15% 7 110.. 710 52919 Striker 115 1:18% 11 1123fc710 52959 *Tru!:Ule 111! IK:1-. 0 112..70.J 52955 I. Hilly Joe ill 1:15% 9 117®7or. 7.2000 Dora Star 102 1 :20% 7, 110. .7o.i 52044 Argento 117-1:14% 7 ll7:*.7Co Fourth Race — 5-8 Mile. :; year oMs and upward. Claiming. Track record: May 20, 1920 59 t 107. 52945- HAMILTON A. .117 :59% 6 110 X 750 52877 shifty 94 1:00% 3 91x740 7.2707. *|ov Dewey 98 1:01 9 99x740 7.LO.V.M Myrtle A loti :59% s 107. .740 52945 ilear Kike . hh; 1:00% 7 108..7#7i "2017. Mary Refarri 04 1:01 3 BfXlH 51197 bBast Indian I 99. .725 Fifth Race— 1 Mile. :.-. ear olds and upward. • llalmiag. Track record: Jaae 17. 1918 — 1:98 -3 95. 52921 *8edgegrasa 971:44% l !hjx725 7,2010- Nebulous 04 1 :4-_".-,-v 3 020720 52876 •tlreat Hawk 99 1:99% 4 101.. 717. 52891* *Cavalcadour II. ..109 1:41% 7.101x71". 52878- bPiedra 1»- 1 :88% 0 105X715 52904 *Orcbid King 109 1:49 0 194.. 710 528041 Reydo 114 1:99% 7 111.. 707. 52585= Commander 115 1:41% 5 104.. 796 52851= Khelan M 93 1:44 3 85.. 705 52947s Bob Baker 1111:49% 5 104 * 700 7.2021 s.-a Way 102 1:41 5 106. . 700 7.20.2 Water AVilh.w 100 1:41 7.107; 7O0 Sixth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. 8 year-aids and upward. Claiming. Track record: June 24, 1919—1:46—9—110. 7.2072 bMouutain ;irl .... !it: 1:4s-, 4 107,.. 72.". 52960 Cork 196 1:47% 9 197x720 7.2070 •Oeorgo JJueblebacblO* 1:49% 7.112x715 52958* But land Arms ....100 1:49% 7 112.. 715 52902 •Perfect Lady MM 1:48% 4 102X710 52958 Modiste 109 l:54%s 4 105x71o 52058 •Cobrita t7 1:48% 8 107x707. 7.2033 Audrey K !.", 1 :47:1j tj 115x700 Seventh Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Dec. 28, 1910— 1:11%— 9— HO. 52850 » llie Wood 107. 1:14% 4 199 725 i7.20.,ii Ben Payne 110 1:19% 0 112.720 7.2070-■ *Mex 113 1:14 0 1120717. 7,207.0 »MIss Darnell 99 1:19% 4 107X717, 7.207,0 •Tillotson 112 1:14 !t 112X710 52984 Delancey 198 1:12% s 114x710 7,2X01 Kvalyn Harrigaa. . 104 1:14% 5 109 .71o 52954 *Welga 198 1:15% s lo7®70o 69941 Master Franklin... 114 1:16% 9 10 »X700