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t ■ D 8 n ■ i I I ,, k t II I s e " 8 n ir y II " , 1 s ,s i* K. ; k y ,, Z . k III ■ " " * 1,1 d In id b fl ,1 1] SEVENTH RACE — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Dec. 20. 1916—1:11 2-5—3—110. 0LLIE WOOD. ch. c. 4 109 By Doncaster— Seddie King, by Leonid. Trainer. F. Samples. Owner. J. S. McDaniels. 96* Tijuana 3-4 1:14 Uf 112 2 111" l*D Powell II J.J.Murdock Bls.PoIly, MevaOa 52770 Tijuana 3-4 11 M6 . I* 1 Powell 11 Rif.Shooter. Col. Matt. L. Chance 52652 Tijuana 6i f l:lll.-,mud 6:. lot 5::;i Powell 7 Mex, Aunt Annie 526*5 Tijuana 5-8 1434fchvy 77 1*3 B» V Powell 12 Maanchen, Bamma, Divland 524*2 Tijuana 5-8 141*fcfaat 110 los .;• | R Dority !t Lit. Jake. B.McCarty, BdLaTasj Tijuana 6-8 143%hvy 21f 110 9-1 Rows I E.Traoter. Nasledovatt YalliV. BEN PAYNE, b. g, 6 112 By Tim Payne— Gottliebcn, by Rubicon. Trainer. H. Bell. Owner. Millerick Bros.. I Tijuana 3-4 l:16%good 6 Ml I 2 1 1J 1" C Tmpsonll Minl.lini. ThrifiyThree. Rosellis 134 Tijuana 3-4 i:l;»;.mu l lit" M8 8 8 8 8 7* W Taylor H Maachea, AuatAaate, C. the Way 52878 Tiju. in i 3-4 1 47 MS I t S ** C Tmnooa B W.Mgomery, DJMae, M.larnell 52485 Tijuana 5-8 l43%mod 5 110 Bled. P Martinez H Cicely Kay, Welga, Kintfleader 52424 Tijuana K I 1 :"7-.-tast 13 M9 -le!, 1 Marttnea R OrcbM Kmg, Riaghmder, Velvet 523*3 Tijuana 3-4 l:14*4jrood 5f 1l 1*" R Carter M Bitty Joe, Plunger. YaJma _i:ii lijuana 3-1 i:i: lof ]o»i io" N Foden 11 K.Cheatkam, B. Raker, IkeMlOs 024S Reno 1 1:40. fast 7 114 l*| J Muleahy 1 Soaslacb, RutlanilArras, Reveler HEX. h. g. 9 112 By Mexican — Eastern Shore, by The Bard. Trainer, J. A. Parson. Owner. J. A. P«r»on iC Tijuana 55 f 148 good i IM 8 I 6 33 :" B Mart* eUl » Perch, ClrtkeWay. MisaPamell 52*52 Tijttana 6| t l:ll%mnd 2 113 I* H Rowe 7 Velvet, Aunt Annie. Rinalender 52581 Tijuana 5-8 1 :tJ6«ialow U-» 112 Pi B Marielll • MfatsParnell, M.rraaklia, dispie 52546 Tijuana 6i f 1:11. -.mud 5 110 1 JB Maritliiln PaaHsae, I. Brigade, Mil.Eut-tta i24*2 Tijuana 3-4 i :15 -.slop 21-Kf 112 7"M Blgbter 7 Deckhand, Yukon, Rens Wing 624*6 Tijuana 6-8 l:01" 7 108 P D Rowe «t ertiudel!.. BJpoata, ThtySeven 52024 Tijuana 3-4 1:14 fast 33-10 117 Vi «1 Yeargin 8 May Mrinlshy, John .Tr.. Ca.-iimbo M94o Tii nana R» f 1 :09M,mud 1 112 1»» f! Y-argin 9 Milda. bewta i:.. Tillotson MISS PARNELL. ch. f, 4 107 By Seth— Lady Elizabeth, by Orsini. Trainer. G. Veal. Owner. G. VealL 52956 Tijuana 5J 1 !48 good«-lt 101 5 3 I 15 I" . M Blgbter S Perch. Mex. Clear the Way 5287K Tijuana I I 13%faat 5 M9 2 3 3 2- 3*1 M Slghter H W.MtgMaery, DoaJoae, lizarro _s. i Tijuana l 1:42 fast 1-5 if«". v M Slghter s Bardora, Uhaotresa, ; oldie Rose Tijuana" 3-4 l:174sbvy 11-1 l» M Slghter » PriaceWrect, BILJoe, DkkieW. 52581 Tijuana 5-8 l:0o4»low 6 109 1- W Taylor • Master Franklin, Mex, Cr:spie 52525 Tijuana 65 f 1:18 slop 22 US -Hi C Gross Hi Mannelien. Chrome. Pretty Baby 72423 Tijuana 6 f 141 18-5 1««7 B*| B Rowe 11 MahelRule. BeesWiag, Sis. Polly :2214 Tijuana 3-4 1:14 fast 5 109 1*1 R Carter S Milda, Velvet. Plunger TILLOTSON. br. g, 9 11* By Marta Santa — Black Banner, by Masetto. Trainer. C. C. Richards. Owner, C. C. Richards. 5295* Tijuana 53 t l:th ko.-.I M 115 :. "• 8 : ,; P Martinez 9 Perch. Mex, Clear the Way 52874 Tijuana •■-■ 141 faat o IM M l M 3 *J 7»J H Rowe in IhsdeAdams, QuidXanc, I.ISahio 52703 Tijuana 5-3 f l:08%fast 6 112 4". C Whitton s Riposta, Welga, Tempy Runeau ;.i64s Tijuana 55 f l:ll%mod 2 117 ""I I llas.s s Lit. Prince sa. T. Duncan. UJalM . - T luana y l46*4slon 11 M 117 1 " Thpson In KucLady. Nledovati, C. Murphy "547 Tijuana 61 1:12 mud S 116 2* C Thpson !l Riposta, Ceo.Jaaaea, Apple .lack 52:4*8 Tijuana 6-3 1:02 -.mud 5 115 2" B Haywd H Ripaata, Chrane. Vnhln- Tranter 62437 Tijuana l l 4i".fast I 115 3*1 E BayWd 7 PriauDlrect, Iwisi*.., Chaatia— DELANCEY, b, p. 8 114 By Bock Sand — Delusion, by Meddler. Trainer, B. E. Graham. Owner, B. E. Graham ".2934 Tijuana 3-4 l:l*Kmud llf 1*8 I :; 1 *5 s" • Clements Mnachca, AuatAaaie, C. the Way 29*3 Tijuana lm7*j i:M faat 66 113 2 11 l 1| •" -i CI ments 7 CBoltera, Shendoah, Bjfc. tireen s; Tijuana 6-8 141 faat 43 ill I s I 6* 6*5 E Bayw*dl0 DndeAdaaas, QnidNnnc, KISabio 831 Tijuana 51 f 147ifast lof M7 3 6 6 S3 s-R MeCr*nn it Walter Mack. Little Beach. Neg 52792 Tijuana 1 iil.fa.-t 7 IM 3*1 B Baywd W M.Maaage, A p. Jack, Lit.Pncess 52755 Tijuana 2-1 1 1 123 111 PJR MoCrna !» R.L.Owea. Nejr. W. Montgomery 52612 Tijuana 5. f l : »■.. slow IS 117 I" B Baywd 8 W.Mgomery. W.Mack, UBoack 52*96 Tijuana 5-8 141Hfaat 4j 113 4- w Binphy it QertrmieJt., Ripaata, ThtySeven EVALYN HARRIGAN, ch. m, 5 109 By Harrigan— Vancena, by Batten. Trainer, E. F. Wright. Ov.uer, G. Kellv. . ■ .Xl Tijuana 1 l-ll 1:4! fast l •■ 2 11 2 1*1 1* W Hinphy "• IrbdiMd. CavdourIL, SamHill 53683 Tijuana 1 1:45 slow 9-5 h7 I , B Marlelll 8 Apple Jack, Chaatreaa, F. Nurse 53608 Tijuana ."■ " f l:10%alow 5 110 I* A Keigler 10 M.Eoretta, Dot B., Maud M. 52 61 Tijuana 1 l:44*igood 17-5 103 8 | M Slghter 11 G. Plush. BrownBee, Cbat.Coart 52278 Tijuana lm7*y l:4*Vifast 88 MS 7,;; A Keigler 7 stel.ilff. Audrey K.. Concha "2211 Tijuana 3-11:14 29 MS 7* A Belgter 8 Milda. Velvet, Pbsager ,2147 Tijuana 6| t l." lof Ml ■, K Taylor it Yukon. Delaacey, I over Tp 52106 Tijuana 6-8 141*cfaat it M* 7*| W Binpby 11 Little Jake, I. Brigade, Daisy N. 51964 Tijuana 6-8 141 fast 44f 113 S i W Hinphy 8 Clear Lake, Riposta, Milda WELGA. br. m, 8 107 By King James — Wealth, by Rainbow. Trainer, C. C. Emmert. Owner. Clear Lake 8t»ble. _.| Tijuana 3-4 1:151 good 18 IM 4 1 : J II" II Howe 11 It. Payne. Min.Jim. TliriftyTkree Tijuana lm70y l:49%mnd 13 1*7 2 1 2 6 »; 6-° 11 Rowe K Our.Maid. Gea.Byag, JndgeDavid vs7 Tijuana 1 8t 1*7 112 I 7 71B H Rowe 7 l.toloinr. P.-r.Lady. I.. frimess 52793 Tijuana 3-4 1:14 fast is MS 712 H Row.-. II Bmit.Mag., Mer.Lss. BgaaaH*r 52703 Tijuana 5! f 148%faat 49 IM 2* H Lowe 8 Ripaata, TempyDnacaa, TilhMfeaa 52579 Tijnana 5-8 l46%alow 7 lltt I" H Rowe 11 Daisy St., Pretty Itahy, McOaaa 52507 Tijuana lm *y l..".o.hy 7 11* 9» H Rowe 10 I.a t.Mnfn. Gea.Byag, Salifge :is:. Tijuana 5-8 l:0:.-:-.mud a MS -- H Rowe 8 Cicely Kay, Ringleader. Review MASTER FRANKLIN, blk. g. 9 109 By Modrid— Zirl, by Sain. Trainer. L. Anderson. Owner, L. Ander«onl. .. Tijuana i I494jj 1ou 21 IM 7 8 .; * 6:| A Zcigler II lliunn.a. .-!v.-t. W. t . Dooly 52SX5 Tijuana I I :"v faat 4.". 115 I 8 * 45 7*1 Keigler 12 CoLMurpby, Voihaut. Mankmll. 52826 Tijuana 55 1148 fast 11 117 11 M 7 7 8*1 A Keigler 13 Shoreacres, S.-a Reach, Rosellis 5266» Tijuana 5-8 14*Hhvy 29 118 : 1J E Pator 11 tTr tbeWay, Naslvatl, Haisy.N. 52581 Tijuana 5-8 1 or.-t-slow 52 110 2- A Keigler 9 Miss Pamell, Mex. Crispie 52457 Tijuana 6 t Lo.tislop 27 loft fi5 T Kindle 8 B-.Pasbioa, Pastime, B.McCarty 62259 Tijuana 6| f 148Hfaat 27 110 4* R Fator 13 C. the Way, P. Direct, itosellis 62MS Tijuana 6-8 141*andfaat •* 110 4" ■ Fator 11 Little .lake. L Brigade. Daisy N.