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AMERICAN GRAND NATIONAL HORSE . - In Eagiiah raciag there are still a few relics of f the days when American horses were awjte an element iu the spirt oer there. Aaaaag them is a ii teii-yeai -old gektlagi bjr Orinondale -Ileitie Itramble. by l.iamble. naitnil The hole. This berac has acquired - I a respectable reputation as a freaaaal dinner - i of steeplec liases in reeent years, wlaaiag live t I littt of idevc-n in 1!C I. and being placc-d m three e I more. He is a Liverpool Orand National Stee|d-. aasc- cHiididati-. aad that he is not overb okcel in 11 I that Krcatcsi oi Jaaaytag race* is indicated bg tlu-fact thai lie was apportioned Ill; pounds in its allotment - of weights and hat hi- is „nly 31 to 1 in ii the latest betting notations. He N a sound and I hardy customer and won the principal steeplechase e at the recent ftatwtefc meeting without much trouble. His starting would add a fillip to tin- interest felt t on this si,|e in the outcome of the- big Liverpool race. «