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TWO BRUCE LOWE FAMILIES -• Thoroughbred Groups Full of Vital Sires, Mares and Racers. a Hindoo from Number 24 Family — Comus and Young Melbourne Stars of Number 25. i e BY BKILB. 1ioni fan.ily No. 24 come two. Camel and The ; Baron, and perhaps fuce. la Hindoo, of the most | intliiential sires that ever lived, hut horse folks J as ■ Ins.. are rather prune to look askance on members of family No. 24. for no especial reason. Camel was ■ dark brown horse, foaled in 1382, • and is described in that most valuable addition to I turf literature. "The Stallion Record.- as one "sup- ; pi.sed ta l c the puckest of the Whalebones, but was generally lame and his form was never known." ; Ciunel. Iiowcmi. wea racea, including a handicap j al N.-wniarket and the Subscription and Post Stake-. i and aKo became the sire of Toacbatone, his brother, the St. Leget alaaer Laaaeelet, Arcky and CaraTan, The l.aii.n. a daik chestnut, was foaled la 1S42 and won the St. fattt and Cesarewitcli and s.imed eat as the sire of BjtOCkwefl and Kataidan. j and it i- to these two. Camel and The Itaron. that ■ the Teat majority of the Kclip-o Itoraei trace in the male line. The No. "24 hor c Hindim is the sir. of Hanorer, Ibne Gere. BalUe McClelland, etc.. and ! ■ is .ne whose blood still everts | marked influence , ii! the production of the best of our race bataea of i the present day. Other forceful members ef the ; N.». 24 family aie the Ilemh Derby and Grand Prix winner Front in. Vengeance, Marquis de Cara- j lias. He.tuvais. Claret. Cumerino. Mountain Deer I and Chippendale. Of the No. 24 fouudation mares Maiden, by Sir Pater, bred an unnamed daughter to Selim. and Ihis Selim male, the dam of Camel and bin -isters i Camel iua and Stay-.. Caatetlaa, the dam of Colo- jiynth. wliich foaled New Warrior, a successful sire in the Antipodes and best i.iuembere.1 as the sire of Flora Mrlvor, granddam of Trenton. To Colo- j eyath also traces imported Weather Witch, dam of j KoiiMi and of Florence, dam of Hindoo and his sister Florida, which a turn hied that calcinated race mare Kirenze. the winner of foity-cisrht races and over SU2.ihmi. and Pinnae al-o aaceatreaa of the dual 1 1-8 mile record balder of ls»li. Beat*. To Rtaye trace Claret, Mountain Deer. SjUanus. Caaserlaa, en-.anre and Front iii. Maiden, by Sir Iet.r. aaceatreaa of theee, runs Bach to the female line of Maiden, by Mateheni, and Maid.ns beat llaaghter, Matron, kj flaslial. srMefc. bred Camels aaceatreaa, an unnamed tlaaghter af Phenomenon. and Minstrel, by sii Peter. Minstrel i aaeeatreei t Misv Prati and Theresa Paaaa. MKs Pratt foaled Echidna, dam of Handy anil The Karon, and is the foundation mare of the btrgeet but not the bee mod.-rn -day branch of the So. LM family, fur Mime The Itarons day no really influential sire fioin the Kehidna braieh of the ". -i family has .oiiie. Theresa Paaaa i aaceatreaa of the Piix de Diane winner Wirtbachaft, dam of Beaavaia, The Maiden by Sir Peter bra act of the Mo. J I family. I am eon in. ed. i-. as geed as the beat, l-otii as to Orat-rate race becaea and iaftaeattal sins, and it does seem incredible that iu- Haw Rhoaid so suffer from neglect. That this Mae is in.; nsjarectated as it ■hoarid be is evidenced from the reel that it is only threanh Weather Witch here in this eountiy and through Stoc kwells daush-ter Lady Saajhle abroad that the Maiden flame is k«pl alive and from now ea it would appear that tin- Maiden by Sir Pater bianeh of the No. 24 family «in be known only to the ehreaUder. I lie east two really arertb While horses in nil the liiMory of the N . L." family are Comus and Yonn;. Methearae The Mateheai line ones its very eziatence to the former and the Maid of Maahaaa family its success to Younc Melbourne. The name of North Lineoln. of course, figures bi the make-up of li..val Hanii.fon and His Bighaeaa; King Hal in the pedisre.- of Oeateatar; Chlaa once led the winning sirea ef l-ranc- but was ■eaaethlag of :i failure after his bnportation here. The aaase powerful line of Slane. 1S.1.". has eeased to ejst: nothing much is heard theee days ,,f the activities of Flying Kos s-,n Oourenaat; the Derby winner Sefton was a failure as a sire: Goata name in Frame is not iiiueh spoken: Lilyvale. I know, area the S dney tup in Australia, and Chasseur has five victories to his credit in this c.untry ihis season, and freas this it aaaaM appear that the day of the No. •_." I.orse is done; but. no. there is this season that really remarkable Irish-bred filly Pharuiaeie to bo reckoned with, for Phnrmaoic is judged to he. by the official Knglish hniidicapper. to be within ,-i few pounds of sii.-h flyers as Monareh and Leigbtoa. In relation to the rather sketchy success of members of the No. o.-, unity it may not be out of place to dire.-; attention to the fact that the sU. -• ess. when it does come, of few members is indisputably due to a comingling of the strains of Herod. Mat. hem and Eclipse. The No. ur horse and life saver for the Mateheni liae t omus. lsoH. was. of course, ef Matchem de-s, ent and was from the Herod mare Houghton Las-, by Sir Peter. Young Melbournes dam Clarissa was a daughter of Pantaloon; Herod from an unminicl daughter of Qleaene. Herod! Is it any wonder then that ihis Matchem to double Herod horse should have had each a tremendous influence on the Maid Of Masham family. The No. ."i filly Phurniacie, too. is a daughter of the Kclipse sire Charles UMal- lejr, by Ptcocrlethm, by the Bered, laiawfnrd from If. ! .. by Marco, Matchem. The i-ady response of the otherwise irresponsive No. 29 mares ,i the blending of the blood plan of mating is but additional proof thai this is the surest plan by which the best of the s may be bred.