Brooklyn Handicap Stars: Fine Array of Horses in Aqueducts Historic Handicap.; Winners of 1919 and 1920 Among the Entries--Other Events Well Patronized., Daily Racing Form, 1921-03-10


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BROOKLYN HANDICAP STARS Fine Array of Horses In Aque ¬ ducts Historic Handicap Winners of 1919 and 1920 1920Among Among the Entries Other OtherEvents Events Well Patronized NKW YORK X Y March 9 Tlio current metrojiolitan racing season bids fair to furnish sport of the highest class if the iiality and num ¬ ber of the horses engaged in the stakes of the various organizations racing under the Jockey Clubs jurisdiction may lie taken as a guide The nominations for the features of the Queens County Jockey Clubs midsummer meeting at Aqueduct which have just closed with an increased patronage attest this thisThe The Brooklyn Handicap of 10000 one of the feature events of spring racing since 1SSS prom ¬ ises to have unusual interest this year because of the number of good threeyearolds engaged in it In the history of the race six threeyearolds have won it Conroy in 1JOl Irish Lad in 1903 Super ¬ man in 1007 Celt in 1HOS Friar Bock in 11 and Kternal in 101W Whether any of the threeyear olds engaged this year come up to the standard of Irish Lad and Friar Bock the best of those named above remains to be seen Tryst er Prudery Grey Lag Inchcnpe and Leonardo II have shown clns enough however to make it interesting for the older division the best of which now appear to br Exterminator Cirrus last years winner Mad Hatter Sir Itartoii Hilly Kelly Boniface Wildair Dr Clark Lanius John P tJrier Naturalist Fail Gain The Porter On Watch Doiinaeona Audacious Enfilade Blazes Paul Jones Horron Sennings Park Tlie Wanderer and Kternal The appearance of the last named pair among the nominations is interesting Eternal beat mother good threeyear old in Purchase when he won the lirooklyn in 1010 but the fact that he was in receipt of twelve pounds nuist not be lost sight of The first mile on that Occasion was covered in l3 i and Eternal was home first by three lengths lie went wrong a little later and has been in retirement for more than a year and half The Wanderer has not raced since he was a twoyearold but both he and his fleet stable companion are said to be training soundly and their appearance in public will be awaited with interest interestBROOKLYN BROOKLYN HANDICAP WINNERS WINNERSThe The tabled history of the ISrooklyn Handicap since its first running is as follows followsYear Year Winner Age looker Wt Value Time Time1SS7 1SS7 Dry Monopole OAMCthvUir r80 207 1 SSS Tlie iSaril 70 I lay ward 12V IULT 1N Exile 7 Hamilton HO 0500 207 IStW Castaway II 4 BunnKM Oyoo 210 1891 Teiiny Barnes 128 11800210 118002101S92 1S92 Judge Morrow 208iIS A CuvitiKtuiiil 1770 208i IS Diablo 7 Taral112 177i 0 20 201SIU 1SIU Dr Ilice 4 Tnral112 1770 2 7 181 Hornpipe J Hamiltunior 77r 0 211 211ISSMi ISSMi Sir Walter C Taihl113 7750208 77502081S 1S 7 Howard Mann 1 1II 20li3il II Martin I0 5 77oO 20li3i l iS Ornament H T SIonn127 7800 7800210 7800210ISO 210 ISO 1SOO Banaslar 4 I Maher110 7SOO 20 4 i 1 POO Kinley Mack I McCae122 McCae122lSOt 7800 210 lSOt Conroy 3 OConnor 102 102l02Beiia 7WMI 20 l02Beiia 4 OConnor 104 104100H 7800 207 100H Irish Lad 3 F ONeill 10 14050 205 1001 The Picket 4 Hclgeseail HclgeseailHtOTt 15500 l06f HtOTt Delhi 4 T Burns 124 124lOOGTokalon 15800 20 K lOOGTokalon 5 Ikdell 108 15800 205v 1007 Superman 3 W Miller 59 59lfOS 15800 200 lfOS Celt 3 NotterlOB 10750 21V 1009 King James 4 K Dugan120 3850 201 1510 Filz Herbert 4 K Dugan130 JSOO 205J 1913 Whisk Broom II 0 0Not Not tor 130 3125 2C3 3 1014 Buckhorn 5 JMeCaheyli 3350 20S 1015 Tartar 5 I McTaggart10 385t I50v5 1 51 Friar Bocji 3 K HayneslOS 3850 150 1017 Borrow 0 W Knapp117 Knapp117101S 4850 149 101S Cudgel 4 L Lyke129 4850 100 1019 Kternal 3 A Selnittinger105 4850149 5 1920 Cirrus 1 L EnsorlOS 580 150 No racing in 1011 and 1012 Bun at Belmont Park in 1013 and at Gravescnd prior to 1911 Distance IVi miles previous to 1015 1015OTHER OTHER STAKES ATTRACT STARS STARSNext Next to tht Brooklyn in point of importance comes the Dwyer Stakes for threeyearolds entire colts and fillies This is at a mile and an eighth and has an added value of 5000 Tryster Pru ¬ dery Inehcape Grey Lag Montalvo Pliiribus Kirklevingtou Touch Me Not Oriole Star Voter Leonardo II Mnleiber I5ou Ilomme Nancy Lee and Smoke Screen are some of the eligibles Tryster was a good twoyearold and he may be a great threeyearold Leonardo II and Inehcape showed fine form and it must be admitted that Grey Ixig showed high class Prudery Nancy Lee Careful Step Lightly and the other fine fillies have not been considered in connection with the Dwyer as they will no doubt be reserved for the Gazelle which is for their sex only It would lit remarkable for one of them to win the Dwyer in a year when the colts possess such merit Tanya took the Belmont Stake in 1005 the only occasion a filly has won the nice in the fiftythree years it has been a fixture of the turf turfThe The Gazelle ought to be a fine race this year Prudery Careful Nancy Leo and Step Lightly were speedy twoyearolds and the first named was great at all times Among the other nominations for the Gazelle are some that gave promise of going well over a long distance Of these were TenLee Polly Ann Banksia Scotland Yet Conine and Idle Dell DellAqueduct Aqueduct has two 10 XMi stakes for twoyearolds the Great American and Tremont anil both oC them have received bumper nominations The prog ¬ eny of every good horse in the country is Humiliated for them Among the probable starters are the first of the scions of Hourless Thunderer and Mont dOr three young stallions whose progeny are said to be promising promisingThe The jumping features have been well patronized also and much new crosscountry material will be seen between the flags during the meeting Presi ¬ dent Slievlin and secretary Fred Beliberger may await the opening of their meeting with com ¬ placency as they have the horses necessary to furnish the usual brand of fine sport to their patrons

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