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SECOND RACE About 58 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming PEPPERY POLLY br f 3 3Trainer 105Leishman 105 By McGee Mirror by Sir Dtxon Trainer AV Carr Owner J Leishman 33158 Shport 78 1 29 fast 12 OS 5 G i 5 5 = Zl J IcCoy C Assume Horelt Ouklawn Belle 53119 Shport 51 f lOSfast 10 101 1 2 22 31 3 J G Babin G Trusty Back Bay Port Light 53010 Shport 51 f 116 hvy 1 56 2 21 1U I3 L McDott 7 MMoore Parrish MadGingham 52975 Shrevept Bi f l18hvy 95 97 2 22 2s 1J L McDott 7 LadyMildred StJust TySutton 32745 PGnds 51 f l10hy 20 106 7 7 4 C 51 P Smith 7 Doric Wedgwood Julia N 51P66 Jefson 34 1 aSvshvy J JIZ LiseWynne10j 106 11 10 10 102 10 3 P Smith 12 SilSprings SCourt LiseWynne 51924 Jefson 5J f 108 fast 8 8513S3 10j 9 8 9 9 9 P Smith 11 Tan Son Itolo AVinchester 513S3 Churchl 34 115 good 3 36 109 2 777 7 1 P Smith 7 AVhiteStar Mlersbg Merrimac 51237 Latonia 34 l15slow 1 112 S 7 7 6i 5 1 P Smith 12 Acclaim Undine Oralcggo 51157 Latonia 5J f lOS mud 5 113 3 44 51 5 N Barrett 9 Pongee Julia N Dimple I CORKEY W ch g 3 120 By Barnesdale Nellie Meir by Peter McCue Trainer F Heavcner Owner G Drumhiller 53142 Shport 51 f l09fast 85 112 1 1 1 2 2s A Collins 8 Shandou Petrograd XkLoudon 26200 Latonia 34 llS fast Gi 112 1 2 3 6 10 J Dursch 12 JJHrt TCallaway PdeChancc IJGOU Latonia 34 l12fast 31 106 2 1 1 5i nei A Picknns 12 Othello Milestone First Ballot 359S7 Latonia 34 llIVigood 43 106 3 1 1 3 43 A Pickons 12 ClarkM BillyJoe XctySimplUx FIRST PULLET b m 5 115 115Trainer By Cock o the Walk Kerr by Uncommon Trainer F Mallory Owner C R Daly 531ir Shport 5i f 1OS fast 7 llo 4 3 4 4h 3 E Smith 10 Propagda Sliandon LitMaudic 53154 Sliport Ci f l08rast 2J 106 7 7 4 3 oi 11 Holway 8 LitMaudic StJust SirJAgne 53122 Shport 7S 1 30 fast 910 110 2 1 3 5 3i 31 L McDott 9 KinglingH Horeb FountahiFay 530S6 Shport 1 IJ 1J B Smith 7 LMandie LndyJldred DRoma 53050 Shport 51 f 117 hvy Si 96J 2 2 21 22 J McCoy 0 Mh Moore Cockroacli Hopover 51S3 PGnds 3 ll4 fast 15 103 5 7 GI 4s J McCoy 13 General Philanderer Moroni 52722 PGnds 3 l16ihvy 12 100 1 7 71 7 i J McCoy 11 Resist Marmitc Serbian 52GOO FGnds 3 113 fast 15 101 S 8 5 r J J Mney 9 InaKay CarlineS DonuaRoma 52415 PGnds 3 lUSVifast 5 10 1 3 7 61 6 J Roberts 13 Murphy Sandy H Blaise 523U2 FGnds 3 Ill7ifast 7 105 12 9 S 7 J J 3Ineyl3 Midian Loys Old Sinner 60655 Laurel 3 l13 fast 85 107 7 6 7i 6i A Allen 11 Cobalt Lass Kirah Deckhand DeckhandBy SIR JOHN VERGNE b h 5 5Trainer 120 120Owner By Sir John Johnson Auvergno by Sir Dixon Trainer W St Vincent Owner Vincent VincentS 531GG Sliport 51 f 1OS fast 15 115 S 91 911 A CollinS 10 Propaganda Sliandon FirstPult 5S154 bhuort 5i f lOS fast 10 lit J 5 41 4 J A Collins 8 LitMuudic StJust FirstPult 53122 Shport 7S 130 fast 12 no 4 4 5 = 1 A Collins 0 Kingling II Horeb First Pullet 52074 Shport 51 f l14hvy 10 120 3 6 = 61 A Collins 7 StJust Mormon Mickey Moore 5304S Shport 51 f llShvy 41 ns 2 22 11 A Collins 7 Repent Finau Rooster AusPct 53013 Shport sj us 1 2i 31 A Collins 8 Horeb Plato Hand Sweep 52975 Shrevept 51 f l18hvy 4J 115 3 41 51S A Collins 7 PepperyPolly LMildred StJust 52743 PGnds 34 llGJ hvy 7 4 4i A Collins 13 Destroyer BRoberts PlainBlll 52496 FGnds Im70y 147 fast 9 9 95 E Martin 11 Hopover Roisterer P BJossom PETROGRAD ch g 7 120 By Peter Quince Carthagena by St Carlo CarloW Trainer A W S Brumficld Owner Romer Brumfield 53157 Shport 51 f I0i7sfast G 113 5 656 Gi S AVida U RGoosc XLuiidon AmerRose 53142 Shport 51 f l09fast 15 112 2 3 3 3i 3 II Ericl n 8 Shandou CorkeyW XickLondon 5313 Shport 51 f llOslow 21 116 G 788 8 H Ericksn 8 Propaganda AirRe OUlFaithful 5S1CG Shport 51 f lOSgood 10 115 2 22 3l 3 ° H Ericksn 7 Assume RoscoeGoose PlainBill 53085 Shport 51 f 113 hvy 12 115 3 11 21 S3 J Shelpets S MGiugham FinRster Dlwood Dlwood51fl18hvy 5S049 Shport 51fl18hvy 15 106 1 1 3 4s 42 H Ericksn St Just Philippic Ivanmist 41208 FGnds 51 f lllhvy 20 114 10 10 11 II2 H S SndmanlU P Connelly Sosius Early Sight 37783 OalUwn 51 f 108 fast 20 107 6 10 10 9 9Z3 J Dursch 12 Hwfa Hazel Dale Hazelnnt 37698 Oaklwn 61 f 107 fast 10 109 7 5 7 7i SS C Borel 12 B AVilliams Liberator Old Bob 37304 FGnds FGndsST 34 l12Vifast 12 116 1 9 10 10l 12 P Louder 12 Korfhnge HarryMason SyLad ST JUST br brTrainer c 4 4G By St Volma Mirror Maze by Masetto Trainer G U Johnson Gruber 531156 Shport 51 f 108 fast 1 5 Ch 71 P Murphy 10 Propaganda Shandou FirstPult 53154 Shport 51 f lOSfast 2 2i 2J P Murphy S LUMuudlo FPullet SirIABUC 03071 Shport 51 f l14hvy L 1 11 inn F Murphy 7 Mormon MickMoore JusGoebl 53049 Shport 51 f llSvihvy 1 Il I2 P Murphy C Philippic Ivanmist Petrocrad 53010 Shport 51 f 116 hvy G C1 G12 G Babin 7 Pepylolly MickMoore Parrish Ei975 Shrevept 51 f l18hvy 5 4 3 331 P Murphy 7 PepPolly LMildred T Sutton 52567 PGnds 51 f 107 fast 10 12s 12 AAr Dkson 13 Pueblo Little Maiidie Circulate 52114 Jefson 51 f l07fast 3 8 8 8 W Bogskll2 RainbowGirl InaKay Vansylvli 51412 Churchl 1 14 207fast 8 8 SlA Collins S Kimpalong ParisMaid TCStono 51353 Churchl 7S 128 fast 9 9 9 A Collins 10 Anticipate Larry B Blue Jeans VALERIE WEST br m 7 115 115Trainer By Bannockburn Sinfi by Loyalitt Trainer J Robertson Owner J P Lyons 53130 Shport 51 f 109 good 135 110 I 4 42 4 ° J Shelepets 7 Tony Cousin o Mine Dillty 530S9 Shport 51 f l13hvy 1 JOS 3 3 21 33 J Shelepets 7 DrShafcr Parrisli Nicklxjndon 5C063 Shport 51 f 117 hvy 35 103 1 1G 1 I8 I12 J Shelpets 5 CleanLp M Gingham Comacho 53032 Shport G f l13 = hvy 5 101 3 3 4 2C J Shelepots S L Mildred Mormon M Fonso 52G91 PGnds 34 llVifast 30 100 C 5 51 G 3 J Shelpets 13 Lancelot OaklnBello Marmite 52393 FGnda 34 laUfast 12 103 1 6 9ilO E Martin 13 IIBurgoyne Ragazza OticLass 52322 PGnds 34 l14fast 10 105 1 LO 7 = 4 H Ericksn 13 Midian Ioys Old Sinner 52232 PGnds 34 1 lShvy S 99 7 4 31 45i AV BogskllS Burgoyne Kezlah Mickey Moore 52069 Jefson 34 117 hvy 7 107 2 1 14 21 AV Bogskl 0 IIBurgoyne Poullney Tarascon 1916 Jefson 31 l17ahvy 20 105 6 C 5 5 i AV Bogski S Lonely Lancelot Oaklawn Bello BelloBy OLIVE JAMES ch f 4 115 115Trainer By King James Olevia by Ornus OrnusG Trainer R Scully Owner R Scully 51824 Jefson 34 l19imud 30 1031 S G C1 Gl E Pollard 10 Anna Gallup Lonely L Mildred 51778 Tefson IM l15 = good 20 11 J U 1 8 102 1013 1 Rods ez 12 Yaphank AnnaGallup Bigldea 51721 Jcfson 31 118 hvy 0 107 7 7E15M 5 5i GiK Pollard 13 DCbell MKrutcr BBmel II E15M Jefferson 51 f 110 hvy 23 lUyj 7 75dSG7 7 Ci C D Hopkins 8 Ragazza AVFIower BlSmellt 5dSG7 Chagrin Ab3l l22good 9 114 1 AV Taylor 7 Concha BusylMrd PeacefulStar 5653 Chagrin 111 good 5 103 10350S3S 24 C McCkle 5 PdeChancc XMybht JulyFly 50S3S Chagrin Ab58 l03gmud 5 109 1 II Lafferty 5 PrcttyBaby UAVllido Bonstnllo 50760 Chagrin Ab58 l03 = slow 7 10S 10SEOS62 2h II Lafferty 0 NAValcutt SkyMau Oiirlil Ann EOS62 Dorval 34 lll fast 50 IftS o 6s 5i C Eames 7 Sevllliau HidSbip DaiutyLudy CLEAN UP br g 7 120 By Hamburg Sweepaway by Wild Mint MintTrainer Trainer B Hitchcock Owner Briggs Hitchcock 53145 Shport 5i f l10 = ifast 10 112 7 G 6 5l 5l X Tiller 7 Tigerltose Philippic Plain Bill 5J10G Shport 51 f l09good 10 110 1 55 5l 5J L McDott 7 Assume RoscoeGoose Petrograd E3077 Shport 78 l36Shvy 15 113 133 2 3h 62 N Tiller 7 Cockroach Philippic NKBeal 53063 Shport 51 f 117 hvy 4J 108 2 2 2 2 2 2 L McDott 5 ValWest JrGingham Comacho 51647 Jefson 34114fast 20 105 S 7 S 7J 72 P Bryson 10 LieutPerkins Pullur Yaphnnk 49770 Devrc 34114 faat 175 10S 9 H 8 7i 8 G Stone 12 Pop Eyes First Pullet Clark M 19CG2 Mndaor 24 l15Hcood 10 104 i 444 4 1 H Gregorj 8 First Pullet Manxiite Pyx 1905 Kwrth 2 4 S1 9lu R Slmpsonl2 ViveMcGee Runnyvcii ElMahdl bSrR Latonia 1 1lG 147ifast 9 110 2 1 1 G3 J Roberta 12 Mali Thinker Gry Knglo atonia 1 12 231sfast 9 105 1 1 1 1 6 G J Roberts 7 Marauder DrItac Buncrnnu