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i j JOE McGUINNESS 10000 Challenge Accepted AcceptedTO TO THE KACIXG PLKL1C PLKL1CI I liuve aicepttMl Joe IeGHiiiness challenge for I OOOOOO a sjUIe it l a been asrreeil to enter into i ten days contest one daily Iiest straight liet tlie tlieone one lieinsr the most net tvluucr to take the stakes 2OOOO 3Ir 3IcG uiimiss uiimissand and myself have prevailed 1111011 tlie AvellUiio vn horseman Dr T Vells 3le Ifeil veterinarian sarKeoii a member of the Ztlodipal Iloyal College of et j erlnary Siirifeoiis of London to act as referee and stakeholder stakeholderHe He knoivs the raeiiiu Kame hivliisr been trainer and owner raelnjj Jiorses In the East and VYest VYestTlie Tlie result of contest vill be aiiiionneed in due time timeBILL BILL TIRNER 17 West 42nd Street New York YorkXOTE XOTE 1 do no business by mail only by v lre