Turf News From Louisville: Rain Interferes with Exercise Gallops--More Horses Arrive from the South., Daily Racing Form, 1921-03-10


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TURF NEWS FROM LOUISVILLE Rain Interferes with Exercise Gallops More Horses Arrive from the South LOUISVILLE Ky March 9 An additional eligible for the coming Kentucky Derby has been beendiscovered discovered bringing the total number of nomina ¬ tions for the rich event up to 109 The new one is General Average a chestnut son of General Bob crts Mauretania by Canard owned by W K Harrington The entry for the colt was attached to that of another horse for the Kentucky Handicap and it was completely overlooked until today when all of the stake nominations were checked over overRain Rain which set in late yesterday afternoon and continued through the greater part of this morning caused a letup in training operations at the two local race tracks today A few horses were gal ¬ loped in the mud at Douglas Park but shiil work was the rule at Churchill Downs The downpour proved beneficial to tin new Downs course as it served to pack the dirt and it also I alsoI demonstrated that the rcsoiled course will dry out remarkably fast Two hours after the rain ceased there was no water on the track proper and there were many dry spots visible visibleGeneral General manager M J Winn and racing secretary William IT Shelley will giV to Lexington tomorrow toconfer with Johnson N Camden president of the Kentucky Jockey Club regarding details for the coming racing Season Shelley plans to have the Lexington program book in the hands of the horsemen the first week in April AprilTrainer Trainer Pete Coyne of the George J Long stable has taken up derm out which was on the shelf all of last year for active training He will en ¬ deavor to get Freeeuttcr back to the races this year also but that horse will not be ready to run until the Latcnia meeting even if he stands train ¬ ing He is now in his sixth year and lias been out of commission a long time Anne Elizabeth a thrwyearold sister of Freecutter which won at the first asking last year und then went amiss will not be taken up again untij next year Ocean Sweep another of the Long fillies will bo scut to the stud this year yearJockey Jockey H J Burke who rode this winter at New Orleans has reported to trainer John S Ward at Douglas Park and he again will ride for the Ward Boscoo Goose combination this year yearMilo Milo Shields horses came in from New Orleans They will be joined in a short while by Bradleys Choice Korbly and Jim Heffering which were left at Latonia for the winter Shields is spending a brief vacation at bis farm in Nebraska but he is expected here in the near future He is con j conj fident that the veteran Bradleys Choice will again stand training Blackie Daw which was turned out near Lex ¬ ington all winter has been brought into the A L Kirby stable at Douglas Park and will be put into active training again as soon as his owner arrives from Hot Springs Ark where he went at the close of the Fair Grounds meeting The old cam ¬ paigner has taken ou considerable flesh during his period of idleness and looks better than even before Jockey George Walls will ride for Kirby this year yearj Tim schooling of the twoyearolds will begin on April 1 and according to present plans barriers will be put up at Churchill Downs anil Lexington with Starter A B Dades assistants in charge chargeThe The division of the B J Brannon stable which raced at the Fair Grounds has joined the section in winter quarters here hereIn In addition to twenty two stalls requested by trainer James Bowe for tin Harry Payne Whitney WhitneyI horses Thomas P Hayes has reserved twelve for another division of this stable that he is training which consists of twoyearolds Hayes alto has four horses of his own owni i A request for stabling room for twentyone horses has been received from James W McClelland at Hot Springs Ark while twenty stalls are being held tor trainer Charles Hughes who has a con ¬ signment of the MeClellandEdward F Simms horses at Saratoga SaratogaJ J S UiiwUins has advised track superintendent Tom Young that he will ship his stable from Lexington on March lo

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921031001/drf1921031001_2_6
Local Identifier: drf1921031001_2_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800