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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY The government is without authority to prohibit the manufacture and sales of liquor wines or beer for nonbeverage purposes according to i ruling jnade ly the attorney general and published yester ¬ day by the Internal Bevenue Bureau The opinion one of the most comprehensive dealing with the question of prohibition expressly states that there must be no limitation on the use of liquors for j nonbeverage purposes except that prescribed by Congress in limiting the sale of spirituous liquor to one pint for ten days The question of limitation IhllK the opinion said is left to the gvoj faith of the physician physicianPresident President Harding y stcnhiy ushered in his South and Central American policy by sending a special message to the Senate requesting immediate ratification of the treaty with Colombia providing I for the payment of 2oOO QOO to that nation in lieu of Jill claims growing out of the separation of rPananifi and the building of tho Panama canal canalThe The directors of the Pennsylvania Bailroad Comj pany have adopted a resolution directing the execu ¬ tive officers to give as promptly as possible ptvper notice that it is the intention of the coin puny to reduce the salaries and wages of officers and employes to accord with economic conditions conditionsAn An extension of thirty days in the time required for the return to Mexico of laborers who entered this country under provisions of a war emergency regulation waiving tho illiteracy test and bead tax ifas announced yefatcrduy by the Department of Labor LaborPetrogvad Petrogvad is reported to be in the hands of revo ¬ lutionary forces which for several days havo beeu fighting agnlhst Uusslun bolshevik troops near that city cityThe The nomination of Col Theodore Booscvtlt to be assistant Secretary of the Navy was confirmed yesterday by the Senate