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FIRST RACE 12 Mile 2yearolds Maidens Claiming April 4 1921 48 15 2 114 I The small figure under Str shows the distance the horse was ahead of that next in the race 2he small figure under Fin unless the horse won shows the number of lengths the horse was j behind the winner Weight to be carried appears at top of column of weights in previous races i I The II after the horses namo means Haiden Index Course Dlst TimeTckOdda Wt St Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish FinishLOVELIEST LOVELIEST b f 2 M 107 By Allumeur Lovelight C by St Amant AmantTrainer Trainer S A Clopton Owner S A Clopton 52742 FGnds 38 38 hvy 95 107 2 21 2 1 F Cltilettil2 V Colleen A Dhter C Baker 52393 FGnds 38 35fast 95 105 4 42 3Z1 T Jarvis 10 WarRelief Onolln BabyEvelyn BabyEvelynG2340 G2340 FGnds 38 36fast 21 103 G 8Z 82 F Cltlletti 9 StarTime FKInney FBeauty FBeautyG2J17 G2J17 FGnds 38 37mud 8 102 5 3l 25 F Cltlletti 7 LtlePatsy OnePin RWingfleld RWingfleldTHE THE CIGARETTE b f 2 M 112 By Berrilldon Slim Princess by Sempronius SemproniusTrainer Trainer J G Wagnon Owner Pelican Stable 53494 Bowie 12 48Mrfast 15 114 3 3 4l 4 L Ensor 12 Wishbone YankMaid ChStar MUZZEY b f 2 M 112 112Trainer By Vulcain Grace Commoner by The Commoner Trainer D Womeldorff Owner W D Bernliardt 53153 Shport 31 f 44fast 12 103 2 4 4 421 S Wida 7 Belle Wrack Desperatiou LIna 53117 Shport 31 f 44fast 41 113 6 6530GO 4 41 23J J H Burke 0 BEvelyn Malzavena MadmeX MadmeXG 530GO Shport 31 f 48hvy 12 109 G GG2974 G 4 4Jl J H Burke 0 B Wrack Malzavena BKvelyn BKvelynC G2974 Shport 31 f 49 hvy 35 1131 7 7G251G C G G15 J H Burke 7 St Maurice Linn Belle Wrack Wrack4t G251G FGnda 38 37fast 30 107 6 4t 7 i J McCoy 13 One Pin Stamp Baby Evelyn EvelynC1 52463 FGnds 38 36fast 40 105 7 C1 6 H Stearns 8 StarTime MissFinn LitPatsy MISDEAL 1 f 2 M 112 By Sir Wilfred Colorvito by Collar Trainer J Johnston Owner E G Murphy 53494 Bowie 12 4Sfast f 114 10 8 85 7 C Ponce 12 Wishbone YankMaid ChStar ChStarG256G G256G FGnds 3S 35fast 25 112 G Cl 710 C Jackson 9 Adventure Rob Mawrcoron MawrcoronFICTILE FICTILE b c 2 M 115 By Ildrim Fifi by Gigrantoum GigrantoumTrainer Trainer E Trueman Owner E Trueman G3470 Bowie 12 50i4slow 36 116 S G 7l ° 717 D Stirling 8 Red Tom Opperman Radical RadicalKITTIE KITTIE WARMER ch f 2 M 113 By Yankee Kitty Warfield by Plaudit PlauditTrainer Trainer T O Webber Owner C Van Schoick SchoickG2742 G2742 FGnds 38 38 hvy 13 111 11 10s 10 D Connellyl2 VColleen Loveliest ADauter ADauterG247G G247G FGnds 38 3Gfast 15 llo 7 61 O11 N Barrett 11 FlyBeauty K White MKlnora MKlnoraG2393 G2393 FGnds 38 35fast 8 100 9 7s 78 J Heupel 10 War Relief One Pin Loveliest LoveliestG2250 G2250 FGnds 38 38 hvy 12 115 4 5 5SJ L McAtee 6 Gcntilly Evelyn White GraceE GraceELITTLE LITTLE AMMIE ch f 2 M 112 By Pataud Aralia by Handsome Trainer J P Smith Owner L T Bauer 52742 FGnds 38 38 hvy G 1CS G S3 915 G Babin 12 VColleen Loveliest ADauter ADauterG2G19 G2G19 FGnds 38 3Gfast 12 1031 1 11 2l G Babin 13 DolVarden RosaLee BHvelvn BHvelvnC251G C251G FGnds 3S 3714ast 15 112 8 Gi Ga A Collins 13 One Pin Stamp Baby Evelyn EvelynBLACK BLACK TRACK br f 2 M 112 By Ogden Shallow Water by Rapid Water WaterTrainer Trainer J H McDonald Owner W R Tolmie TolmieE2S12 E2S12 FGnds 3S 36fast 10 112 9 10 9s F Smith 10 Mawrcoron HBuxton RedTom RedTomG2GS9 G2GS9 FGnds 38 35fast 15 112 2 31 3 F Smith 12 Eve White Marooron Devonite DevoniteBABY BABY VAMP b f 2 M 112 By Towton Field Olive McGee by McGee McGeeTrainer Trainer A G Blakely Owner T H Cross G3494 Bowie 12 4SMfast 72 114 Lost rider W Andsnl2 Wishbone YankMaid ChStar ChStarMARY MARY D blk f 2 M 118 By Tony Bonero Rose Pompon by Royal Flush III IIITrainer Trainer C Hawk Owner H Field FieldG31G3 G31G3 Shport 3i f 44fast 15 102 G 7 C3 C = 2 G Babin 7 Belle Wrack Desperation Lina 52742 FGnds 38 38 hvy 25 113 12 11 11 J W Mphj12 VCollenn Loveliest ADauter ADauterMABEL MABEL A b f 2 M 112 By Ballot Sadie S by Charaxus CharaxusOwner Owner C A Applegate First start