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GREAT ARRAY OF ENTRIES Latonia Championship of 1922 Has 325 Nominations All Prominent Breeders East EastWest West and from Canada Are AreWell Well Represented The Latonia Championship Stakes for 1922 closed for entries on July 1 1920 with 325 nominations While this return is on a par with the entries for the 1920 and 1921 running of this most valuable of threeyearold stakes it falls considerably short of the 471 nominations for the initial running of the race held last year when Mad Halter captured the prize and the 45090 that went to the winner However this does not show any lack of interest on the part of breeders in Ibis biz feaure of Ken ¬ tucky fall racing as the entries are national in scope coming from all parts of the United States and Canada In addition to all the prominenl breeders East and West there are quite a number of the less pretentious ones who are represented in some cases by only one entry The largest nom Inalors include E A Bradley J N Camden W R Coal A H Hancock Hiil Price Headley W S Kilmer A K Macomber W I Jliller II T Oxnard J K L Ross J II Rosseter Short Gray Slud Simms Oliver and II P Whitney WhitneyThe The following are the conditions and nominations for the race raceLatonia Latonia Championship Stakes for 1922 15000 added By subscription of 1500 each cash to accompany entry For threeyearolds ofals of 1919 15000 to be added by the Kentucky Jockey Club Incorporated of which 3000 to second horse 2000 to third horse and 1000 to fourth horse The original nominator of the winner to receive 1000 of the second horse 500 of the third horse 300 and of the fourth horse 200 Colts and geld ¬ ings to carry 12i pounds fillies 123 pounds poundsDeclarations Declarations and payments To remain eligible the following cash payment must be made January 1 1921 cash payment each entry 25 January 1 1922 cash payment each entry 50 starting fee 500 additional additionalAcceptances Acceptances through tho entry box the day before the race at the usual time of closing closingIn In aildilion to first money the owner of the winning horse will be presented with a beautiful trophy trophyOne One and threequarter miles milesAdams Adams Dr J Fred Baltimore Md Filly by Transvaal Lazuli LazuliCharllon Charllon Alexander Paris Ky Cheslnut colt by Cunard Lady Levity LevityAlexander Alexander K I Chestnut colt by Trevisco Starry Night bay colt by Trap Rock La Recolt RecoltBaker Baker George F Dayton Ohio Chestnut colt by Delhi Starcadia chestnut colt by Dick Fiunell Coruscate bay colt by Dick Finnell Paradise Won brown colt by Dick Finnell Sandringham Belle BelleRaker Raker R L Co Lexington Ky Ray colt by Hessian Erla Lee brown colt by Ogden Rosabcll Belair Stud Wm Woodard owner New York City Ray colt by Wrack Medora II bay colt by Wrack Russian Sable bay filly by Wrack Votes bay filly by Wrack Marie Frances Royal Primrose br f by Celt Primula II brown colt v Heno Naughty Lady bay colt by Ileno Daphne chestnut colt by Ileno Gcneseo Gravi ¬ tate br f by Rock View Lady Cnrnot brown filly by Rock View Arrow Shaft ShaftBerryman Berryman C II Lexington Ky Ray colt by Bcllot Basseling chestnut filly by Rallot En ¬ terprise bay colt by Ballot Gold Lady chestnut filly by Rallot Spendrift SpendriftRianchi Rianchi 0 A Lexington Ky Ray filly by Jim Gaffney Zicnap bay filly by Jim Gaffney Sonia SoniaBlackford Blackford G L Denison Texas Pete Foy ch c by Prince Hermis Golden Lassie Ilermodcn ch c by Prince Ilermis Modena llermls Kemble ch c by Prince Heruiis Fanny Kemble Maxlmac b c by Golden Maxim Lilly Mac Lexicon b f by Golden Maxim Lady Lexington LexingtonRradley Rradley E R Lexington Ky Brown filly by Helmet Padula brown filly by Black Toney Macaroon chestnut colt by Cunard Winning Widow bay colt by North Star III Breathing Spell bay filly by North Star III Badoura bay colt by North Slar III Stumpy brown colt by Rlack Toney Acutissima bay filly by Short Grass Bed of Roses RosesCallahan Callahan T W Louisville Ky Brown colt by Dick Welles Penalty PenaltyCamden Camden J N Versailles Ky Brown colt by Light Brigade Heliosis bay colt by Light Bri ¬ gade Said bay colt by Light Brigade Yolanda bay colt by Light Brigade Enigma bay filly by Light Brigade Ilermosa brown filly by Light Brigade Grackle bay colt by Peter Quince or Light Brigade Bunchy chestnut colt by Dick Fin ¬ nell La r del la laCarman Carman R F Silver Springs Md Bay colt by Meridian Daruma DarumaChristian Christian E C Lexington Ky Brown or bay filly by Sweep Experience ExperienceClark Clark I E Schiilenburg Texas Brown colt by Doneaster Dolly llayman llaymanClark Clark C W San Mateo Cal Bay colt by Vulcain Moonet MoonetClav Clav Charlton Paris Ky Chestnut colt by Jim Gaffney Alice Dudley DudleyClemenls Clemenls E C Colt by Colt Merriment II IICoe Coe W R New York City Chestnut colt by Tlarnionicon Black Eagle chestnut colt by Har ¬ monicon Jacoba chestnut colt by Harmonicon Merry Thought II chestnut colt by Harmonicon Welsh Maid chestnut filly by Ilurinonlcon Cata ¬ comb II chestnut lilly by Harmonicon Election Bet chestnut lilly by Ilannonicoii Laughaway chestnut lilly by Harmonicon Vale Royal bay filly by Hells Bells Fair Maid bal filly by Black Jester Pasquita PasquitaCourson Courson F E Lexington Ky Chestnut colt by Tack Atkin English Esther chestnut colt by Frizzle Precocity PrecocityDortch Dortch Nat F Louisville Ky Flying Prince ch c by Zeus Sweet Pea PeaDoyle Doyle George L Paris Ky Chestnut colt by Magneto Lillie Kruter KruterFair Fair Acre Farm Mr D T Matlack Winchester Ky Bay colt by Sweep Francis Gaines chest ¬ nut illy by Dick Finnell Bright Start bay filly by Hessian Annie llandy bay filly by Water vali Sensitive SensitiveFinnigan Finnigan Gco P Richmond Va Sarcha Mc ¬ Clelland ch f by Danger Rock Glittering Gloria GloriaGallagher Gallagher Uros Lexington Ky Ray colt by Rock View Mary Talbott TalbottJerry Jerry Robl L New York Cily Aknusti ch c by Dick Fiimell Alice liaird liairdGilbert Gilbert II Winchester Ky Chestnut colt by Ballot Winnie G GGrefer Grefer F J New Orleans La Chestnut colt by Vulcain Floral Park ParkGwathmey Gwathmey J Temple Bay colt by Seahorse II Teacher baj colt by Wrack Sobriquet chest ¬ nut colt by Trojan Robinetta buy coll by Wrnck Orgress nay filly by Wrack dasher chestnut colt by Trojan Humility bay colt by Wrack Bacchante BacchanteHancock Hancock A B Paris Ky Chestnut colt by Cell Sand Dune chestnut colt by Celt Work maid brown colt by Celt Silent Queen brown colt by Celt Darkwater chestnut colt by Celt Pyramid chestnut filly by Celt Network chestnut filly by Celt Logistilla black filly by Celt Bobolink bay filly by Celt Pietra bay filly by Celt Honey Bee bay colt by Wrack Star Gift bay colt by Wrack Aurine bay colt by Wrack Bold Lady bay colt by Wrack Dia monlina bay filly by Wrack Delft bay filly by Wrack Blazing StarOjay filly by Wrack Sump ¬ tuous bay filly by Wrack Ellerslie brown colt by Rock View Gold chesluut colt by Jim Gaf ney Royal Message MessageHawkins Hawkins John R Pittsburgh Pa Brown or black colt by Watercolor Lady Fairfield FairfieldHeadley Headley Hal Price Lexington Ky Chestnut colt by Ultimus Ollie Belle bay colt by Ultimus Xarco chestnut colt by Ultimus Nigella bay coll by Ultimus Velocity chestnut colt by Uncle Itnllymena black colt by Jack Atkin Matter horn chesluut coll by Trap Rock Muuliu Rouge bay colt by Jack Atkin Bessie Simpson chestnut colt by Ultimus Mcllissa brown colt by Ultinms Lady Paramount ParamountHerring Herring Henry G Lexington Ky Gunpath b c by Sweep Bell of Arcadia ArcadiaHewitt Hewitt n II New York City Chestnut filly by Star Hawk Inspiration InspirationHimyar Himyar Stud Phil T Chinn owner Lexington Ky Brown colt by Colin Sanicula chestnut colt by Pataud Hulnic bay colt by Pataud Dancing Wave bay colt by Maintenant Sur ¬ mise miseJeffords Jeffords Walter M Glen Riddle Pa Chest ¬ nut colt by JIcGee Stolen Moments MomentsJones Jones Montfort Bristow Okla Chestnut colt by Star Shoot Wide Eyes chestnut colt by The Finn Lady Sterling Keene J 0 G II Lexington Ky Bay colt by Luke MeLuke Agnes Virginia bay colt by Luke MeLuke Carinya black colt by Luke Mc Luke La Venganza bay colt by Luke MeLuke Tsarina TsarinaKelley Kelley Frank J Chicago 111 Chestnut colt by Boots and Saddle Miss Behave BehaveKilmer Kilmer Willis Sliarpe Binghamton N Y Chestnut celt by Magic Affinity bay colt by Assagai Contcssina bay colt by Assagai Hathor chestnut colt by Magic Los Altos bay colt by Allcincur Magic Shot chestnut colt by Cock o the Walk Private Flag bay colt by Assagai Romagne bay colt by Magic Royal Quest bay filly by Allemeur Sabretache bay colt by As ¬ sagai St Fey chestnut colt by Magic Sobranje bay colt by Assagai Sungene chestnut colt by Sundridge Sweet Briar bay colt by Assagai War Doll bay filly by Allemeur Will te Dinah DinahLaxton Laxton John Toronlo Out Can Baby Mine b or br f by Anmer Spring Maid i iLehan Lehan Dan Jeffersontown Ky JIargaret Win sor br f by Huon Bronzewing BronzewingLivingston Livingston Jefferson Chicago 111 Brown colt by Vulcain Conspiracy chestnut colt by Rock View Orlo chestnut colt by Brummel Panella chestnut colt by Brummel La Mode ModeLong Long Geoge J Louisville Ky Bay colt by Sain Anola bay or brown colt by Sain Mytilene bay colt by Sain Onadere OnadereLyne Lyne L A Nicholasviile Ky Bay colt by Light Brigade Jessie Woodson bay colt by Huon II Zinda ZindaMacomber Macomber A K San Francisco Cal Bay or brown colt by Dodge Hoop Skirt bay colt by Dodge Lip Stick bay or brown colt by Star Hawk Orleans bay colt by Star Hawk Myrllegal bay filly by Star Hawk Cugrail chestnut coll by Trap Rock Sisaya bay colt by Uncle Sun bonnet chestnut colt by Hesperus Rural Delivery chestnut colt by Hesperus Lathonia brown colt by Hesperus Jlortonin chestnut colt by Hesperus Narcotic brown colt by Hesperus Instigation bay colt by Hesperus Bella Mayes MayesMcDowell McDowell Thomas C Lexington Ky Bay colt by The Manager Star Jasmine bay colt by Tho Manager Alanarka chestnut colt by The Man ¬ ager Kings Daughter chestnut colt by The Man ¬ ager Star Cat CatMacManus MacManus James New York City Brown colt by Huon Rosslare RosslareMadden Madden J E Lexington Ky Chestnut colt by Friar Rock Miss Kearney chestnut colt by Friar Rock Morcadel chestnut colt by Orniondale One Star bay colt by Hessian Passan PassanMarshall Marshall Rody P Pittsburgh Pa McGoldrick b c by Smoke House The Widow Moon MoonMilam Milam J C Lexington Ky Bay colt by Golden Maxim Brightstone BrightstoneMiller Miller Wm B New York City Chestnut colt by Friar Rock Sea Shell chestnut colt by Uncle Blakeslee chestnut colt by Uncle Bropmleaf chestnut colt by Uncle Last Cherry chestnut colt by Uncle Dike bay colt by Ultimus Queen of the Water bay colt by Uncle Jliss Granville GranvilleMorris Morris John H Versailles Ky Chestnul coll by Ballot Tardy chestnut colt by Andrew Fore ¬ most mostMoseley Moseley Madden Lexington Ky Chestnut colt by Sea King Ballyshe BallysheMueller Mueller Theo E Louisville Ky Chestnut colt by The Finn Little Buttercup black filly by Plaudit Namesake NamesakeNevada Nevada Stock Farm George Wingfield owner Reno Navada Apricot b c by Athelins II Scarlet Oaks Tomaho b c by Athellng II Carico Jake Berger ch c by Alheling II Gladi ola Hilly Dunn b c by Atheling II Thistle Belle BelleOak Oak Ridge Stable Charlottesville Va Bay colt by Sea King Coat bay colt bjr Sea King Aleen B chestnut filly by Sea King Elizabeth D R bay filly by Sea King Fair Louise chestnut filly by Sea King Dingle chestnut filly by Sea King Plain Dorothy bay filly by Sea King Dorothy Gray GrayOxnard Oxnard Henry T New York City Bay colt by King James Belle Phoebe bay colt by King James Golden Grain brown colt by Kins James Dinawick chestnut colt by King James Auntie Mum brown colt by King James Washer Woman bay colt by King James Turkey Red brown colt by King James Fair Augusta bay colt by Super ¬ man Rupicola chestnut colt by Superman Ar lette bay colt by Superman Disillusion chestnut colt by Superman Olivia bay colt by Superman Galanta bay colt by Superman Seaspray chest ¬ nut colt by Superman Off black colt by Fayette Personal bay colt by Fayetle Aeroplane chest ¬ nut colt by Fayette Carpathia bay colt by Sir Wilfrid Bohemia bay colt by Ferole Millmaid chestnut colt by Trap Rock Anna Russell RussellParrish Parrish C W Midway Ky Brown colt by Light Brigade Flaming Flamingo FlamingoPiatt Piatt Thomas Lexington Ky Chestnut colt by Delhi Mistress Quickly QuicklyRedstone Redstone Stable Arnold Rothstein owner New York City Chestnut colt by Friar Rock Smooth ¬ bore chestnut colt by Friar Rock Lou Blue chestnut colt by Friar Rock Mallard chestnut colt by Star Shoot Old Squaw black colt by Ogden Phantom PhantomRoss Ross Samuel P Washington D C Bay colt by Sweep High flown brown colt by Light Bri ¬ gade Magie1 Lantern II bay colt by Ormondale Cloak CloakRoss Ross J K L Montreal Quebec Chestnut colt by Spanish Prince Wheat Ear chestnut colt by Prince Palatine Melody brown filly by Marathon Delia Mack bay colt by Marathon or Prince Ahmed Golden AVeddiug chestnut colt by Mara ¬ thon Canice bay colt by Marathon May L buy colt by Marathon Pesky chestnut colt by Marathon Bella Hi bay colt by Prince Ahmed The Lark chestnut filly by Marathon Samura bay filly by Marathon Marjorie A ARosseter Rosseter John II Burke Sonoma Co Cal Chestnut colt by Friar Rock Bold Girl chestnut colt by Friar Rock Danceress chestnut colt by Friar Rock Rose of Gold chestnut coll by Friar Rock Sweet Marjoram brwcn colt by Disguise 1 a Air chestnut filly by Friar Rock Lady Bed ¬ ford chestnut filly by Friar Rock Traditional brown filly by Friar Rock Shelby Belle BelleRucker Rucker Eugene Georgetown Ky Bay colt by Ren Brush Rhodas Prido bny colt by Sweep Mariposan brown or black filly by Sweep Lady Easlinan bay filly by Ballot Lady Doncaster DoncasterRyan Ryan Thcs II Wilmington Illinois Rip Tide b c by Sea King Trick Wing WingShort Short Grass Stud Farm Inc Emil Herz owner NewYork Chestnut colt by Short Grass Marion Hood chestnut colt by Short Grass Set Square chestnut colt by Short Grass Queens Lock bay suit by Short Grass Gentlewoman bay colt by Short Grass Oonsora chestnut colt by Short Grass Marie Powell black or brown colt by Short Grass Miss Present bay colt by Short Grass Cheer brown filly by Short Grass Intrigue chest ¬ nut filly by short Grass Ida Claire bay colt by Spanish Prince Junata JunataSlirerc Slirerc John H Washington D C Chestnut filly by Celt Puritan Girl GirlSimms Simms E F New York Colossus ch c by Delhi Pictons Pride Hcphaistos b c by Vtrt cain Neva W Southern Cross br c by Luke MeLuke Pamphyle Trajarns br c by Rock View Belgravia The Almoner b c by Sweep Sue Smith SmithSfmms Sfmms Oliver New York Ballot Mark b c by Negofol Ballot Bred Barracuda ch c by Trap Rock Balancoire Bellevue ch f by Fair Play Belledame Chattcrton ch c by Fair Play Chit Chat Draft br c by Fair Play Dragnet Dumpounder b c by Ferole Dona Roca Finery b f by Fair Play Felicity Good Time br c by Negofol Hour Glass II Honorable b c by Fair Play Haute Roche Horologe blk c by St Amant Hour Hand Lighter b c by Negofol Luckstone Lucky Hour b or br c by Hourless Lucky Catch Missionary ch c by Ilourless Mission My Play b c by Fair Play Mahubah OHmpiad ch c by Ferole Oliuipia Prelude ch f by Fair Play St Priscilla Royal Tracings ch c by Tracery Royal Carnage Swagger ch c by Trap Rock Souveraine SouveraineStifel Stifel Otto F St Louis Mo Chestnut colt by Mentor Maggie Isliaiu Thnwes W V Lexington Ky Brown coit by Jim Gaffney Gypsy Love bay colt by Granite Liska bay filly by Short Grass SuiKrl SuiKrlThrekeld Threkeld W S Pleatmreville Ky Bay colt by Ben Brush Sweetheart Sue SueTowuseml Towuseml John Wilson Lexington Ky Blue Brush br c by Sweep Blue Ball Sweepy b c by Sweep Enameline EnamelineVan Van Gorden George Danville Cal Captain Clover ch p by General Roberts Ravena Captain Pob ch g by Reformation Barbara Lane LaneWalker Walker P M Boyce Va Chestnut colt by Madrigalian Marcli Light brown or bay colt by Celt Moisant black colt by Bard of llope Lickety Split SplitAVhite AVhite Garnet Black colt by Zeus Black Swan SwanWhitney Whitney II P New York City Brown colt by Royal Eisle Paradise II bay colt by Peter Pan Folderol bay colt by Broomstick Spun Glass bay colt by Broomstick Panasine bay colt by Broomstick First Flight chestnut colt by Whisk Broom Inaugural bay colt by Pennant Frillery brown colt by Peter Pan Bubble bay colt by Broomstick Cerise bay colt by Peter Pan Florence clnstnut filly by Broomstick Courage brown filly by Peter Pan Polly Flinders chestnut filly by Pennant Regret bay filly by Broom ¬ stick Starling chestnut filly by All Gold Idle Hour black filly by All Gold Tryst bay filly by Whisk Broom Rainy Daisy chestnut filly by Pennant Enchanting chestnut filly by Whisk Rroom Dovelet bay filly by Broomstick Hansu chestnut filly by Whisk Brocm Pageant PageantWilliams Williams r W M Hopkiusville Ky Bay or brown colt by Zeus Lassie