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SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Claiming Feb 1 1920 143 15 6 122 CHARLESTONIAN br g 10 103 103Trainer By Woolsthorpe Espionage by Inspector B Trainer H Unna Owner Bronx Stable 5G508 Tijuana 34 l12fast yf 110 S 7 3 771 W Mclnre S Lonely MissManaRe Ike Mills 53459 Tijuana 1 141 tffast 4310 309 111 1 1 25 W Mcinro Bardora LaBcteNoire Iicrrot IicrrotC3110 C3110 Tijuana Im70y l45fast 110 311 1 2 7 1 W Mcinro 8 W Willow CIIoltcrs PeerOno PeerOno51M10 51M10 Tijuana linOy l45fast 5 101 1 1 1 1 3i 3 W Mclnre 8 SweetApple Darnay Genltyni Genltyni1G910 1G910 Tijuana Im70y l41fast 2 11G 11GOUR 2J J Roberts 7 Short Stop Don Dodge Concha OUR MAID b f 4 110 110Trainer By TJncle Busy Edith by Yanke Trainer V C Wcant Owner V V551GI Wcant 551GI Tijuana 1 11G 119 fast 115 112 112GS410 11 1 13 In E Haywrd S AtidvK GMhlebach PDIrcrt GS410 Tijuana 3m70y l15rast S 3C 7 7533S1 4 G G G S11 J Htamcr 8 Swt Apple Darnay Charlcstri 533S1 Tijuana 1 11G l4Sfast G 107 24 3 I1 5ni W Ilinphy 7 Iteydo IIorU rch Wat Willow 53025 Tijuana 1 14 2 l9Mfist 12 102 34 4 11 7 M Slghter S HorLerch WatorWillow Kevd 521 1G Tijuana 1 11G l49slow 10 105 321 1J IS W Ilinphy 7 VivaCuba WarWinner SAppln 52933 Tijuana Iin70y l19ifinud 175 105 21 1 121 11 W Ilinphy i GenBynR JDavid BDtcliinan 52875 Tijuana 1 lll fast 32 105 45 3 31 42 G Yeargin 7 Ptoloint PcrLady LIrincesd 52403 Tijuana 1 1S l54fast 1710 103 2 B Mariellill Cork Honolulu Baby Sister 5202 Tijuana 1 1S 153 fast 2110 97 975223S 415 B Marielli C Darnay Uoydo Baby Sister 5223S Tijuiina 1 112 fast 910 10S 1 W Ilinphy 11 Kcd William Maud M Arietta 51838 Tijuana 58 l01fast 58 105 7 O Willis 8 Cdolier Vir Winner Sea v ay 1P5S5 Sartoga 34 112 fast 50 105 15 14 13 1328 F Wciner 15 LaKablee KGray TheNcphew I5S53 Havana linSOy l l fast 1 90 42 C 32 2i Woods 7 Chsounellcll ICockaree MS111 BABY FAUST br m 5 97 By Tony Faust Baby Youns by Gov Foraker ForakerTrainer Trainer J W Hunter Owner W E Hunter 5 501 Tijuana InVTOy 1M7 fast 30 110 1 2 2 2 33 221 II Kowc 1U Ilelman Fannie Nail Ben Levy 53IS1 Tijuana Im70y l45 fast 27 97 1 2 2 2 32l 3 ° l J Iltairier 7 SalRcorRc Nepperhan Xetetlc 53459 Tijuana 1 l12fast 2ft 315 2 1 2 2 21 4 ° P Martinez 11 TokMarch BenFevy PatMack 53411 Tijuana 1 l42fast 11C 115 5 2 3 4 51 553 P Martinell Oslentalious Holmaii ITenriy 53305 Tijuana Int70y 148 fast 95 114 322 2 1J 1 G Yeargin 0 LitOrphan LJphinc DrDrlcy DrDrlcyCOBRITA COBRITA b m 6 100 By Sweep Valeureuse by Orsini OrsiniTrainer Trainer J Picrco Owner Coenr dAlene Stable E3152 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 11 110 G 9 S S 11 II2 B Parke 11 Minnie II Fannie Nail Pierrot f343G Tijuana 1 1IG l4Sfast 11 ICC 3 G G G 7 Gs E Parke 7 Bardora Sasin Minnie II 53382 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 17 110 a G 7 7 51 42i D Powell 9 Point to Point Sasin Bardora 53347 Tijuana ImTOy 147 fast 19 103 7 9 9 7 52 33 R Parke 10 Dickie W Humma PfectLady PfectLadyE32G7 E32G7 Tijuana Im70y 149 hvy 9 110 505 G 53 4s B Mariclii 9 Sasin Mount Girl Dickie W 5292 Tijuana 1 1IG 149 fast 32 107 7 7 S 8 S S11 II Rowe 8 Modiste MtnGirl GtMilfI uch uchf f 258 Tijuana Im70y 147 good 21 115 3 1 3 G 73 7 = i P Martinez S Saner Rutland Anns rModistc 52S50 Tijuana Im7y0 l4Gfast 44 11G S 7 S 7 72 71 J Robson 8 John Jr Mike Daly PinkTenny 52807 Tijuana 1 1IG 149 fast 1C 107 7 D Powell 7 GenByng JDavid LoDinosaure 52772 Tijuana 1 1IG l4Sfast GJ 110 5 D Powell 12 BSister Lobelia T BkenridgB BkenridgB52G49 52G49 Tijuana 3m70y l53mud 22 135 1 F J Baker G LeDinosaure Ilonolulu Argento 52129 Tijuana 1 1IG l50tfslow 2710 110 G 3 G Yeargin 7 Sauer Baby Sister Prairie Prairie525S2 525S2 Tijuana Im70y l50slow 38 314 32i It McCrnn 8 GMuehlebach PItmgcr Sgcorge 52489 Tijuana 1 18 158 mud 47 103 918 D Powell 9 Viva Cuba Baby Sister Cork 52422 Tijuana 1142 fast 61 108 I1 B MarieUl 10 TBreckcnridgc Mistake Bdori BdoriRUNECRAFT RUNECRAFT b g 6 100 By Voorhees Chiffie by rism rismTrainer Trainer W Short Owner P L Shortl Shortlf3MS f3MS Tijuana 1 1S l53ffast S 10G 4 4 2 2 2 221 D Powcll 7 Bardora LeDosaure Audrey K 52135 Tijuana 1 1IG l4SJ fast S5 109 1 1 1 2 2 23 G Ycargin 8 Point to Point Cork AudreyK 53403 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 910108 9 G G 4 3l I3 D Powell 14 LOrphan ChatCourt DaiuVan DaiuVan533H 533H Tijuana 1 l42fnst 2110 112 522 3 4l 4Z1 D Powell 8 Biisyltird Czardom PatsyMack PatsyMack532GS 532GS Tijuana 1 1IG 151 hvy 2710 107 5 4 5 5 6 G71 E Taylor G Olirilolters TomGoose Bardora 525G5 Tijuana 1 116 l53 = fmud 2110 10G 7 E Taylor S Deckhand Cavalcadoiirll Midia 52550 Tijuana Im70y l507imud 4710 111 3 C Thpson 7 Short Stop Viva Cuba Yermak YermakCERTAIN CERTAIN POINT b g 8 104 By Abe Frank Sainvokc by Sain SainTrainer Trainer C C Emmert Owner R Emmert 53180 Tijuana 1 1S 203fast S5 133 444 3 2 22 2t5 T Rac G Ooronado Appletto Bobby Fib 71398 Cheyenne 1 l43fust 910 ids 3 C Thpson S OutFiclder Swenson NclIieB NclIieB393S 393S Cheyonno 1 l43fist 13 113 41 R Carter 7 Bolala Trcowen Larkin 39329 Cheyenne 1 l43fust 21 113 35 R Carter G Dovie Bolala Trcowen TrcowenSAUER SAUER b B G 107 By McGce Frances S by Dick Wellei WelleiTrainer Trainer J A Parson Oxvner J A Parson ParsonC3529 C3529 Tijuana 34 l13fast 52 107 4 9 9 9 9o E Taylor 9 MKurctta OlAVcKxI HarHeir 5S323 Tijuana Im70y llGfast 35 111 G Fell M Buxton 8 Dickie W Moun Girl Modiste ModisteES311 ES311 Tijuana 34 114 fast 19 112 7 10 10 91 7 G Ycargin 11 GoldRose LBNre IPansHr 53041 Tijuana 1116151 hvy 42 109 7 4 7 7 71 S18 B Parke 11 SalRcorgc Benlayne CHolters CHolters52S58 52S58 Tijuana Im70y 147 good2710 30S 445 4 4 11 E Taylor S RutldArms Modiste IrishDaisy 52903 Tijuana 3m70y 345fnst 1110 109 522 2 3 3 J B Marielll 8 AudreyA PrDirect Mike Daly Daly52SC2 52SC2 Tijuana Im70y 140 fast 115 107 5 5 4 4 2t 21 B Marclll G GenBynR LittleGink AudreyK AudreyK52S2S 52S2S Tijuana Im70y 14C fast S5 112 2 2 2 1 I1 2 B MarclH12 AmiaJackson Maudie RutArms 52704 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 7 109 31 H Rowe 6 LitGink GcnByisR PrincDirct PrincDirctS2GS3 PrincDirctS2GS5 S2GS3 Tijuana 1 116 l49slow 8 309 E E Taylor 7 Ola Leo Horace Lerch Yermak YermakATIDREY YermakATIDREY ATIDREY RubyTrainer K b m 6 110 By Ballot Captivity by Goldfinch or Star Ruby Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Irwin5C4SC 5C4SC Tijuan i 1 1IG lRfast 21 110 G S S S G21 G7 D Hurn 8 Deckhand Sasin Prince Direct Direct5S1S1 5S1S1 Tijuan v Im70y i45ifast 51 111 2 a 7 7 7 G12 P Martinez 7 Salcwrge Nepperlmn B Faust Faust53ICI 53ICI Tijuan i 1110149 fast 11 315 5 G 5 5 4 2 P Martinez 8 OMaid GMhlcbach IMJircct 53148 Tijuan i 1 1S ItfSfast 10 112 5 G G G G2 431 P Martinez 7 Bardora Itunccraft LeDosaure LeDosaureC3135 C3135 Tijuana 1 1IG l4S fast 35 310 7 7 5 G 42 48 D Hurn S Pt toLoint Itunccraft Cork CorkKKIGT KKIGT Tijuana 1 1S l54fast G 110 2 G C G Gi G72 P Martinez 8 LilGink MntnGirl MikcDaly 53317 Tijuan i Im70y 147 fast 10 110 10 10 10 9 G1 5 D Hurn 10 Dickie W Iliimma Colirita ColiritaE3323 E3323 Tijuana 3m70y 34Gfast SO 310 7 G G G G G13 D Hum 8 Dickie W Moun Girl Mmlisto 53041 Tijuan v 1116151 hvy 5f 115 5 G 3 4 43 47 P Martinez 11 SalReorge Benlayne CHoltcra CHoltcraTHOS THOS F McMAHON ch h 5 108 By Celt Jamraa by Delhi DelhiTrainer Trainer 7 Walker Owner VT Wtlior 53523 Tijuana 34 l13fast 52f ICG 2 4 G 71 78J II B Bwer 9 MHuretta OlAViKMl HarHeir HarHeir531CO 531CO Tijuana 34 llfast 50 9S G G G G 5si II B Bwer 7 I nicly VJIoiitSoncrr DGlrl 52705 Tijuana 1 1S 1EO fast 9 115 7 = 13 Taylor 8 Audylv LeDsaure Lylncfiuc Lylncfiuc5J550 5J550 Tijuana Im70y l5flmtul 41 30S G B Marielli 7 ShorKStop VivaCuba ituneeraft ituneeraftS24S7 S24S7 Tijuana Im70y l50 mud 21 115 451 II B Bwer 7 LLovitt Prin Direct TGfillant 52135 Tijuana Iin70y l4Gtfast 210 113 I2 B Marielll S TheGallaut RobtLce VonLjidy VonLjidyGRATITUDE GRATITUDE b m 7 100 By Hossian Jacqueminot by Darobin DarobinTrainer Trainer JL Cravford Owner R Parton 53478 Tijuana 1 l43fast 90f 1CS 11031 11 10 = 10 W Ilinphy 11 Bkhornll Czardom LPoinlcr LPoinlcrSoltl Soltl Tijuana 34 lK fast lOf IOC 12 12 12 12 10 D Powell 11 MIliiinnn Mkin II L Hgan Hgan523S1 523S1 Tijuana Im70y 117 fust CJ 102 Bled H Jones 11 Madrid Humma Gift Gift5200L 5200L Tijuana Im70y l15fast 111 O22 E Burns 10 CavoiirlL IrMaid Bof thoKit 51939 Tijuana 1 l4Gmud 99 102 S14 H Jones 10 Plunger JnicSmall CapUBrnnfl CapUBrnnfl51S3J 51S3J Tijuana 1 l41fast 45f 102 914 U Jones 11 PerLady GBynR TBkcnrldge