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SEVENTH KACE 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Claiming Sept 18 1920 144 45 3 138 NUTCRACKER br h 6 107 107Trainer By Thrush Roman Slave by St Serf Trainer N Byer Owner N Byer Byer440SO 440SO Jamaica 1 l41mudll20 101 1 1 2 11 13 H Myers 4 JockScot CryFord LGertrude 44003 Aqduct 1 18 150 fast 15 97 3 3 3 3 34J J Callahan 3 Lucullite Corn Tassel 43909 Aqduct 78 l26mud 6 106 4 4 4 22 22 H Myers 5 Old Rosebud Homely LeadStnr 39629 Belmont 1 l37fast 15 100 4 4 5 B LeadStnrB o1 L McAtee 5 Naturalist Sunilashll FWand 39310 Saratoga 34 l12fast 20 114 6 7 95 910 c Fbther 10 Flags TothMorning F Wand 390 7 Aqduct 1 l38V5fast 2 110 3 2 2 11 I4 C Fbtlier 0 Valais Jusqu au Bout Tombblo 38841 Aqduct 1 l38fast 95 115 2 3 4 41 44 c Fbther 7 J au Bout Kashmir PDrapeau 8695 Jamaica Im70vl45 fast 21 312 5 4 4 42S5S4 12 I4 C Fbther 7 Kate Bright Orestes Princeps 2S5S4 Belmont 34 st l12slop 1110 104 2 1 11 21 A Collins C SMaster Assume TPortuguese MARY StalwartTrainer HEAD b f 3 95 By Heno Kllcrea by Stalwart Trainer J G Wagnon Owner Pelican Stable 53620 Bowie 51 f lOSfast 17 100 S 93 63 GS2 G Babin 0 CelticLass Geo Bovee ToutOr 53597 Bowie 61 f 121 fast 6 94 S 7 5 5 41 L Penman 12 XoShore Amkassin Chcrubino 53559 Bowie 78 129 fast 41 91 7 7 7 7 53 52 T Brooke 7 Lou Wynne Midian S Banner 53546 Bowie 78 l2S good 1 102 S S 8 7 1 6 ° M Harson 8 GAgramonte Chevalier Galiot 53517 Bowie 51 f lOSfast 2310102 3 3 3 33 31 A Richcrk 10 Sncajawea Tout Or Chevalier 53030 Shport 51 f 115 hvy 8 104 4 24 41 51 S Wida 5 Rustler Oraleggo Lucy Kate KateHENDRIE HENDRIE ch h 8 110 By Star Shoot Orange and Blue by Bridgewater Trainer F Farrar Owner F Farrar 53697 HdeGe 1 116 l4Sfast 23 112 12 9 8 9 7h G51 R Icasterl Roisterer AmerBoy PGKlng 1 18 l57 fast 1310 113 76 7 7 7 = L Morris Napthalius HPardner GDawn 535S7 Bowie 1 11G 151 fast 7 111 6 9 9 8 81 784 L Morris 9 MadgeF Manoevre Wdthrush 33514 Bowio 1 116 151 fast 175 111 7 6 7 6 4 331 L Ensor 7 Berlin SumnterSlgh WarClub 53475 Bowie Im70y l48slow 7 105 6 5 5 6 6 624 L Aron C Columbine Claqucr Tantalus 51759 Jefson Im70y 147 hvy 8 110 5 5 5 5 5 5 L Aron 5 Fizer Master Bill Tantalus 51618 Bowie 1 116 153 hvy 1110 118 6 S 8 3 4 3J F Weiner 8 WBedotte Manoevre PCnelly 51549 Bowie 1116151 fast 3310 110 165 5 52 21 C Robson 8 Sunnyland Chasseur KingJohn 51480 Bowie Im70y l507sslow 2 101 1 5 6 5 21 1 J Mooney 7 Flibglbbet PSwain Sdrnconll CHERUBINO CylleneTrainer b g 5 106 By Chaucer Seraphine by Cyllene Trainer W V Casey Owner W V Casey 53675 HdeGe ImTOy l46fast 13 112 5 3 3 3 4 471 A Johnson 10 War Club Toss Up Iron Boy 53619 Bowio 61 f 122 fast 10 113 8 77 61 53i J Rodi Rodgez 9 Propaganda Midian Resist 53597 Bowie tii f 121 fast 14 112 3 34 4J 32 A John Johnsonl2 NoShore Amkassin MyHcad 53531 Bowie Gl f l2IBood 7 112 S 55 4 4 A John Johnson 13 Kirah Back Bay Benevolent 53495 Bowie i f 121 fast 12f 2f 112 7 24 44 4 A John JohnsonU SKelly GAgmonte Amkassin 51303 Pimlico 34 I13y5fast I3f 112 8 44 GH 653 H Ham Hamtn 15 Amackassin Tarascon May W 51230 Empire 1 l45hvy 8 114 1 2 3 J 3 4 C H MI MITOREADOR Miller 4 LEnJoleur Chimera Blodwln BlodwlnTOREADOR TOREADOR b c 3 M 87 By Great Br BrTrainer Britain Tiffany Blend by Cesarion Trainer J F Richardson Owner J F Richardson Richardson5rG3S 5rG3S Warlike53G02 Bowie 1 11G I5iy5fast 135 91 3 G 2 1 2s 2i J Rowe Rowe53G02 7 Siimliiriti Attorney Warlike 53G02 Bowie 1 11G 151 fast 42 91112 11 9 7 32 3s J Rowan 12 Tan II Toss Up Maize 53545 Bowie 34 l14fcgood 6 109 9 87 4J 33 L Enso 12 GenCadorna Nobant Streamer 53495 Bowie 34 114 fnst 8 116 9 98 S8 5 R McCrnnlO Wellfder Bwood GurgWater 53351 Tijuana 1 1S l52fast 14 112 6 6 6 6 51 6 B Marielll fl CoDawn MANoonan Oalnn 53320 Tijuana 51 f l03fast 51 1C4 6 4 6 43 2 G Yeargin 15 GMinurd PegMartin Mlssoula 3047 Tijuana 34 l15hvy 2Gf 100 10 10 10 10 10 L Gaugel 10 VWelles OrchldKing IHarvey IHarveyFADING FADING ShootTrainer STAR b f 3 91 By Sweep Flying Star by Star Shoot Trainer W H Fizer Owner W H Fizer 53517 Bowie 5J f lOSfast 20 1021 9 S 8 7s 673 G Babin 10 Sacajawea ToutOr MaryHead 53142 Shport 51 f l09fuat 12 99 8 C 6 C 5 ° G Babin 8 Shaudon Corkey W Petrograd 52009 Jefson 1 l42good 15 99 2 S 8 S S 7 1 G Babln 9 Tan Sou Sea Court Walk Up 51883 Jefson 51109 fast 12 110 6 G G 6s 5 D Hopkins 7 Mary Head Segurola Repent 51723 Jefson fJ f 111 hvy 7 104 1 7 7 1 5s G Uabln 10 MiryFonso WiilkUp AmnMaid 51621 Jefson 5J f I09y5good 7 114 8 8 8 S 7 J Conway S Mary Head Dr Howard MErb 51456 Bowie Cl f 125 slow 185 109 3 65 6 3 J Heupel S KingsBolle LGranlte BlkTop 51191 Empire 5J f 105 fast 25 H3 9 99 8J 8 J Connolly 8 MadiGuar OFoces janjalcaB HACKAMORE b p 4 By Flint Book Hour Hand by Ethelbert Trainer D Womeldorff Owner H P Holmes 53G34 Bowie 1 116 l51fast 3310 10 211 1 1 in Gregory 0 Oreiizo Nebraska Speedster G3GOO Bowie 1 110 l51fast 215103 978 5 4J II Gregory 1 1 Challenger Arbitrator Oreuzo 4s 2U M Harson S AnnaGallup GBovee IronBoy 53473 Bdwie 34 l14slow t 2 100 7 7 7 74 7lu M Harson S Jadda Mnnoevre K Champion 50059 Dufrin Ab 5S l04slow 3 IIS 514 J Dmlnlck G Lady lone IJIeather OlJunie 48607 Windsor 34 112 fast IS 107 8 87 74 G4J R McCrnnlO Camflage Sylvano Firstlullel 49433 FtErle 34 113 fast 45 111 G 74 3i 33 li McCrnn 9 MisstheTime UidShip BIdea 49189 Hamtn 1 116 l4Sfast 110 103 247 7 G1 Gi C OMahy 8 Virgo Colonel Lit Sea Priuce 49134 Hamtn Im70y 146 fast 135 114 5 1 1 1 2 4s C OMahy 8 Neennh Ballybell Mildred 48972 Kwrth Im70y 14G fast 2 107 3 4 3 2 22 121 J II Burke 5 Hush Roisterer Short Chang ChanglADY lADY FREEMEEN b f 4 M 97 By Free lance Shameen by St Gatien GatienTrainer Trainer J Booker Owner J Becker Becker5EG47 5EG47 HdeGce 34 l14fasl ICf 103 12 13 12 13 II10 A Allen 10 Optimism EnricpCainso Midian 50002 Tim 24 120 slop 7 112 45 D Stirling 0 Uranium lielliimln Helen Lucas Lucas4SG93 4SG93 Mlboro Ab5S Il3fast S 104 5 J ftawson 7 LegalTender RuiiCreek MyAdu MyAdu49G79 49G79 Mlboro Ab5S lUOfefast 9 103 3731 Dawson 0 Jessica F My A hi Echo U U4SG73 4SG73 Mlboro Ab5S l10fast 32 105 Gi D Carswell 7 Trapping Raconteuse Earlymn Earlymn4S59S 4S59S Aqduct 1 l38fast 100 110 S 9 9 S S10 S44 F Wdstck 9 Leatherface TenCan SirGrafton SirGraftonBUR1INGAME BUR1INGAME ch g 7 102 By Cunard Sweet Alice by Flylny Dutchman DutchmanTrainer Trainer R A Johnson Owner G luther luther53G33 53G33 Bowie Gi f l21fast T910 112 5 767 5 = A Johnson S DbleVan Amackassin Tdstool 53558 Bowie 78 l28fast 51 103 134 4 4 33 J Shelepcts 7 Medusa Resist North Shore 51690 Bowie 1 116 1 55hvy 245109 7705 5J 5 V JenkiiH 7 Wilfreda Aigrette Kiuglingll KiuglingllD1E20 D1E20 Bowie 6i f 122 fast 10 111 8 10 9 10i S73 L Morris 14 OklSinner Amackassin Lghter Lghter601SO 601SO BBonta 1 l45hvy 75 102 234 5 G1 7 i K Fator 7 Pierrot NMIleybright Dragoon Dragoon5Q04S 5Q04S BBonts 1 l41fast 6 111 3 1 1 2 Ink 2 A IMckena 8 Duke Ruff Medusa Sweeplet 49917 Conght 1 11G l52slow 2J 101 222 1 I1 3 E HarbnelO SemStalvirt Statlm Honolulu 40846 Conght 1 18 l54fast 22 101 1 1 1 C 6s 53i 12 Harbne 7 llogart Pit Solid Rock RockBETSY BETSY b m 6 101 By Ballot Degenerate by Tenny TennyTrainer Trainer 0 E Pons Owner E Loh Loh5C623 5C623 Bowie 1116152 fast G 102 3 43 4 4i 79 T Brooke S Aztec Sundiiria Paul Connelly 53550 Bowie 1 116 l52good 11 102 5 G 2 2 24 34 T Brooke 7 OakBelle TossUp B Hampson Hampson5347G 5347G Bowie 1 116 l52slow III 9S 10 11 5 10 101 Ssl T Brooke 10 Kohinoor J Reeves GDawn 63155 Shport Im70y l48fast 20 109 4 G G 5 62 510 A Collin 0 KirstsCub FouutFay Kinr 53107 Shport 78 l29good 50 97 7 7 7 7 5i 6 T Brooks 8 Lad Richard V Tony 6308G Shport 5i f l12hvy CO 101 7 777 G L Aron 7 F Pullet L Maudle LMildred LMildredBOMBAST BOMBAST br g 6 115 By Broomstick Sola by Meddlar Trainer G Peterson Owner G Peterson 53G32 HdeGce 1 18 l55fast 9 10S 7 7 7 7 8 ° S14 C Ponce 9 Antoinette Mather Austral AustralGSG09 GSG09 Bowie 1 116 l51fast 2G 114 11 10 10 7 G1 5i C Ponce 11 Challenger Arbitrator Orenzo 53515 Bowio 1 18 l57fast 19 112 7 7 7 7 73 8 G Ponce 8 Austral Solid Rock Spearlcne SpearlcneB347G B347G Bowie 1 116 l52J slow 31 112161613 15 14 = 11 ° G Ponce 10 Kohinoor J Reeves GDawn 52818 FGnda 1 14 207 fast 5 114 13 10 12 12 12 11 = 3 J RodgczlS Capital City Sasin Lottery LotteryE27G8 E27G8 FGnds 1 116 l50hvy 85 110 10 11 11 6 4J 4 J J J Mney 12 OldMcKna Yaphk CapBurns CapBurnsB2C95 B2C95 FGnda 1 18 l54fast 75 107 G 5 5 4 2 33 J J Mliey 0 Grandee Pit Kohinoor KohinoorE2G43 E2G43 FGnds 1 11G l47fast 20 306 S 7 7 6 41 3s J J Mney S Lively Plaise Dcckmate DcckmateRAFFERTY RAFFERTY b g 6 111 By Harrigan Pickaninny by Ceiarton CeiartonTrainer Trainer A H Vivell Owner M F Mount Mount5CG7G 5CG7G HdeGe Im70y l47fast 40 110 7 1 1 2 4 = C Jacksonl2 Speedster SiimmyKelly Maize MaizeG359S G359S Bowie 6i f l20fast 98 112 C G 4 GJ G J C Jackson 12 Kirah JeanBnllant DoubleVan DoubleVanG3561 G3561 Bowio 78 l2Sfast 21 110 4 4 4 4 3 G7 C Jackson 8 A Gallup Ilackamorc GBovee 53531 Bowie G f l21good 75 110 2 G 7 Si II13 C Jackson 13 Kirah Hack Bay Benevolent Benevolent6S495 6S495 Bowie GS f 121 fast 79 110 4 10 10 Si 7 7l l G Jackson 14 SamKelly GenAgte Amksin AmksinB2710 B2710 FGnda 34 l15mud 30 109 2 8 8 104 10 ° C Jackson 12 Vansylvia TNighter LMaudie B25G7 FGnda EJ f 107 fast 40 11110 11 11 101 1011 C Jackson 13 Pueblo Little Maudle Circulate TOM SAUNDERS ch h 5 100 100Trainer By luck and Charity Sly Sal by Salvado Trainer J G Bussey Owner E Graham GrahamCQSSl iam CQSSl Laurel 1 l41fast 9f 108 10 9 S 6 GU G5 W Kelsay 14 AAlexder Salvntelle JOvcrtn 49418 FtErle 1 116 l45good 3 110 1333 133349i84 3 3 2i 3 W Heinch 8 Flibbertygibbet lolite Keep 49i84 FtErie 1 11G l45fast 4 105 5 4 4 3 45 33 J McTagt 5 War Club Exhorter Kilts II 43181 Sartoga 1 l38fast S 112 2 2 3 333 3 34SG80 333 L Lyke 9 Tenons Bon Gex Tom Brooks 4SG80 Latonia 1 1S 152 fast S3 114 554 444 4 = G i E Pool 10 B Choice MrseTohn Kimpalong 4S452 Latonia 1 11G l4Sgood 4 115 1 7 G 4 2U 25 L Lyke 7 Rafferty Jelllson Bond Bond1ADY 1ADY GRANITE b f 3 95 By Granite lady Strathmore by Stratbmoie StratbmoieTrainer Trainer C J Quinn Owner C J Quinn QuinnfSG32 fSG32 Bowie 6i f 121 fast 14 03 5 35 4 = 4 i M Schwtz 0 Resist Onico Vansylvia 53598 Bowie 6i f l20fast 100 95l2 10 77 = 7l M Schwtzl2 Kirah JeanBnllant DonbleVan 53538 Bowie 78 l2Sfast 42 101 7 7 7 C G5 510 H Gregory 7 Medusa Resist Burllngame BurllngameE3495 E3495 Bowie Ci f 121 fast 28 9114 12 12 12 1217 T Brooke 14 SKelly GAgmonte Auikassin 52271 FGnda 34 l15good 12 91 13 12 8 S1 67 L McDottlS Rolo Oraer 1C Louise Wynne Wynne620G 620G Jefson Bi f l09Mfast 25 109 8 9 8 S1 73 J Willlamsll Plantoon L Wynne MaryFonso MaryFonsoE1490 E1490 Bowie Im70y l50fast 42 84 8 G 5 5 5 = G P Walls 10 Sentimental Kinglingll Aurum AurumA1F A1F VEZIKA b g G 101 By Rey Hindoo Dally by Giganteum GiganteumTrainer Trainer W Klock Owner V Klock Klock53G7G 53G7G HdeGe Im70y l47fast 96 110 2 G 11 11 10 = S ° L Morris 12 Speedster SanimyKelly Maize 53495 Bowie Gi f 121 fast 59 110 3 G G G S12 G Ponce 14 SnmKelly GenAgte Amksin 52833 FGnda 34 l13fast 12 113 4 5 G 7i 9 ° L Morris 13 General Philanderer Moroni E0821 Kwrth 5i f 107 fast 17f 113 9 11 11 9l 10IS W Hinphy 12 Toombeola SandyH HidnShip E0309 Thcliffo 34 l14fast 17 101 10 II Gregory 12 ElMahdi HWilldo Bars and S 49790 Devre 34 l13fast 3 112 6 5 4 2 1J L Morris 11 FinancialRooster Ava R Parol ParolDOCTOR DOCTOR JIM b g 4 M 97 By Ogden Rock Merry by Rook Sand SandTrainer Trainer S M Henderson Owner E B Henderson 53583 Bowie G f l20fast 23 105 S 77 75 7 G Babin S Siigarmint IFrank ViveMcGce 53513 Bowie 78 l2Sfast 8 107 7 G 3 3 3l 31 G Babin 12 Moroni Lloyd George Roisterer 52762 FGnds im70y l49hvy tf5 110 2 7 4 3 34 3i J lloberts 10 Secretary U Rendered Romper RomperF2G24 F2G24 FGnds 1 11G l47fast b 97 3 4 5 G 3 = 2l F Andson 12 Benevolent SLightHI Assume 51421 Church1 1 1116149 fast 35 103 1 2 2 3 2 = 21 C Buel 7 Darnley Lady Britain Ava R 61309 Church 1 1 l39fast 5 105 G 3 4 3 2J 2l J J Mney 13 Tulsa I ady Britain Frank F FE062S E062S Latonia 34 l14fast 7 112 1 2 2 2 2i W Crump 12 DonnaRoma Simonite JakeFeld JakeFeldBEAUTY BEAUTY SLEEP h m 5 97 By Sir Archibald Golden Slumbon by Gold GoldTrainer Trainer R F Carman Jr Owner R F Carman 53676 IJdeGe irn70y l47fast 53 101 4 9 10 10 II3 10I M Harsonl2 Speedster SanimyKelly Maize 61201 Laurel 1 116 l49 fast 29 103 5 G S S S S B Fator S StirUp Sentimental AttyMuir AttyMuirSHC5 SHC5 Laurel 1 l43V fast 10 99 3 9 S 7 7i 6 ° F Bryson 9 Napoli Siesta Tarascon 61060 Laurel Im70y l47fast 17 101 4 2 2 4 75 G A Allen S Zouave SandyMac KingAgrippa 50974 Laurel 1 116 IrlS fast 24 107 5 5 G G 5 5 = 5 AV Kelsay 5 BIy Tantalus Fier 50555 HdeGe linOy I5iy5slop 17 111 3 2 2 4 610 5ZS J Itoclgez 0 Mltosell Culvert Pnt to Pnt 60507 HdeGce 1 14 209slow 4G 107 5 l 1 1 5i 51 J Heupel 7 Austral Mildred Court Fool FoolC04G8 C04G8 HdeGce 1 14 2OSfaat iO 104 4 2 2 5 5 = 6 J Heupel 7 Austral CapitalCity CourtKool CourtKoolTOM TOM BROOKS ch g 5 115 By Brummel Resignation by Ben Strome Trainer H Roseachor Owner W Robinson 53634 Bowie 1 1lC l51V5fast 41 110 3 5 G 5 5 A Collins 0 Orenzo Ilackamorc Nebraska G2009 Bowie 1 11G l51fast 40 106 4 S 9 8 93 911 G Babin 11 Challenger Arbitrator Orenzo 53550 Bowie 1 116 l52good S 115 6 6 6 4 5 = 6 64 C Ponce 7 Oakhswn Belle Toss Up Betsy 53321 Bowie 1 116 l51fast 29 113 9 10 S 7 7i 717 C Ponce 11 Hloldiier Indolence Warlike 51680 Jefson Im70y l50mud 12 110 6 G G 5 4s 412 C Ponce 7 SiisanM BBrumuiellL Dancer DancerC1G32 C1G32 Jefson 1116148 fast 12 111 5 5 4 3 2 41Z C Ponce S Mali Alliena Sea Urchin E1625 Jefson llJG l49hvy 4 104 S 7 G 4 5 = 5s C Ponce 8 Cockroach Fr Waters Brkland BrklandB150G B150G Jef son Jin70y 1 4Gfast 20 109 S 9 5 5 71 7 C Ponce 12 Nominee Bombast II 0 Bascb E1070 Empire 1 14 209fxst 20 112 6 1 1 1 3 = 3 S C Ponce 7 GreatGulI Challenger AlmaB AlmaBB1026 B1026 Empire Im70y l47J5hvy 20 115 8 6 G G 75 7 T Rowan S Berlin Gtieland Kcziah KcziahA1HE1TA A1HE1TA b g 9 110 By Star Shoot Belle of Gleadala by Sir Dixoa DixoaTrainer Trainer B E Chapman Owner 1 A Seregni Seregni53C08 53C08 Bowie 1 11G l51fast 28 101 9 10 30 10 1021010 M Schwtzll Kcziah Yaphank Bcnllnmpson Bcnllnmpson53G01 53G01 Bowie 1 116 l50fast 47 106 3 5 S 9 S 8o M Scliwtz 9 Koliinoor Benevolt Speedster 63522 Bowie 1 116 l51fast 52 111101010 7 G1 G5 M Schwtzll Maize Al Wcrce Crumpsall CrumpsallG3TOO G3TOO Bowie 1 11G 151 fast 15f IOC 11 10 10 11 II1 ll M SchwtzlS Bar One Orenzo Warlike 52345 FGnds Im70y 145 fast S 101 5 8 8 S 8 S L McDott S UODay Sam Kelly LtWine LtWine6227G 6227G FGnda Im70y l4Ggood S 109101010 9 8s 73 L McDottM On High Salute McAdoo 62139 Jefson 1 316 202fast 5 108 1 10 10 8 7l 4i L McDottl2 Spectacular Girl Tugs Aztec