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FOURTH RACE 58 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming May 20 1920 59 4 107 LADY HARRIGAN ch f 4 By Karrigan Lady Ilildreth by Golden Garter Trainer L T Whitehill Owner L WhitohiU 53CS5 Tijuana 5S l01fast 2310 IK 1 22 2 B Taylor 10 LSmall LHnrriRnn Harbor G3C39 Tijuana 34 111 fast G 103 4 2 41 D Priblc 10 KWlirs ISandStrs JPiitlnl G35G7 Tijuana 1 143 fast 2i 101 311 1 1J 23 D Prible 111 Jnlylly Klltoy Swictwater 53525 Tijuana 5S l01fast 22 102 G C2 G51 D Prible llazflDale CalCiirn Mannlkinll 53444 Tijuana 34 l14fast 13 105 7 in 3 D Prible 1 XIHiiiann Mankinll SOliver D33G2 Tijuana Cl f lOSfast 195f 101 11 8 S 8J G 3 D Prible 1 XlkOarner Fan Nail XlSedalia XlSedaliaC2930 C2930 Tijuana GS 103 mud 5 IOC 5 G 7 71 S11 G Yeargin 0 TDiinean SealSeacli WODooly WODoolyTEMPY TEMPY DeerslayerTrainer DUNCAN b in 10 108 By Billy Mayhue Edna Edwards by Deerslayer Trainer C 3 Irwin Owner C B Irwin IrwinnCC2 nCC2 Tijuana 5i f lOSfast 310 W 2 24 4 G3j D Ilurn 0 JtovclryTames ElSabio Dienero DieneroG3CGO G3CGO Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 21 10T 3 353GI5 2 2 2 22 D Hum S SmilMa Hoover Choirilascr53GI5 Choirilascr 53GI5 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 22 95 1 1G3G11 2 2 21 2 D Ilurn 7 UzolDalc IlAiiKliton Dklmnd DklmndG3G11 G3G11 Tijuana 34 l14fast 22f 102 3 3G357G 23 3 3J G 52 3 O Hum 8 Ol Wood nieiiero Thirty Scvcn G357G Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 14 103 1 2 G 5 3 D Ilurn r NCR WWhitakor Ilarrs Heir 53481 Tijuana Gi f l07fast 12f 111 2 2B3433 2 2 54 1 Xlarttnezl Cvlvbratf iiilKuMe SmMaKirle B3433 Tijuana 58 l01fast G3 97 1 3 3J 4s D Ilurn 7 IVrch KISabio Smiling Magpie B3421 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 47 111 S 77 7 93 P MartinezlO Tlirty Seven Billy Joe Hoover MONTGOMERY HeyvoodTrainer JR ch 0 7 110 By Montgomery Relationship by Heyvood Trainer M P Level Owner F Leiner 53591 Tijuana 5i f lOSfast 20f 10T S 432 Il A Pedfern 11 LetUee BellSuirrel FrNurse G3524 Tijuana 58 102 fast 232 10G 5 549 i ° l A Ttedfernl1 SoaBeacli LetlyKee XI Franklin G33G2 Tijuana 51 f lOIfast 98 11210 10 11 11 11 B Pinnegrl XikCariicr Fan Nail XlSedalia G2930 Tijuana KS 10 mud inf nr 7 8 8 7 AV Taylor TDuncaii Sealieach WCDooIy D2827 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 33 112 3 3 7 SJ 12 A Zclgler 12 Oldlldiiiestead KISabio lantern 47973 Tijuana El f l07fast 8 Ha ll J Xlulcahy 11 BeatLucilleLStPrick LXIoore DUG DE GUISE ch g 5 115 115Trainer By Star Shoot Mist Granville by Yankee Trainer J W Murphy Owner V OReilly 5r7 Tijuana 5 f 108 fast 4310 112 S 3 4 71 P Xtartiuea S irsansHr KngLaily KHkin 53570 Tijuana GS l00fast 145102 7 5 GS 5s 15 Parke 7 IlazolUale DFashion Tillotson 53483 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 1G5 110 G 1 1 1 43i R Carter 11 llurncir Delancey XIofAnsel 53419 Tijuana 5S l01 fast 25 113 3 1 1 1 = 1 Ink R Carter 14 TomCaro KathRankln OllveD 11095 Latonia 34113fast 10 113 3 2 2 25 Si p cltllettlll Tim ItcGee Serbian Larry B 50958 Latonia 34 l13fast 10 112 S 7 10 10 10 2 T Xlurray 12 Ruby Pyx XHlitnry Girl GirlBy INDIAN BRIGADE ch c 8 By Brigade Wild Irish by Pontiac Trainer R Campbell Owner 0 L Fundlngsland 52090 Tijuana 34 l14fast 23 109 3 3C3G25 7 7 7IiSTJ R Dority S ThlySoven GeoJamos Dienero C3G25 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast tf 112 G GG34S3 3 G 7 7s It Dority 13 Billy Joe Blanchlta Xland M G34S3 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 22f 111 3 8 10 10s 102 P Xlartine ll HarHeir Dflancoy rofAriBel 53335 Tijuana 34 l14fast G2 IK 4 4 4 Cl 12 B PinneBrl3 AuntAnnic Tawtha Shoreacres 53295 Tijuana Ci f l0slow 11 111 3 35324G r G G C i B Plnnesr 9 Herder BillyJoe Knglish I idy 5324G Tijuana 5S l03slop 18 09 7 75r043 G C Gz 53 B Parke Ili MndHyiiK Ulanchita ApJack 5r043 Tijuana 34 l15hvy 5f 99 3 3LITTLE C 10 8 G 3 B Parko 11 KlSlkwell JuhnJr Scdgcgrass ScdgcgrassBy LITTLE ONE b C 4 110 By Lord Rock Sand The Pet by The Friar Trainer B E Graham Owner B E Graham 50GG2 Tijuana Gi f l08fast SG 109 C CTCG27 T 5 9 9 T McCullh BevelryTamcs ElSabio DJenero TCG27 Tijuana 51 f l07fast Sf 111 2 7 8 13 13 A Zelgler 13 XI Lass K Itankin O Hstead 53591 Tijuana 51 f l03Mfast 20f 111 7 7525S1 9 11 11 11 T McCulh 11 XltgomyJr LRee BSquirrel 525S1 Tijuana 58 l05slow 35f 107 819 G Taylor 0 Xlisslarnell XIasFranklin Xlex 52237 Tijuana 58 l01fnst 15f 112 12 F Chiavtal 11tIeXIcCarty Chrome Ijinteru G11S Havana 34 l13fast 4 1021 3 3IG352 1 1 2 2 W Brown 9 Iardonu Incinerator Drusllla IG352 Havana Gi f lOSgood 8 IOC 2 2MARY 2 2 2 3s W Brown 9 Annabollc Bardora Spcct Girl GirlBy MARY JOSEPHINE ch m 5 IIS By Transvaal Succasunna by Tenny Trainer J J Quintan Owner Heiglo Quinlan 517GG Tijuana 1 l44Afast 25 110 3J U Carter 8 HnnLovy XIndrlil BDeltohman 51540 Tijuana 1144 fast 185 111 1s XI Mtlicws 9 Xamloch Petilus Lyliiiiocenci 50143 Hcno 1 l41fast 1110 113 433 W Ormes Rut Arms MXIiuiiigu TrOowen 50013 Reno 1 l41fast 1110 111 I3 II Stuart 5 IDirect XI Belle PDouglass 49944 Reno 1 l42 fast 115 113 I3 II Stuart XIoiitlti lle BL vy BatXIount 49258 Reno 58 I01fast2710f 114 2Z1 H Stuart 9 Indianblu Fayette C Oklalrisli 19245 Reno 58 l02yfast 11 114 114J 31 11 Carter 9 CKay OklaIrish ChoirXIastef J D SUGG br h 8 118 118Trainer By Bowling Green Erla dOr by Pursebearer Trainer J Eckert Owner J Eckert Eckert5G35 BillyJoe5291G 5G35 Tijuana 51 frl frlOSfast OS fast 32 115 7 7 75291GTijuana G 7 = Cc T XlcCuirh S AppleJk ColonelXratt BillyJoe 5291G 5291GTijuana Tiiuana 5S l02sioi 4710 113 2 7 7G2S71 777 73 C Gross S Perch Ringleader Little Jake G2S71 Tijuana 58101 fast Elf 113 7 7 71 C21 C Gross 10 DodcAtlams QuidNiinc ElSabio 52333 333 Tijuana 5S l03hvy G 118 11851S9G 3J C Gross 11 Daisy N Little Jake Viva Viva51S9G 51S9G Tijuana 5S 102 fast G 113 11351S3G 2i C ross 11 Neg Daisy N Billy Joe Joe51S3G 51S3G Tijuana 5S 102 fast 7 117 Il C Gross 8 CtheWay ELeVan DrKendall 51745 Tijuana 5S 58102 102 fast 7 109 10951GBG 221 C Gross 10 Cover Up Crispie OIIomestead OIIomestead51GBG 51GBG Tijuana 5S 102 fast 145 I1G 5 = i C Gross 11 BevelryJames Xlilda LittleJake LittleJakeHATTIE HATTIE CayugaTrainer McCARTY ch m G 113 By Prospero Boll Weevil by Cayuga Trainer C E Davison Owner C E Davlson 52901 Tijuana 1 l41fast 07 110 2 31 1 2 C G Yeargin 9 Lewis B Pizarro Ilarrs Heir Heir52SCO 52SCO Tijuana 34 l14fast 18 112 1 33 3 8 = 5 G Yearginl HajjansIIclr ApJack I ewlsB 52793 Tijuana 34 114 fast 34 114 S5 E Haywd 11 SmiLXIag XlerLss IFgansIIr IFgansIIr52GS5 52GS5 Tijuana 1 11C l49slow 37 105 7 II Rowe 7 Ola Lee Horace Lnrcli Yermak 52457 Tijuana 51 f l09slop 3310 110 3 ° G Yeargin 8 DFashion Pastime Nledovatl 52402 Tijuana 58 l01fast 12 10S 2Z G Yeargin 9 LittleJake EdLeVan Xlaurichen 52237 Tijuana 5S l01fast 7G 113 1 G Yeargin 12 Chrome Lantern Emma Weller 51897 Tijuana 5S l01fast 452 107 1183 C Whitton 11 Fireplace LadySmall GtrudeB GtrudeBCHARMANT CHARMANT ch f 3 100 By The Rascal Linolin by Requital Trainer A Noyes Owner Grange Stable StableG27 G27 Tijuana 5 f l07fast 52 W 9 9 11 12U 123 K Noble 13 XL Las K Ktnkin O Hstead HsteadK3S K3S Tijuana 58102 fast 12f 100 1 3 3 4t C5i B Xlarielli 10 Cal Cnrn LaBXoiro Pittxbiirg PittxbiirgSCJ SCJ Tijuana 5X f l10 hvy 14 10G 5 4 3 C2 C93 D Powell 7 GJimes JackLodi Tawaseiitha 022 Tijuana 34 11G fast 7f 113 G 11 1 453 XI Buxton 10 Tawaseiitha Jkl edi Sis Polly PollySS9 SS9 Tijuana 34 115 fast 27 100 4 4 5 G1 G XI Slshter 9 Croupier Tawaseiitlm SisPolly 43 Tijuana 58 l01fast 14 55 4 3 3 4J 4s B Marielli 11 DyFashion LadySmall Chrome ChromeIONDAINE IONDAINE b m 6 108 108Trainer By Malamont Garelo by Hurst Park Trainer J E OShea Owner J Anderson 53GSG Tijuana 58 102 fast 24 108 S 77 C 4T J Murray 11 TomCaro Squash SmilingAiina SmilingAiinaE3G24 E3G24 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast G4 111 2 47 Ci Gci 1 Murray Itt Viva BSquirrel L St 1atriok 53592 Tijuana 51 f l03fast 74 108 T 79 9 = 10 J Xlurray 12 El Sabio Mannikin II Aliijab 53524 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 27f 103 3 33 32 433 J Majestic 14 SeaBeach Letlyltee TMFranklin 52502 Tijuana 58 l01fast lOf 111 11 11 10 101 11 J XIajesticM OliveD KillarneyBelle Viva 53419 Tijuana 5S l01fnst 77 112 S 10 9 91 9 i T XlcCulh 14 DdeGnise TomCaro KRankiln KRankiln6S379 6S379 Tijuana 58103 fast 84 113 9 9 9 91 8 T McCulll 15 WCDooly ViNail BSquirrel BSquirrelARIETTA ARIETTA b m 5 108 By Satsuma II Golden Wave by Mirthful MirthfulTrainer Trainer W A French Owner Woodland Stable 52955 Tijuana 34 113 uood Iflf ICG C 47 10s 102 D Powell 12 Zamloch LitPncess AuntAnnic 52771 Tijuana 34 l15fast 17 103 13 D Powell 12 JJXIdock BShling AliceCarr AliceCarr525G9 525G9 Tijuana 1 l43mud 2G 10S 10S5252G 48i O Willis 10 BerniceE AudreyA PatXIack 5252G Tijuana 61 f l15V slop IGf 105 52298 Tijuaan 1 l427ifast 14 103 128 C Dugganl2 Tambian AnJackson Prophecy 52238 Tijuana 1 142 fast 29 103 4T3 B Mariellill OurXIaid RedWilliam XIaud M M5212G 5212G Tijuana 51 f 103 fast lOf 110 105 J Callahanll Divland Pink Tenny Welga WelgaJOSENIA JOSENIA ch m 5 113 By Jocund Carmolina by Orsinl OrsinlTrainer Trainer A Younger Owner L WilHamO WilHamOGl443 Gl443 Tijuana 5 f 1OS fast 9f 113 4 C 30 10 11 R Dority 11 Celebrate Stanley G James 52941 Tijuana 5S 104 slow 31 110 4 1 5 Bled J Clemuntsli CloJtinia XlissOuri PegXIartih PegXIartih52S4S 52S4S Tijuana 58 l01fast 130 103 S 77 10 102 J Clements 11 DyFashion LadySmall Chrome 52579 Tijuana 5S l05slow 47 107 10 J Ciementsll 1aisy N Pretty Baby McCroan 5243G Tijuana 58 l S slop 11 113 58i R Dority 9 CamflagelL GeoJames AnnS 525G1 Tijuana 1 l44good 88 112 II22 J Ciementsll GFliish BrownBee CiiUtCoiirt 52303 Tijuana 41 f 53fast 4Sf 98 v 10 J ClementslO TocBlair JnitaFdrick Cornctr 52261 Tijuana 5S l01fast 50 110 10 J Ciementsll CACkey D Adams LewisB MINERAL JIM b g 10 115 By Radford Kate Rogers by Bob Carter CarterTrainer Trainer M P Level Owner E M Level 53295 Tijuana 51 f lOSslow 13 110 8 88 721 43 A Zelgler 9 Ilerdnr BillyJoe English Lady Lady529S7 529S7 Tijuana 31 l14fast 4 117 7 7 Fell A Xclgler 10 Velvet Patsy Xlack Rosellis 2954 Tijuana 34 llGgood 12 113 8 7 C 4 23 A Xeigler 11 BenPaynf ThrlftyTlirce Rosellis 52859 Tijuana 34 l14fast 23 117 7 7 4 31 8s A Heigler 11 01 Wood JJMurdock SisPolly 52793 Tijuana 34 114 fast 8 109 C S T Xlariellilt SmilXIag MerLss Ugansllr 52580 Tijuana GS l05Gslow 12 114 Gi A Xeigler 10 TillolKon EiiRLady Nledovatl 32483 Tijuana 58 l03mud 32 110 G i A Edgier S Cicely Kay Welta Ringleader