Fifth Race [5th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1921-04-21

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FIFTH EACE 58 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming May 20 1920 59 4 107 LADY IngoldsbyTrainer SMALL blk m 6 113 By Jack Aikin Oriental Pearl by Ingoldsby Trainer G A Luckey Owner G A Lnckev Lnckev5TJK5 5TJK5 Tijuana 5S l01fast 41 113 2 11 13 1 J Majestic 10 IiHarriRiii MFnklin Barber Barber53G91 53G91 Tijuana Ci f lOSV6faat 2310 108 3 1 1 4l C7J II Kowe 11 XltsoniyJr LKee BSiiuirrel 2017 Tijuana 5S l02slop 5 105 9 C 3 31 3s XI Slghter 9 CAComiskey I Brigade BGlrl BGlrl52S4S 52S4S Tijuana 58 l01fast 85 102 1 22 21 22 M Slghter 11 Dy Fashion Chrome Charmant Charmant52GOS 52GOS Tijuana 51 f l10slow 15 110 G4J M XlthewslO K Harridan M Euretta Dotll 52141 Tijuana 58 100 fast 17 97 453 H SI shier 9 Shifty Sherman A Little Jakfc JakfcG2SG2 G2SG2 Tijuana 51 f lOS good 175 la1 22 XI Slghterlt Itlancliita Riposta Ann S SSTRIKER STRIKER br g 11 115 115Trainer By Disguise Contentious by Galore Trainer J Duggan Owner W E Parker 53539 Tijuana 58 102 fast 7 115 1 S 1 10 10S S33 J MajesticlS S Reach B and Stars Wrose 53459 Tijuana 1 l42fast 31110 117 4 3 3 3 31 G82 W Ilinphy 11 TokMarch BcnLevy PatXIack 53425 Tijuana Ci f 108 fast 2J 110 5 7 5 41 571 C WhittnlS XIKurctta Delancey AppleJack 53333 Tijuana 31 l14fast 125117 1 3 3529S9 3 13 I4 C Whittnl3 Dicnuro XlissDunbar BrownBee 529S9 Tijuana 34 114 fast 7 112 1 3 35291G 4 3l 23 W Hinphy 11 GoldieRose QNiinc XllssSedalin XllssSedalinG 5291G Tijuana 5S l02slop 4710 102 C 5 552SGO G G GaJ B Xlarielli S Perch Ringleader Little Jake 52SGO Tijuana 34 l14fast 135 112 3 1 1 13 43 N Foden Ili llaganslleir ApJack LewisB LewisBSl 32299 Tijuana 1 l41fast 95 115 Sl B PinnegrlU aBtMouiitn Prairie PliilIartin PliilIartinBy P MOODY b g 4 109 109Trainer By Stanley Fay Pecasta by Peep oDay Trainer W Walker Owner W Walker WalkerKCJ7 KCJ7 Tijua la a 51 f 108 fast GG IOS 4 4 44 C 53 II B Bwcr 8 Ilgansirr EnjrLady KRkin 53539 Tijua la a 58102 fast 20f 111 5 2 3 3 42 M Buxton la S Beach I and Stars Wrose 53505 Tijua la a Gi f 108 fast f 109 4 2 22 G1 8 ° Xt Buxton 10 KngLndy FXIoon GeoJames 53483 Ti Tiiua iua la a 5 53 f 108 fast 22f 109 9 7 C Gt G W Hinphy 11 IlarHeir Delaiicey MofAnsel 52703 Tijuana GI f lOSfast 17f 112 112E2GG9 5 N Foden 8 Riposta Welga Teuipy Dtimun DtimunE2GG9 E2GG9 Tijua la a 5S 58104hvy 1 04hvy 32c 107 ll II B Bwerll CtbeWay Naslevati XIFuklin 52579 Tijua la a 5S l05slow 32 100 711 II B Bwer 11 Daisy N Pretty Baby XlcCroun XlcCrounTOM TOM CARO b e 8 110 By Marta Santa Argon Esher by Esher EsherTrainer Trainer P A Sandidge Owner P A Sandidee Sandidee5SGSG 5SGSG Tijuana 5S 102 fast 1G5 107 211 121 I4 B Parke 11 Squash SmilingAnim Mondaine 53500 Tijuana 34 115 fast 8 108 5 11 1J 45J II Itouo 13 Hubert Lee Careen Viva 53177 Tijuana 34 lllfast 11 113 9 2 3 CJ 12 V Cloud 14 Capers Cobalt York Lassie 5345G Tijuana 5S l02fast 185108 5 3 7 G 43 D Powell 14 Playne MDuubar ISScjuirrel 53419 Tijuana 5S l01fast 2U 108 1 2 2 21J 2k H Rowe 14 DdeOuise KatliRanklu OllveD 53319 Tijuana 58 l015ffast 9f 110 2 4 7 9J II13 A Gantnerlo Celebrate Review EinmaWeller 52729 Tijuana 58 l02fast 122 105 10 N Foden 11 foe Tag English Lady JulyKly 32505 Tijuana 5S l03hvy 3G 110 1020 M Mthewsl2 Manncbeu Humuia Divlaiid MAID OF ANSEL br m 5 113 By Flammarion Air Maid by Thicket Trainer W M Kikel Owner W M Mikel 5SG45 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 19 100 5 4 AT G = i E Noble 7 IIDale TDiincan IIAnglclon IIAnglclon5SC25 5SC25 Tijuana 5i f 108 fast 8 110 9 9 S 8 = 5 = J JIurraj 13 Billy Joe Itlnncliita Maud M 53538 Tijuana 5S 102 fast S 113 4 5 5 G1 43 T McCullhlO Cal Curn LuliNoiro PHtsburR PHtsburRE3T07 E3T07 Tijuana 5S f l07fast 125 108 7 G 5 G1 5s O Willis 8 Stanleyll OIxjader SJIasgie SJIasgie5E483 5E483 Tijuana 5S f 108 fast IS 103 5 34 41 3l J lltamer 11 TTarIIeir Delaiicey Ddefuise Ddefuise5340G 5340G Tijuana 5S l02iffast llf 100 4 55 4JJ lt J Htairtcr 1U Kl Sabio VlVu Review 53247 Tijuana 5S l02slop llf 95 G G 5 4 5 ° 2 13 Josiah 10 DuIyFashion Walterllack Xlex XlexREVIEW REVIEW TrappeanTrainer b g 4 114 By Deutscbland Alice Gary by Trappean Trainer G Hazard Owner Badillo Bros Bros53CG1 53CG1 Tijuana CJ f 108 fast 1C 111 2 77 C2 G8J P MnrtinczlO Divland Orioniestil LPointcr 53553 Tijuana 31 lMgfast 31 107 5 40 51 7s II ISowe 1I5 Capers Ennitaiia Patsy Xhnk 53505 Tijuana 5J f 108 fast 12 109 3 11 2i 7 = J O Willis 10 EnsLady FMoon GfoJainea 53443 Tijuana 31 l15fast 4 10G G 4 3 I1 I1 B MaricllilS Cobalt Little Orphan Olive I I5X40G 5X40G Tijuana 5S l02fast 10 109 1 11 2J 4 = 111 Kowc lli llaid of Ansel Kl Sabio Viva 53394 Tijuana 34 115 fast 5 10G 5 3 3 2l 2s II Rowe 11 Dicncro LChance SmilsAmm 53319 Tijuana GS 01faHt Of 109 4 22 2i 2 II Howe 15 Celebrate Emma AVeller Capers CapersERMITANA ERMITANA b m 6 108 By Von VonTrainer Tromp Isolation by George Kessler Trainer R M Hollenbeck Owner R M Hollenbeck 53G27 Tijuaria 5 f l074ffast 0 110 3 3 5 7 10 i T McCullhlS jr Lass K Rsiiikln O Hstoad 53il2 Tijuana 34 l14fast 1C 110 2 1 2 32 33J T McCullh LItNnlrn MaiidM Gprtrudult 53553 Tijuana 34 IrHiifast 12 112 4 2 2 2 = i 22J T XIcCulllilS Capers PatsyMack L Princess i3T07 Tijuana d f l07fast 10 103 4 5 G C = 7 B Martclll 8 Stanley OLender SXlagKie 5348 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 22f 113 2 G 5 5533T G C i V Cloud 11 llarIItir Dulaneuy MofAiwel 533T Tijuana 31 114 fast 17 102 3 2 23 3 31 C33 R Josiali 13 AuntAiinie Tawtlin Shoreacres 52943 Tijuana GJ f l09aluv 4 10Sil 9 8 8BOBBY 8f 9 B XlarielliW Iliimma Velvet W C Dooly DoolyBy BOBBY FIB ch e 9 M 110 110Trainer By Fib Stella Berkley by Barney Aaron Trainer W 0 Smith Owner A Wright WrightCrnCS CrnCS Tijuana 1 31C 211 fast 55 lhO 1124 11245C1SO 5 510 518 W Ovy 0 Corouado Applotto Adorock Adorock5C1SO 5C1SO Tijuana 1 18 203fast IS 139 2 2 3 2 3i I 410 W Ovy C Coronado CcrtainPnt Applitto 53444 Tijuaria 34 l14fast lOf 112 G 78 10SJ 9 P XIartinezlli MIIniaiiii Xlkin II L llguu 53409 Argfiito532G5 Tijuana 1 142 fast SOf 109 7 6 9 8 8 = S D Powell 10 Boreas ItrnPnvorite Argfiito 532G5 Tijuana 1 l4CVfhvy lOf 117 7 G 7 9 9s 91 C Whitfnl2 CliXIaster DandyVan LJphiue 5244 Tijuana GJ f l10slop Sf 10S 14 12 14 14 14 D Powell 1 1 Aniiabelle Sealteach Celebrato 52770 Tijuana 34 l14fast 23f 110 101 O Willis 11 Ollie Wood RShooter ColMatt ColMatt52G52 52G52 Tijuana GJ f lllmu l G3 110 G1 U Dority 7 Xlex Velvet Aunt Annie BELL LamplighterTrainer SQUIRREL br c 3 100 By Flying Squirrel Laura Belle by Lamplighter Trainer P Dwyer Owner P Dwyer Dwyer5SG24 5SG24 Tijuana 5J f lOSfast 135 103 5 2 1 1J 2 J XIajestic 13 Viva UStPatrick L Chance 53591 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 10 102 4 2 2 3 3 i J Majestic 11 MMRumyJr IxtRec FrNurso FrNursorJ557 rJ557 Tijuana 41 f 53 fast 42 98 4 4 2 21 2i J XIajestic S Lttentry Lady Mack Efficient Efficientj525 j525 Tijuana 5S l01fast 43 105 4 3 3 31 G O AVillis 9 IlnzclDalc CulCurn Munniklnll 3irG Tijuana 5S l02 fast 13 107 2 S 2 1J 33 E Taylor 14 lMnyu MissDunbar TomCaro 58379 Tijuana 5S 103 fast 11 103 2 22 11 3J G Yeargln 15 WCDooly ViuNall OpulWull HAZIE BARBER ch m 6 103 By Rey Hindoo Chico by Gotham GothamTrainer Trainer T Kindle Owner J C Lambert 53655 Tijuana 51 f l03V fast 54 107 3 3 4 4a S T Kindle 8 AppleJk ColonolMatt HillyJoc HillyJoc5S591 5S591 Tijuana 51 f lOSMfast 17 101 6 5 G 9 = 8 1 T Kindle 11 MtRomyIr LRee BSquirrel 63357 Tijuana 41 f 55 fast S 96 6 5 5 52J 5 B Parke 8 LGentry BSquirrel LadyMck 52502 Tijuana 5S l01fast 31 106 6 7 5 6 571 T Kindle 14 OliveD KillarncyBelle Viva Viva6S4S7 6S4S7 Tijuana 41 f 54fast 170 104 3 63 21 621 T Kindle 10 MyReigel HarryD Toombeola ToombeolaC3456 C3456 Tijuana 58 l02V5fast 27 107 8 6 5 4 5 3 T Kindle 14 PPayne MDunbar BSquirrel 63419 Tijuana 58 l01fast 16 106 5 43 31 10 T Kindle 14 DdeGuise TomCaro KRankiln KRankilnETHEL ETHEL br m 8 113 By Leonid Golden Harvest by Free Knight KnightTrainer Trainer W L Stanfield Owner A Mack ay 53612 Tijuana 34 l14fast 43 107 1 57 71 7JJ A Redfern U L B Noire Maud M Ermitana 53411 Tijuana 1 l42fast 18 110 7 10 10 9 82J SJ D Powell 12 Ostentatious Helman PTenny 53292 Tijuana 34 116 slow 20 115 1 31 I1 1 ° O Willis 12 WCDooly BabyFaust Sandab 2987 Tijuana 34 l14fast 9r 110 4 9 7 Ch 68J M Slghter 10 Velvet Patsy Mack Rosellis RosellisE2S31 E2S31 Tijuana ImTOy 152 mud S 115 4 3 4 7 8 8 M Slghter 8 Maudle Lady Josephine Tours 52732 Tijuana ImTOy l4Tfast 34 111 54i J Glass 10 Frivolous BusyBird WMBaker WMBaker626TO 626TO Tijuana 1 l48Mhvy 3 105 6 510 M Slghter 8 Weinland Boreas Bcrnice E HOOVER ch g 4 115 115Trainer By Hilarious Ethel Scruggs by Fonso Trainer G Waddell Owner Waddell Bros 53690 Tijuana 34 l14fast 9 109 G 4 3 21 4J R Carter 8 ThtySeven Geo James Dienero 53660 Tijuana 51 f lOSiaBt 7 111 5 6 5 41 3 1 R Carter S SmilMag TDuncan ChrMaster E3613 Tijuana 34 l14fast 215 107 5 G 5 21 76i W Perry 8 PMartin SMnggie KpfPthias B3481 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 9 104 10 5 4 43 4i J Noble 12 Celebrate GolRose SmMajrgie 63421 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 2J 110 4 34 41 31 C WhlftnlO ThirSeven BillyJoe Shoreacres 53363 Tijuana Si f 1M fa t 51 10S 9 96 5l 21 D Powell 13 ThtySeven GertB HarsHeir HarsHeirB3246 B3246 Tijuana 5g l 3slGj 6 13 6 7 8 81 9 G Yeargin 12 MndByng Blanchita Ap Jack JackTAMBIAN TAMBIAN ch m 5 113 By Irish Exile Betula by Rey del Sierra SierraTrainer Trainer B Warren Owner V Cloud CloudE3G61 E3G61 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 12 110 9 99 81 6 T McCullh 10 Divland OHomcsfd LPointer LPointerE3625 E3625 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 9f 110 1 64 101 12 T McCullhl3 Billy Joe Blanchitu Maud M MB2772 B2772 Tijuana 1 116 l4S fast 27 112 9 O Willis 12 BSister Lobelia T Bkenridge 52649 Tijuana Im70y l53mud 85 110 5 M Slghter G Cobrita Le Dinosaure Honolulu 52548 Tijuana ImTOy l53mud 15 110 8 J M SlghterlO PDrapu Nashotah GMueUIeli GMueUIeliF2507 F2507 Tijuana Im70y l50Hhvy 17 107 6 M SlghterlO BatMntn GenByng Salgge 62403 Tijuana 1 18 l54fast 57 108 6 M Slghter 11 Cork Our Maid Honolulu HonoluluMISS MISS EMERALD 0TOOLEbf3M 90 By Great Jubilee Misprison by Intrusive

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Local Identifier: drf1921042101_7_3
Library of Congress Record: