Tijuana Entries And Past Performances For Thursday, April 21, Daily Racing Form, 1921-04-21


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TIJUANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR THURSDAY APRIL 21 21WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRAGIC FAST Racing starts at 155 p m Chicago time 455 Superior mud ruuuer X Good mud runner runnerJ J Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice Apprenticeallowance allowance b Blinkers First Race 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Maidens Track record June 28 1910 103 Jf Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtIIan AWtIIanrains1 rains1 Alajab IOC 109 3 97 725 725r3i40 r3i40 Toy Along 99 10J 4 10 720 3ill = Viona Nail 103 108 9 IDS 715 715J53524 J53524 York lassie 3 109 715 53024 Itunker Itcau 101 109 5 112 710 3iSi Lady Bourbon 4 105 705 705T5330 T5330 bBlazor 107 103 4 110 705 53011 bBlack Spray 107 108 4 109 705 53720 liLast Chance 112 l09f 8 111X705 111X70553IJ40 53IJ40 liljidy Kufield 90 109 4 104 700 700531C5 531C5 Little Mother 98 1J21 8 100 700 700n3W5 n3W5 Judge Vaughn 109 110 i 107 700 70053U24 53U24 Killarncy Belle 107 l10f 9 110 703 70353rC 53rC liLlslal 110 l10Si S 110 700 700Iliarinacy Iliarinacy blk h by Lissa Itaiicllen by Itannock Imrn S 115 Second Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record June 28 1910 l05Vf 3 118 118RiliTht RiliTht John Lakc M 112 10 98 725 53721 Miss Dunbnr 92110 105 721 721n3C013 n3C013 Little Pointer 95 108 100X715 100X715KSOOS KSOOS Wa k I di 112 109 107X710 107X710r3 r3 57 bFull Moon 93 1OS 108x70 53552 Wise Judge 105 108 112 705 705February February ch c by Irish Kxile Kaveal by Itavel iton 100 Third Race 58 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track irk record May 20 1920 59 59bSandab 1 107 13027 bSandab 105 107 107bFirepIace l07m i 113X725 bFirepIace 110 101 5 115X720 Kl Sabio 102 101 11 110X715 Lantern 114 101 101Olive i 110 715 Olive 1 10 101 101Peter 8 113 715 Peter Payne 114 102 102V 11 115 710 Iositano 113 101 101bOId 7 110X705 bOId Homestead 110 101 0 115X705 Limerick 103 102 102Grace 7 110 705 Grace W M 114 100 100Satsuma 8 10S700 10S700KM Satsuma Itclle KM 103 103Golden 7 108 700 Golden Flight M102 101 101haiitress haiitress IM U Van 101 101 Fourth Race 58 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record May 20 1920 59 1 107 53085 = Lady Ilarrigan 100 100 4 107 725 725riiR riiR Toinpy Duncan 113 101 10 10SX720 Montgomery Jr 114 101 7 111 715 715UM UM blne dc Guise 102 101 5 115715 11571553i0 53i0 Indian Brigade 110101 8115X715 53502 bLittle One 110 102 4 110X710 110X71051700s 51700s Mary Josephine 114 i01 ti 113 710 53055 J I Sugg 113 100 8 118X710 52901 Ilattie McCarty 113 101 0 113 705 527 Charmant 95 102 3 100 705 53080 Mondaiiie 103 102 0 108 705 52955 Arietta 5 108 700 53445 Toscnia 111102 5 113 700 53295 Mineral Jim 113 l05h 10 115X700 115X700Fifth Fifth Race 58 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record May 20 1920 59 1 107 53085 LADV SMALL 111100 0113 725 53725 Striker 114 101 11 115 715 53057 P Moody 112 102 4 109 710 53080 ITom Caro 1131101 8110X710 53045 bMaid of Ansel JOO 101 5 113 710 53721 Ucview 112101 4114X710 53027 irmitana IOC 102 0 IOSX10 IOSX105350S 5350S Bobby Fib M 103 9 110 710 53024 = Bell Squirrel 107 102 3 100 705 53055 Mazle Barber 103102 0103X705 53012 Kthel Ill 101 0 113X705 53090 Hoover 100 102 4 115 705 53001 Tamilian 101 101 5 113 700 700Mis Mis Kmerald OToole b f by Great Jubilee Mispris ¬ on by Intrusive 3 90 Sixth Race 1 31G Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Jan 1 1921 200 1 107 53000 bBourboii Green 114 159 5 107 725 53044 bWnter Willow 5 105X720 105X720Jit594a Jit594a Sweet Apple 4101X715 530053 Verdi Loon 4 100 715 715308S3bGrion 308S3bGrion Mint 5 109X710 53528 Midia 4 1O1X705 1O1X705Seventh Seventh Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record June 17 1910 138 3 95 53 5 bMuirlestoiiiaii 117 140 10 1000725 53725 Sauer 115 140 537223 Pierrot 110142 53595 = Gen Byng 107 142 5 115X715 53020 bSea Beach 109 143 8 115X71 53435 blolnt to Point 100 139 7 120710 53725 = Ostentatious 110 142 12 lOOXTlO 53031 Our Maid 10S 142 4 114X70 53595 lThos F MfMahon 1001141 r 103X700 53028 After Night 100 141 S 103X700 53722 bAudrey K 108 142 0 100X700

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921042101/drf1921042101_6_4
Local Identifier: drf1921042101_6_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800