Leading Money-Winning Owners: Foremost Stables From 1905 To 1920---Figures Which Tell The History Success For The Last Sixteen Years, Daily Racing Form, 1921-05-09

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LEADING MONEY WINNING 0 WNERS FOREMOST STABLES FROM 1905 TO 1920 FIGURES FIGURESWHICH WHICH TELL THE HISTORY OF SUCCESS FOR FORTHE THE LAST SIXTEEN YEARS In llic years 1 05 1 0 1 07 and I90S llic stable of lames It Keene dominated Americau racing and in the four years won Hie wonderful and unmatched total of l0030jO Since then Samuel C Hildreth lias led in three years JohnrAV Schorr in two 11 I Whitney in two and T 1C 1 Ross in two Those leading in single years were L S Thompson II Redwell and A 1C Macomber John AV Sehorr is the only strictly western owner holding i place in tliis distinguished list The ten leading moneywinning owners of each year from 1001 to date were the following Owner OwnerKeene Keene T It Whitney II 1 Pagct S lirowii S S Itclmont A Snia thers E E San ford T Schreiber 15 Hitchcock T Corrigau D Owner OwnerKeene Won Won15or Keene T 11 15or 19 Hitchcock T Jr 119805 Whitney II P 87775 Uraily J It 83040 Schreiber 11 82693 Newcastle Stable StablePiget 75775 Piget S 00 Wilson It T 50 Shields A Long G J Owner OwnerKeene Keene J Tt Whitney II 1 Newcastle Stable McGinnis 3 L Hitchcock T Jr Schreiber It Iturlew ONeill Wilson U T Patchogue Stable Carman It F Owner OwnerKeene Keene J R Madden J E Itelmont A Hildreth S C Schreiber 1 Whitney II P Chinn Forsythe Carman It F Cclla L A Fizer W II Owner OwnerIlildrcth Ilildrcth S C Keene J It Redwcll II G Schreiber It Clilnn 1 T Montpelier Stable Forsythe F A Thomas It L St James Stable Walker W Owner OwnerHildretli Hildretli S C Wilson It T Carman It F Keene 7 R Schorr J W Itelmont A Sclireiber H Newcastle Stable Itedwell II G Yaiike W G Owner Hildreth S C CScliorr Scliorr J W Wilson It T Carman It F FYanke Yanke W G Oilom G M Itelmont A Hallenbeck 11 C Itedwell H G Walker P M Owner OwnerScliorr Scliorr J W Redwell H G Ilallenbcck H C Wilson R T Carman It F lavies It Tennessee Stable McDowell T C Itevcrwyck Stable Carson W It OwnerWhitney Owner Whitney H P Holland T I Wilson It T Itedwell II G Talbott J 0 Carman It F Davies It Tiimey A Bradley E It Camdcn J N Owner OwnerScliorr Scliorr J W Butler J Whitney II P Bedwell H G Montpelier Stable Miller A Cassatt E 1J Itelmont A Mackenzie R J Yanke W G Owner OwnerThompson Thompson L S Itcdwell H G GItelmont Itelmont A Wilson R T McDowell T 0 Livingston J Hallenbeck II C CScliorr Scliorr J AV Arthur T Miller A Owner Itedwell II G GAVilson AVilson It T Itelmont A Schorr J W Itutler J Whitney H P PHerz Herz E Weber Ward WardItaker Itaker AV H Macomber A K Owner Macomber A 1C 1CKilmer Kilmer W S Itelmont A WHitney H P Livingston J Loft G AV Viau AV AVilson R T Itutler J Miller A Owner OwnerItoss Itoss J K L Macomber A 1C Whitney H P McClelland J AV Coo AA R Williams Bros AVilson R T Kilmer AV S Widener J E Clark P A Owner 1st 1stItoss Itoss J 1C L Ot OtHildreth Hildreth S C 01 01Whitney Whitney H P 40 40Glen Glen Riddle Farm Stable 14 14AVidener AVidener J E 30 30Parr Parr R 45 45Coe Coe AV It 38 38AVilson AVilson R T 23 23Loft Loft AV 28 28Spencc Spencc K 07 Owner OwnerAVhitney AVhitney II P Itoss J K L Ilen Riddle Farm Parr R Bradley E R Salmon AV J Hildreth S C McLean E P AVilson R T Coe AV R

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921050901/drf1921050901_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1921050901_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800