Seventh Race [7th Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1921-05-09

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SVEXTH HACK 1 11 Miles ayearolrtH Claiming Sept 25 1J11 144 25 5 1O5 GORILLA ch f 3 104 104Trainer By Ballot Top All by Top Gallant Trainer L Cahn Owner B Roscnthal 539G4 Lexton 34 l14fast 175 104 1 444 4 41 Si F Smith 12 Sikhim SIpyDear GraccMinard 52747 FGnds Im70y l49hvy 6 105 2 4 4 2 5 o3 5T F Smith 7 Lucy Kate Gilt Fringe Atraz 5520 FGnds 1 141 fast 8 107 5 5 G 7 5 5 J F Smith 9 Pimlico MasJack TForgner 52465 FGnds 1 141 fust 45 103 4 4 3 3 Ih 11 F Smith S WotheWisp BlarStone Ionia 52355 FGnds 34 114 fast 15 105 4 87 7 61 G F Smith 10 TOfficial BCheck Js Umma 52251 FGnds 34 l16hvy 5 104 S 77 7 6 = 551 F Smith S MLillian JsUmma Wedgwood 52198 FGnds 34 117 hvy 21 107 5 33 33PETRARCH 3 32 2l F Smith 9 DayLilly Lucy Kate GiltFringe GiltFringeBy PETRARCH b c 3 109 109Trainer By Sain or Free Lance Mytilene by Falsetto Trainer P Coyne Owner G J Long LongE2520 E2520 FGnds 1 141 fast 41 1C9 1 7 7 5 S1 71 W Wright 9 Pimlico MasJack TForgner 52323 FGnds 1 141 fast 41 1021 132 7 5s 31 J J Mney 7 Parader Fantoche White Star 52070 Jefson 34 l10hvy 8 108 5 6 4 4s 2 W Wright 7 Tan Son Undine Mary lliau 51919 Jefson 1 l43hvy 15 108 4 4 5 5 5 5 ° W Wright 5 Fantoclie BungaBuck WteStar 51927 Jefson 34 l15fast 12 105 1 444 3s W Wricrht 4 Muskallonge Undine LadyStella 51826 Jefson 34 34118 118 mud 15 110 7 77 7 7 W Wright 8 WhiteStar BungaBuck Parader 31137 Latonia 1 l39fast l39fastMARY 42 112111110 7 71 7 W Wright 12 McGoodwin Coyne SirTKean SirTKeaniKER MARY JANE BAKER iKER b f 3 107 By Wrack Ellerslie by Charaxu Trainer W Perkins Owner G F Baker 53872 Lexton 1 116 l50hvy 1910 107 2 5 5 3 3 23 E Pool G Planet MissFontaine AuRevoir 51037 Latonia 1 l41fast 7 103191010 9 Sl S10 B KenndylO BillyBarton MrX LouWidrig 50707 Latonia 34 l14fast 24 108 11 11 9 71 7 3 H Lunsfd 12 Red Legs Rama Bunga Buck 505GO Buck505GO Latonia 51 f l07fast 47 112 7 777 710 H Lunsfd 7 Bettina GossipAve AphieDear E03S4 Lexton 51 f l07fast 40 109 4 54 41 4 H Lunsfd 7 ApliieDear Millersrg LastRose 48SG3 Windsor 58 l02good 10 106 6 8 S 7 1 H Ericksn 8 LastRose A Wood Mart Lillian 1S371 Latonia 51 f 108 fast 10 110 G f 3 St 2s H Lunsfd 7 ApliieDear Pekoe MaryGaffney 4f244 Latonia 51 f l08sood 24 110 1 55 31 2s H Lunsfd 8 AphieDear MoMine LastRose 48188 Latonia 58 l02hvy 1 112 2 5 3 11 I4 H Lunsfd S Loveliness Sarazade L Maiden SEA COURT b c 3 By Sea King Lady Hillington by Garry Herrmann Trainer E Trotter Owner E Trotter 52374 FGnds 34 l15Mfast 75 113 10 8 6 21 11 C RobsonlS SSprings JWhipplc Reluctant 52135 Jefson 34 115 fast 115 113 4 42 2 2 T Murray 10 Tlie Moor Sil Springs Superb 52095 Jefson 34 116 slow 75 111 5 42 I1 1U C Ponce 10 BofGreen HPrincess LLeven 52009 Jefson 1 l42good 4 107 4 4 4 3 21 2 H Hamtn 9 Tan Son Walk Up Hueu 519GG Jefson 34 l1875hvy 85 1C7 10 87 31 2 H Hamtn 12 SilSprings Lise Wynne Dannell 51905 Jefson 51 1 f l07fast 41 115 2 43 21 2 H Hamtn 9 TheMoor SilSprings MGunner 51843 Jefson 34 l18hvy 12 108 S 75 75MISS 4 s 2Z H Ilamtn 11 CAByrne MaryFouso MaryErb MaryErbI MISS FONTAINE I ch f 3 110 110Trainer By Ivan the Terrible Superl by The Commoner Trainer K Spence Owner W V Thrmvet 53S72 Lexton 1 116 lEOhvy 3110 10S 344 2 24 35 E Scobie G Planet MJBaker An Revoir 53783 Lexton 34 l13slow 49 109 1 87 7s 6 E Scobie 8 GDreams UMadcap AphieDear 51422 Churchl 1141 fast 7 104 G 7 G 4 41 41 F Wilson 12 Undine Lucy Kate Jim Daisy 51409 Churchl 34 l14fast 195 107 S 65 41 3f F Wilson 15 Planet BrnCIieck Machiavelll 51383 Churchl 34 115 good 5 110 1 5 5 4f ol F Wilson 7 WliiteStar Millersbg Merrimac 51312 Churchl 78 l25fast 25 108 5 4 a 5 6 4 1 F Wilson G BIdle Hr LadyChamp Bettina 51255 Latonia 34 l13fast 5 1091 1 3 2 I1 1 T Murray 9 Red Legs Doric Jim Daisy 51193 Latonia 34 l16hvy 5 112 2 3 2 22 1 T Murray 12 GoldenQiiince Puzzle L Wynne WynneMILLERSBURG MILLERSBURG b f 3 107 By Great Britain Maid Militant by Rainbow Trainer RainbowTrainer J H Nichols Owner S K Nichols 5397S Lexton 31116 mud 35110 7 4 4 4 Gi M Garner 8 Sure YelBlossoni TliuXephow 51422 Churchl 1141 fast 410 112 91010 G 71 98 D Connllyl2 Undine Lucy Kate Jim Daisv 513S3 Churchl 34 115 good 4 3 21 21 E Pool 7 White Star Merrimac Pongee 51157 Lutonia 51 f lOSmud 7 113 9 9 8 Gl C H J Burke 9 Ponge Julia N Dimples 51075 Latoniu t4 1 12ifast 245 103 3 3 3 41 4 J II Kenncly fi Miss Muffins Bottina Pongee HI734 Latonia 34 l1455fa t 1 11 10 434 45i O Willis 10 LmyKate I velinesi IVpPolIy 50C42 IVpPolIy50C42 I itonia 51 f 107 fast 31 104 3 32 31 3JJ O Willis 7 GossipAve Bettina Last lioaa BLARNEY STONE b g 3 100 R Berrilldon Top Rock by Rockton RocktonTrainer Trainer B C Bunbury Owner C J Brockmiller 52817 FGnds Im70y Il5 = ffast 75 IOC 1 S 9 10 8 = 45 F Cltilettil2 WotlieWp Romper CliarltcC C2747 CliarltcCC2747 FGnds ImOy l49ilivy 41 10t C G 5 5 4 44 A Richer 7 Lucy Kate Gilt Fringe Atraz E1MG3 AtrazE1MG3 FGnds 1J41 fast 4 100 3 5 C 6 C 3 T Jarvis S Corilla W o the Wisp lonlu 52337 FGnds Im70y l43fust 100 1011 S 9 9 9 82 S A Richcrk 9 St Isidore Piff Hang Inquiry 52198 FGnds 34 117 hvy 10 111 S 78 7 = 7 A Richcrk 9 Day Lilly Corilla Lucy Kute 51613 Bowie 78131 hvy 23 108 82 7 J Wessler 9 lluonee Orcus Blue Belle E1518 BelleE1518 Bowe 61 f 123 fast 165 110 8 10 5 41 61 A Rlchcrkll Explosive Black Top Koam KoamNURTURE NURTURE DixonTrainer ch c 3 M 107 By Martinet Druid by Sir Dixon Trainer P J Williams Owner Wiliams B rot rotfiAl fiAl Lexton 1 110 l4Dmud SO 103 P J G G 6 f J Francis 7 H Servant undcVnlo TOffiqlal

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Local Identifier: drf1921050901_5_4
Library of Congress Record: