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FIRST RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds Claiming Oct 1O lil 111 2 1O5 Index Course Dist TimeTckOdds Wt St U Sir Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish SEA COURT b c 3 107 107Trainer By Sea King Lady Hillington by Garry Herrmann Trainer E Trotter Owner E Trotter 54104 Churchl 1 11C l47fast 8 110 1 2 3 1 Il E Anthony 8 Nurture Corilla MnryJanoBakcr MnryJanoBakcr2i 12274 FGnds 34 l155fast 75 113 10 8 2i 11 C RobsonK SSprings JWhipple Reluctant 52135 Jefson 34 115 fast 115 113 4 4 2 L t T Murray 10 The Moor Sil Springs Superb 2095 Jefson 34 110 slow 75 111 5 4 1 1i C Ponce 10 RofGreen IIPrinuuss LLeven 52009 Jefson 1 l42good 4 107 4 4 4 4C19CG 21 2 H Hamtn 9 Tan Son Walk Up linen C19CG Jefson 34 l18hvy 85 1C7 10 8 3 2 H Hamtn 12 SilSprings LiseWynne Dannell C1905 Jefson 51 f l07fast 41 115 2 4 2 2nfc H Hamtn 9 TheMoor SilSprings MGunner MGunner4it C1S45 Jefson 34 l18hvy 12 108 8 7 4it 22 H Hamtnll CAByrne MaryFoiiso MaryErb NAPOO WoolsthorpeTrainer ch c 3 108 By Martinet La Gloria by Woolsthorpe Trainer P J Williams Owner Williams Bros 53934 Lexton 34 lI4hvy 1C 931 3 33 3i 3 ° G Fields 8 MarvMay JIIareJr GrnGrasi GrnGrasiC3S23 C3S23 Lexton 34 lllfast 47 981 4 3 4 4s 4 41S J McCoy C Brookbolt Ben Valet Flags FlagsC1115 FlagsC1115 C1115 Latonia 34 l12fast C 99 2 3 2 4 2 S Wida 5 SirLawnfal BungaBk NElkhn 51002 Latonia 1 l3Sfast 77 100110 10 10 10 9 = 9 H J BurkelO liVoiirsclf McGdwin BrotherB 50912 Latonia 1 l41fast 37f 110 8 Fell G Manganl2 Bcttina BroBatcli BalWhee 50CS2 Latonia 34 l12fast 27f 112 9 10 S 7 7 G Mangan 12 Rangoon Coyne Brunswick 50531 Latonia 5J f lOCfast 58 112 S 8 G Gl 6 G Manganll Muskullonge Brunswick Raugn RaugnGOLDEN GOLDEN QUINCE b f 3 104 By Peter Quince Golden Bush by Oriflamb OriflambTrainer Trainer G Land Owner F J Kelley 54138 Churchl 34 l15hvy 4 103 7 C C C1 Cto J D Mney 7 Trooper NurseTanc Philanderer 51409 Churchl 34 l14fast 1C 112 2 17 12 15 D Connllyir Planet BrownCheck MissFtaine MissFtaine513C5 513C5 Churchl 34110 good G3 112 2 11 11 Il D Connlly 15 Blanche Mac Gorilla Hold Up Gl UpGl 281 Churchl 34 l15mud 2 112 4 1 1 2l 22 D ConnllyU Louise Wynne Ionia MJosephine 51237 Latonia 34 l15slow SI 109 1 28 101 10 E Pool 12 Acclaim Undine Oraleggo 61193 Latonia 34 l16hvy 85 112 4 11 lh 2 E Pool 12 MissFontaine Puzzle LWynne 50999 Latonia 34 I 13fast 6 112 4 4 1 11 2k N Barrett 11 DLoriotte LWynne MFontm 50883 Latonia 34 l14fast 2710 112 6 4 2 31 3J1 N Barrett 12 Maysvillc MissProspty CutUp CutUpDORIC DORIC dk b or br f 3 96 By Sain Latifa by Hamburg Trainer R Williams Owner G J Long 52813 FGnds 78 l2Cfast 7 104 7 4 G 4s 3 = 1 L McDott 9 Day Lilly Lucy Kate Julia N 52745 FGnds 5J f l10hvy 7 101 1 4 1 1i L McDott 7 Wwood Julia X Ocean Swell 52CBO FGnds 34 113 fast 135 103 8 7 G 3 651 J J Mney 9 Tenite Britisli Liner Be Sure 52478 FGnds 34 l13fast 15 104 9 9 8 51 5U J McCoy 11 Day Lilly Rancocas Rolo 51924 Jefson 51 f 1OS fast 41 104 4 6 6 6l 6 J J Mney 11 Tan Son Rolo Winchester 51796 Jefson 5 f 110 mud 8 105 3 2 2 21 lit J J Mney 8 Silence Rolo Superb 51075 Jefson 34 llG5smud 8 103 4 3 4 4s 42 J J Mney 8 Rustler Silence Ionia IoniaBy JACOBEAN b g 3 By Polymelian Jacoba by Jack Atkint Trainer M Goldblatt Owner M Goldblatt 53401 Havana 34 l12fast 2 104 5 43 33 Zl F Porretto 7 Black Top Perhaps Molincro 53358 Havana 51 f l07fast 31 91 2 25i 3 2 l t 1i F Porretto 8 Flying Frog Avion Xepe 55301 Havana 5i f lOGfast 4 94 2 4 5 41 2 = 1 L Penman 8 Stepson Peasant Cavan Boy 53199 Havana 51 f l07fast 3J 109 4 3 2 1 Il R LcasterlO Hof the North Cigale GeoW 53148 Havana 51 f 108 fast 3 107 1 5 4 4s 21 R Lcaster 7 SleepyDear CocaCola Get Em 52094 Havana 51 f l07fast 2 105 2 3 3 33 3 = 1 R Enquirer Perhaps Jim Fog 53007 Havana 51 f l07fast 2 1112 1i R Lcaster 8 Hon George Cbantour WCrown 53015 Havana 51 f l07fast 21 103 4 3 322 2 24 21 L Penman S IIp of tbeNortli Scotty SDayg 52948 Havana 51 f l08fast 31 106 G 4 4 7l 810 J Smith 11 Coca Cola George C Jr Flip 52879 Havana 34 l13good 5 93 9 9 999 9 9 919 I Gordon 9 Perhaps Driffield Finis 54 Havana 51 f l07fast 10 107 3 3 3 2 345 L Penman 9 Julienne GeoCJr Experiment 51934 Havana 5J f 108 fast 15 108 3 2 23 3 3 651 C Eames 8 Vic Munoz Gratian Cigale 61773 Havana 51 f 111 good 31 6 2 1 1 3 3J 6 5 F Hunt C LuiMeme Doublet II McLeld 61749 Havana 51 f lllgood 85 111 4 3 32 2 2s 2sE1528 481 W Crump C Natural SleepDear Miss Dixie E1528 Havana 58 l04slow 3 98 3 112 3 = 1 S Bullman 7 Presumption Hocnir WCrown 50591 Wdbine El f 110 hvy 22 116 5 6 69 9 11 II1 II1CUT 1118 E Haywrdl2 Johns Umma BillyLane Undine UndineBy CUT UP b f 3 102 102Trainer By Wrack Janina by The Scribe Trainer J McKinney Owner R P Marshall 52815 FGnds 7S l2Cifast 7 104 2 C 9 9 7l 7lr20J2 7IS J J Mney 9 Day Lilly Lucy Kale Doric r20J2 FGnds 1 140 fast 10 94 C 2 2 2 2i 2s L McDott 0 MasJack AVilwTree TForner f2rG9 FGnds 1 l39fast 25 94 C G 7 7 8 814 E Josiah S Fantoclie Botheration WteStar 52444 FGnds 34 114 fast G 109 G 5 1 I1 Il J J Mneyl4 Corilla Eleanor S Fantoclie Churchl 78 l27fast 13 2 2 2H 32 A Collins 11 Vulcanize Plato Soa Cove 51Cr Churchl 34 11G good 32 112 1 8 9 C C41 J J Mney 15 GoIdQiiiuce BlunclieMac Corilla 61195 Latonia 34 l10hvy 18 114 o 589 S16 W W Tlorl2 MissFontaine GQuince Puzzle BUDDIE KEAN b c 3 By Golden Maxim Evelyn Doris by Ben Brush Trainer L Gentry Owner L Gentry 54102 Churchl 34 llChvy 12 115 1 S 7 51 4s T Murray 9 Planet SgtYork BritishMaid 5138 Churchl 34115 good 12 114 5 C 6 C5i L Mink 7 WliiteStar Millersbg Merrimac 51 137 Latonia 1 l39fast 42f 1151010 8 10 10s 101 W W Tlorl2 MiGoodwin Coynu SirTKean SirTKean510T7 510T7 Latonia 34 l12fast 19 112 7 99 7 73 L Lyke 12 Muskallonge Coyne RisingRock XS1C I itonla 34 l12fast 1C 110 7 S C Gnk 4 = F Smith 1 Bubbles RisIlock Darjceling BLEMISHED ch f 3 By Olambala Belle Ronald by Dark Ronald Trainer M Lowenstein Owner M T Lowonstein 40933 Lextqn 12 514 hvy G 100 3 33i 1 21 Il G Stack 7 Jetsam Miss Dora All in Black 1 41978 Jefson 3i f 42jjoiMl 4 IO5 3 3S 2 2 3X G Stack 8 ISKeardon Cointreau WStar 45842 FGnds FGnds4fOSl S 37 hvy 05 109 3 33S Il 1i Stack 9 No Fooling Tntt Jolins Unmia 4fOSl FGnds 3S 35good 4 114 G 41 3T G Stack X JViiilt Ixtch Ixveii Lotta Speed DANTZIC br g 3 By Bryn Mawr Dance Spirit by Rock Sand Xruincr T E Edwards Owner T E Edwards 53512 Howlo 51 f l07fast 91 101 4 3 4 4 4 ° J N J Brnes S TiibbyA JlisMniina SocIStar 53174 Havana 34 l13fast 7 100 G 7 7 S 78J J Smith 8 Perhaps Pansy Cabin Cnek 62349 Havana 34 l14fust 4 104 7 7 7 7 58i N J Brnes 7 Aiken Kama IltioiKv 52280 Havana 34 l15fast 12 3 5 3i 3 N J Brnes S Gratian Natural Roseate 62120 Havana 51 f l14hvy 2 3 TopG G 5 C N J Brnes 0 Kings Belle Mavehoua B Top 61S94 Havana B8 l02Vtfast 8 10S C G C C C71 N Barnes 7 Qiln ofTrunips Rama Cubanitn HAROLD K ch c 3 M By Martinet Chanteuse by Disguise arainer W J Young Owner R H Dewey 51393 Churchl 7S l27fast 7f 114141414 14 14 14 L Mink 14 Corilla Eleanor S Cut Up Mwi7 Chuivlil 7S 127 fast 179 117 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 Mink 10 BMcIhi RygoupDays Tbnne 47CS2 Churchl 41 f 50mud 11 115 G 4 444fl 5s 51 S Wida 0 Snare VstSide SirTliosKeai SirTliosKeaiG 44fl Churchl 41 f 5G slow 110 113 3 G GJIM 11 11 J Pitz 11 LocliLeven TNrris Whmaker WhmakerBy JIM DAISY ch c 3 109 109Trainer By The Manager Waterblocom by Waterboy Trainer F Brooks Owner D W Scott Scott53SST 53SST Lexcoi i ii Ag g vi 1 10312 11 112 112M422 2 1 5s J D Mney 5 KGray nSColemaii Inquiry M422 Church I 1 1141 141 fast 11 112 4 1 1 1 1EiC7 2l 3J E Pool 12 Undine LucyKate MissFoiitiine EiC7 Church 34 4 lirg llrgood od G 109 2 2 22 2 31 3 = 1 J J Mney 15 Sandalwd Machiavelli JuliaN 51255 Latonia 34 4 l13fist 8 110 5 4 40 0 4 4J E Pollard 9 Miss Fontaine Red Legs loiic 51137 Latonia 1 l3i faHt 42f 112 5 6 12 12 12 122 E Martin 12 MctJoodwin Coyne SirTKean 30511 Latonia 51 f I xfatit Zif 100 1 6 6 7J 7 1 J Howard 11 Muskallonge Brunswick RangV 19J28 Surtotfa 34 l14Bfast 3i 10 i 1 2 1 I2 1i A Schugr 7 Sheba Eye Opener Kornovo