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JACK FIELD FIELDI I ONLY HAVE ONE HORSE A DAY DAYSOLD SOLD AT PRINCIPAL NEWSSTANDS 1 DAILY DAILYYesterdays Yesterdays One Horse Special was wasCORILLA CORILLA 790 WON WONLONG LONG SHOT SPECIAL TODAY By no means miss this one as I expect it to be at a tetter price than CORILLA was as this comes from a source that sends out nothing but LONG SHOTS Mailed overnight 4 a week received first mail in morning JACK FIELD 505 South Dearborn Street Chicago 111 111Sold Sold at all principal newsstands Also at Louisville Ky Eiler Goodman 227 S 4th St Cincinnati O Bob Bishow 5th and Walnut Sts St Louis Mo Wm Laser 705 Market St Lobby