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THIRD RACE U ItLiloM Emerson StocMilechase StocMilechaseAllowances Allowances Slay S 15 1 4J 45 S 14J JOHN DOUGLAS ch g 8 M 149 149Trainer By Dick Welles Somersault J Hendricks Trainer J W Healy Owner J W Healy 51113 Pimlico 2 401 fast 5 141 G 2 2 2 I 13 3 n McMns 7 Martian War Victor Cynosure 51022 Pimlico 2 421 hvy 17 142 G 3 1 3 2s 250 A Sims 8 Earlocker KJohnson Nthward 63921 HdcGco Ab 2 407 fast 17 137 S 1 1 S 4 4 N Kenndy 8 FairMac MMcGgle BzeKagle 53748 HdcGce Ab 2 407 fast 4 115 311 3 3 = ° 3 N Kenndy 8 FairMac BEagle LKathern LKathern5370G 5370G HdcGco Ab 2 407 = fast 1G5 143 3 3 3 3 3 3 H Willms 8 MMcGigglc BEagle HBing HBing512SS 512SS Pimlico 2 352fast 25 111 934 934VIOLET 9346 Sl 9 K Hanna 12 Hiblcr Smithficld MaxMeadows MaxMeadowsVIOLET VIOLET TIP b f 4 M 138 138Trainer By Fair Play Violet Hay by Hock Sand Trainer Wm Garth Owner K Parr 54035 Pimlico 2 426 hvy 215 133 1 Lost ride D Holly S BzeEaRlc ButBoy Woodruff 46982 Pimlico 34 11G slow Gl 113 3 7 77 7744S46 7 7 5 C Kummer S Ar thusa LBrummel Cleopatra 44S46 Bowie Gi f 121 fast 31 100 4 8 85 5 5 5 ° H Hamtn 9 Cinrclla Gallaslier Cotliellst 41777 Bowie 51 f l07fast 73 10S G G GO f 7 713 II Hamtn 7 Pontypridd Lunetta Kallipoiis 44732 Pimlico 34 l15slop 9 115 3 6 G V 4 J Callahan 8 Lunntta Siren Maid Sw Music 44692 Pimlico 51 f l10slow 12 114 6 5 57 5744G6S 7 7S 5 L Fator 8 VCIiniinn FTirour DevilDog 44G6S Pimlico 34 l14good 45 109 5 5 G 6J 7l ° G Kummer S Dominique ROM5glit HastenOa 44554 Laurel 31 l17slnp 8 115 5 5 54 4 4 3 L Fator 5 Cobwebs Mildred LimerickLass 44122 Laurel 61 f 108 good 43 110 7 6 64 4 5s 5 H Thurber 7 HisChoice TrRural MLuckett 44013 ILdcGce 34 l13fast 7 100 5 4 44 44WOODRUFF 4 41 5 J J Dreyer G HisClioice MLuckett HerdGirl HerdGirlBy WOODRUFF b p 7 M 149 149Trainer By Bowling Brook Bardino by Masetto Trainer J W Healy Owner J Lumsdcn Lumsdcnri nsdcn ri 35 Pimlico 2 426 hvy S 142 444 4 3 3 = 3 3 = 1 A Sims S BzcEagle ButBoy Formistrs 7 HdcGce Ab 2 403 fast 71 139 4325 255 4 A Sims J Griffwd BrzcEaglc 15cherBoy 15cherBoy74J auVS MtBoyal 5J f lOSfast 29 tt 74J J Gartner CcrfVolant AlIAmiss Alliena 3174S AltBoyal 1 111 fast 23 9C C11 J Gartner 7 Austcr Red Post Otcro 34651 MUBoyal 31 l14V fast 114 103 103ELMER 5 M Mountn ti Oakland Montreal Red Post ELMER JOHNSON br p 4 140 By Garry Herrmann Blown Bess by Blitzen Trainer J T Kermath Owner R B Strassbcrper JPimlico 2 421hvy 11 137 344 2 310 3 II Phillips S Earlockcr JDouglas Nthwird 7 Bowio 1 l49slow 69 1141 433 4 3 61 N Huff 11 TusMaidcn SCIurcnee BarCoy 513TS Pimlico 2 354 fast 13 137 9 9 Lost rider W Borfran Iliillseyc The Trout Ireland Glims Pimlico 2 355fast 16 135 1 1 Lost rider H Phillips 1 Bullseye Ireland Nonus Nonusi 5110i Laurel i 2 40 = ffast 2710 115 424 Fell H Phillips 8 Occuniia Tattle Nonus 50903 I aurcl 2 402 fast 7 145 3 2 2 1 3 3 H Phillips 7 Ireland Biillspyc Tattle r0671 Laurel 2 406 fiist 8 137 4 1 1 1 I1 I1 H Phillips 0 TlioTrout BriarBay CSGrason All 2 4i23Sffast 20 130 1 2 2 H Phillips 3 Ticket Swcopment 43ir r Bclliiont Ab 2 410fast 30 130 5 3 3 3 3 3 II Phillips I Frank B Kurf WinooskI SEA SKIPPER ch c 4 M 140 By Seahorse II Ansonella by Clear the Way WayTrainer Trainer S J Bush Owner Canterbury Farm 54030 Pimlico 2 415 hvy 6 137 4 1 1 Fell W Jones 0 Northward Sea Serpent Ireland IrelandCOMIQUE COMIQUE br g 4 M 140 By Bryn Mawr Valentine by Marta Santa SantaTrainer Trainer J H Lewis Owner J E Widcner 2Gn Bclmont 58 st l001Sgood 1G5 110 1 4 4 41 582 P Musgvc Rod Domino Starry Belle Steve 43593 UHnts Ab3l good 75 112 3 444 313 J Zoeller 4 SSorpent BrLjne Indiscretion PEPI b in 5 M 145 By Stalwart Jersey by Ormicant OrmicantTrainer Trainer S Veitch Owner C K Harrison Jr JrPimlico Pimlico 2 421hvy 21 140 5 2 7 6 G10IS Veitch S Karlocker JDouglas E Johnson JohnsonJEA JEA TALE b m 5 M 145 By Sea King Anecdote by Tom Ochiltreo OchiltreoTrainer Trainer S Veitch Owner C K Harrison Jr JrPimlico Pimlico 2 421hvy 21 140 7 5 3 Lost ridorP Brady S Earlocker JDouglas EJolmson EJolmson3WJI 3WJI Behnnt 4S f st 5r3fast 20 113 14 11 14 18 AV Knapp 19 Wise Joan Keen Tane Suffrage Suffrage3S511 3S511 Bclmont 58 st 100 fast 8 100 10 11 11 11st J Bell 11 NanKnoehr LManilie TRseau TRseauFORMISTRESS FORMISTRESS ch f 4 M 138 By Formastor Erato by Wadsworth WadsworthTrainer Trainer W M Roberts Owner L McL Mcrryman 51035 Pimlico 2 42G hvy 61 133 377 5 4s 43U C Wilksn 8 BzeEagle ButBoy Woodruff Woodruff5100S 5100S Pirnlico 2 420 slop 47 133 5 G G 4 4 4 C Wilkson 0 UOliver Crestllill BrzcHigle 4 70 Tim Ab 63 f 123 fast 16 107 G8 C Jackson 7 Indiscret East Glow Pearl Sea