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FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Teffersontown Purse yearolds and upward upwardAllowances Allowances May 7 1 31 ItCIG 15 IKI ETHEL GRAY br f 4 By Hessian Swe t Marjoram by Dinna Forget Trainer J C Milam Owner Montfort Jones 340R3 Cliurchl 1 lCGfast 45 00 4 4 2ct X Barrett 7 Bspun MHynes Distinction 3U37 Iexton 1 18 l52slow 1710 114 133 3 2 2s M Garner 54 GenHaig SofPleas Sdragonll 538S5 Sdragonll538S5 Lexton 1 l40 good 12 105 5 5 5 6 G IS M Garner 5HECoIeman Inuuiry Travestv IS635 TravestvIS635 Sartoga 1 316 150 fast G 105 3 4 4 4 42 4 S Wida 7 Cleopatra Bine Wrack Blazes IP585 BlazesIP585 Sartoga 34112 fast 85 10312 11 G 4 2s L McAtee 15 I i Rablee The Nephew Sekket 19355 Sartoga 1 14 207hvy 7 114 4 4 3 2 2s 2J E Sarnie 5 Cleopatra Edwina Marianne 19180 Sartqga 1 138 fast 95 104 4 4 4 2 24 22 L McAtee 4 Dinna Care Marianne Feodor 18515 Latonia 1 3iG l5Cfast 1 99 4 2 3 6 10 10 B KenndylS Dr Clark Minto II Bouifac H E COLEMAN blk c 3 M 91 91Trainer By Celt Augusta Victoria by Sain Trainer A Baker Owner S K Nichols 53855 Lexton 1 l40good 34 97 3 3 3 3 35029S 3 31 21 T Jarvis 5 EthelGray Inquiry Travesty 5029S Lexton 5X f 107 fast 10 112 10 9 8 8i o O Willis 12 BillyBarton Rangoon Col Baler 1S453 Latonia 51 f 109 good 62 112 9 8 87 Gi G L McAtee 11 Adonis Judge Bndrow Old Chan 47S46 Latonia 41 f 54fast 41 115 1 J J476S4 5 62 G D ConnllylO WSide LoughRed Muskallonge 476S4 Churchl 4i f 56 mud 13 115 7 7 77 5 D Connlly 7 Pag Pan Petrarch Wishinaker WishinakerIOC ALEX JR ch c 4 IOC IOCTrainer By Ballot Bronzewing by Stalwart StalwartI Trainer D Lehan Owner D I Leban LebanLatonia Latonia 1 12 237mud 10 102 G 3 4 I 4 42 4 C Buel 5 Ksfisher WadswhsLast Keep Tatonia 1 139 fast 02 107 8 S S 5 5atonia S 8 S T Murray 8 BelgQueen WarPrize FrankW atonia 1 11G l45fast 21 107 5 6 7 7 i 7 7 H Lunsfd S Dodge SdsofPleas BelgQueen 50JS3 Latonia 1 14 2OC fast 7 102 422 4221 422130S84 1 21 321 J Roberts 5 Legil Kingfisher Adelia W 30S84 Latonia 1 14 205fast 27 102 G 3 3 i 3 32 351 G Mangan 5 Lucky K Docod Kingfislier 50733 Latonia 1 1 4 206fast 6 105 2 2 2 J 3 3 32 F Wilson 4 Airdrie GrandSIam GoldDawn 30534 Latonia 1 14 205fast 5 103 4 2 1 4 7 7 H King 8 J Stone BourbonGreen Wave 30461 Lexton 1 116 145 fast 24 105 7 7 6 1 7 71 5 G Stack 8 DancingSpray BrnestB LouisA 50337 Lexton 1116147 fast 3110 107 1 7 72 2 2 2s in II King 8 LMountJoy DofWellton SGirl MARY GAFFNEY b f 3 95 95Trainer By Jim Gaffney Grand Mary by Florist Trainer F Brooks Owner W 7 N King 5G9S1 Lexton 34 IlS mud 16 112 1121 5 5 55 5 5 54 II King 5 Apbie Dear Pongee Day Lilly 53939 Lextori 34 lilS sloW 40 96 2 3 34 4 52 32 T Jarvis 9 Meliora LastRose GoldAutumn 51176 Latonia 34 l16mud 27 110 7 10 G 4 = 4 T Murray 11 Romance Frivol Mam o Mine 51097 Latonia 34 l13fast IS 114 4 36 9 9s W W Tloi 10 Social Star Artisan Acclaim 51037 Latonia 1 l41fast 35 101 2 2 4 4 51 5 3 W Jarrell 10 BillyBarton MrX LouWidrig 50982 Latonia 34 l13fast 8 104 S 10 10 10 II5 F Wilson 12 Dimples Cozettt Acclaim 50707 Latonia 34 l14fast lOf 104 9 88 88503S4 61 63 F Wilson 12 Red Legs Rama Runga Buck 503S4 Lexton 51 f l07fast 9 112 Lost rider riderALULA B Kenndy 7 ApbieDear Millersrg LastRose ALULA b f 4 101 101Trainer By Voorhees Bremerhafen by Sandringham Trainer JiJ Troxler Owner M L Wheeler Wheeler47S77 47S77 Latonia 1 116 16 l45fast 21 103 11 11 11 10 1 1473SO 10 10 F Wilson 11 Best Pal Captain Mac Kinburn 473SO Churchl 1 116 1C Kinburn1C 151 l51hvy hvy 11 103 6 5 2 2 3 321 S Wida 5 PaulWeidel AttaBoyli Patchea 47319 Churchl 78 l29V4mud 5 51 99 3 S 8 S 41 3 S Wida 8 Converse FlygWelsbman Jouett 7214 Churchl 34 13KOod4710 110 5 64 4 3 M Garner S Distinction Frivolity Orlova 10919 Lexton 1 l4G7ihvy 3 121 8 8 8 G GI 6 M Garner 8 Clintonville CBlossom Cobwebs 15771 FGnds 34 l13fast 8 99 3 2 2 I2 If S Wida 10 Allivau A of Trumps Repeater 45609 FGnds 34 lasmud 8 102 4 4 4 2 2 ° k S Boyla 10 Wendy Ira Wllsou keep tDlsauallfled for foul