untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1921-07-06


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H.E.DIIGAN OCCASIONAL INFORMATION 515 , MADISON AVE. : COVINGTON, KY. Positively no connection with any other information bureau. This is my first venturo advertising. YESTERDAY NOTHING DOING Positively nothing sent out yesterday. Mondays One Horse Saddle and Boots .00- WON Saturdays One Horse BUDDIE KEAN 2nd Beaten a half length. Fridays One Horse SIR HUGH 2nd Beaten a head. SIR HUGH CAME RIGHT BACK AND WON. Thursdays One Hcrsc CLINT0NV1LLE ..90- WON Wednesdays One Horse RING ROSE... 6.1 0- WON Tuesdays One Horse SURMOUNT ...8.40- WON ABOVE POSITIVELY ONLY HORSES SENT OUT 6 Horses 4 Winners, 2 Seconds TODAY AT LAT0NIA One Horse Only. We didnt oporate yesterday, hut today is the day of days. This is a bottled up good thing and the melon will he cut today. I am sure that today will be the banner day of my career, as we expect to get a big price. TERMS 0. MY GUARANTEE HORSE MUST WIN AT 5 TO 1 OR BETTER Or You Will Be Taken Care of with Future Information. I Chief Observer 35 CENTS PER COPY For Sale at All News-stands Everywhere NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY Under no consideration miss this new issue. TODAY Special Latonia Occasional Read details on back cover of ! Booklet. Under no consideration go to Latonia without this one. For Sale at CINCINNATI. O. All Newsstands. ST. LOUIS, Mo. Wm. Laser, Lobby, 705 Market St. LOUISVILLE, Ky. Eiler and Goodman, 227 4th Ave. ST. LOUIS, Mo. Foster Book Co., 410 Washington Street. COVINGTON, Ky. Rcb. Bishorn, Main and Lime Sts. And All Other Intermediate Cities. NATIONAL O.K. RAGING LETTER BROTHERLY LOVE .20 WON WAS YESTERDAYS OCCASIONAL. We have about three a week on this service OUR NEXT ONE GOES THURSDAY and we also have one going SATURDAY. GETAWAY DAY AT LATONIA! PRICE IS .00 FOR ONE, OR .00 FOR THREE SEND YOUR SUBSCRIPTION IN TODAY so you dont miss them. JIM DAISY 2.f0 WON was Saturdays "BEST BET." This makes 7 WINNERS 7 out of the last 16 STARTERS on our "BEST BETS." ALL OF THEM WERE GOOD PRICES. GET TODAYS SHEET! 50c AT ALL NEWSSTANDS- 50c Mailed direct, one week, .00, two veeks, .00. NATIONAL O. X. PUBLISHING CO. ROOM 411 BALTIMORE BLDG. CHICAGO. ILL. KEWPIEONEIL.. 165-100 WON and BUDDIE KEAN. Second, last S Saturdays XX Special. Send for fsandvJScfSjbi July 8 two. Cuaraiitee one must tatfypLn W,x- r luxt - FUKI;. Latest RE-r PORTER now selling all newsstands, yJry 35c. Something special. l!et one. Wednesdays Special: White-Monday-Why-Put-Us-Law THR TU1I V It IS POUT Fill. 22 W. QUINCY ST. Estab. 1904. CHICAGO, ILL. This ono looks extra uood today: June-Orange-14-19-95-56. Get tuo Standard, which contains code to above free special. Only 35c at all news-stands. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403-22 w, Quincy St, Chicago, 111. The Chief dockers DAILY SPECIALS 50c OCCASIONAL .00 Occasional Won Mondays .00 Occasional Won Wednesdays Advertised .00 Money Occasional Won Tuesdays Advertised .00 XXX Occasional Won MONDAYS ADVERTISED LONG SHOT .00 MONEY OCCASIONAL WHIRLING DUN6.80- WON MANY OTHERS WERE GIVEN THAT ARE TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. BIG XXX LATONIA .00 OCCASIONAL TODAY Today is the lucky day for this horse, as they have been waiting for this day for ipnte soinu time, and you can bet all you can on this one, as sonic of the smartest men in the country are in charge of tUii horse. Here is your chance to WIN a barrel of MONEY, so dont let the small sum of .00 stop you in getting a WINNER. BEWARE OF IMITATORS Make Sure That You Ask for and Get THE CHIEF CLOCKERS .00 OCCASIONAL Horse must win or you got our noxt Occasional FREE OF CHARGE by mailing us in your sheet. CHIEF CLOCKER 501 S. Dearborn St. ... Chicago, 111. One of Our Dealers: CINCINNATI, O. Bob Bishorn Fountain Newi Co., 5th and Walnut Sts. ! JACK FIELD I ONLY GIVE ONE HORSE A DAY SOLD AT PRINCIPAL NEWSSTANDS DAILY SPECIAL BIG LATONIA 00 free Special Today I have the FINAL O. K. on this horse from one of tho best known sources that has ever stepped on any track in this country and he states that this horse has been blazing away with some marvelous works and that they have this horse placed in tho exact spot where he belongs and that there will bo nothing to it in this horse winning this race So good is this one of today that his advice is to go to it on the nose WIN ONLY. Prico for my sheet today is ONE DOLLAR NEVER MORE. Mailed a week over night in plain, scaled envelope and is received the first mail .ii tin; morning. JACK FIELD 505 S. Dearborn St. Chicago, 111. Sold At Principal Newsstands CINCINNATI, O. Boh Bishorn, Fountain Newt Co., 5th and Walnut Sts. COVINGTON, Ky. Robert Gordon Pharmacy S. W. corner 4th and Scott Sts. TURF LIGHT GIVES WINNERS. Last week this paper contained ten winners ovor 0.00 and up to 6.60. This week the issue already has 15 good winners rung up and two days to go yet. FOR RESULTS WEEK IN AND WEEK OUT READ TURF LIGHT. Let us be your clocker for 15 cents weekly. All stands, all cities. TODAYS FREE CODE: Twelve-Nine-Twenty five-Willing-Canada 42 WEST 42nd STREET : NEW YORK CITY TWO GET-AWAY DAY . SPECIALS, ONLY HBb-Ssaflj Saturday, July 8, at Latonia. KgjiTSJi Mail , and we will wire you them. iBLJES Last Saturday gave a Winner and a WtTandand Second. New issue THOROUGH- KP BRED, 35c. On sale wherever Rue-BBiSaJ iug Form is. You need it. o Todays Code Special: Push-Western-Fix-Got-Pay-Pay. THR AMKRKHN THOKOHOHBRBO Baltimore Bldg. Estab. 1907 Chicago, Illinois Every Week Since January 22 clients playing our One Best with System pulled up WINNER. One Best and Long Shot with System mailed over night week. Guarantee if you dont pull up winner cad ti days your money back. Try thi service :i week. Will .open your eves. Suite 510-511 Baltimore Bldg, Chicago, IU,

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921070601/drf1921070601_10_2
Local Identifier: drf1921070601_10_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800