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00 GUARANTEED SPECIAL NEXT 00 ADVERTISED SPECIAL rocs at Windsor OPENING DAY, Wednesday, August 17. This horse, fresh and good, is, wo bcliovc, the BEST thing handled by us to OUR date. Our last advertised special was at Fort Erio. It was Last One, finished third, beaten a head and a note and held at 5 to 1 in the betting. Wo may BUY information, but wc cannot bo expected to ride them, too. No daily wire will bo issued on Yindsor. NATIONAL NEWS GUARANTEE OUR GUARANTEE rolativo to Windsor Special is: Tho horso must WIN not run second or third, or we REFUND YOUR SUBSCRIPTION. A RECENT advertisement wc told you that Whiskaway bcatcik the day wo gave him IN would win. He did, and becauso we have private information on ANOTHER R0N0LDS RUN wc herewith pass it to you with OUR COMPLIMENTS. It is at Saratoga. Just one of our methods of advertising. As previously indicated, our 00 GUARANTEED SPECIAL goes at Windsor, SPECIAL: opening day. No propositions will bo accepted, but if you desiro our SaialogR wiro for Monday NOW. it will bo included FREE with your subscription to Vindsor Spocial, Hush yours NATIONAL NEWS SERVICE, Tiirt Dept. SU1T13 - 10i 2VOHTJI DKAllBOKtf ST111D13T - ClilCAGO, ILL. " . t Tilt "BIO THREE" MEETINGS ERIE, Pa. - GONNEAUT LAKE PARK, Pa. - WHEELING, W. Va. ALL SHORT SHIPS. ALL GOOD TRACKS. ALL GOOD STABLING. NO PURSE LESS THAN 00. 10 1-it- IC.Ypo.sitifMi :i imI F:iir, August ZZ to 7. Coiiucaut Lake Iark: Fair, August i!! to September "West ArIrinia State Fair, AVIieeliiigr, September fi to lO. For stabling reservations and book of the meetings, or any other information, write or wiro to C. R. CUMMINS. Sccy, C. S. MORRIS, Sccy, BERT H. SWARTZ, Sccy, Erio Expo. Olfico, Erio, Pa. Conncaut Lako Park, Pa. Wheeling, W. Va. My Terms Have Always Been 0 I am going to give you a trial of six wires for the winnings of a 0 straight play. Remember, futtiro wires will always bo 0. Here is tlie result of tlie last nine wires that 1 sent out, filed -with Dally Kacing Komi : SAVI010P CLBAX, AVon. .S to 1; Daily It a lug Form will verify It. VDUAIOICD. Won. U! to : Daily Uaeiug Form will verify it. CIIATF.A ttIA V. Won. C. to I: Daily Itaelupr Form will verify it. Tl FTIOSt, Won, to I: Daily IC.icIng Form will verify it. HOVAL Dl Ch". AVon. I to 7i ; Dally Itaeiug Form will verify it. MODMA, AVon, U to ." : Daily Itaclng Form will verify it. Three losers; Daily Hacing Form will verify it. I SEND OUT HORSES ONLY THAT HAVE BEEN SPECIALLY PREPARED. TERMS I want no money until after I win then send me tho winnings of a 0 straight play after tho race by telegraphic money order. NOTE WIRE ME THE COST OF SIX DAYrRATE TELEGRAMS, AS I PREPAY ALL TELE-GRAMS. NONE SENT COLLECT. I HAVE ABOUT TWO PLAYS A WEEK OR MORE. INFORMATION WIRED AT 9 a. m.. Lcavo it to my judgment from which track to wire you information. HARRY C. WHITE, M! I4AST LK-XlXtJTO.Y STItlOlCT - II A LT I :! OIIF, 31D. STRANG CERVICE "Smart KJ Stuff" "Thats All" ONE HORSE DAILY NO MORE WINDSOR MEETING opens "Wedi.tsilny, August 17. WINDSOR I have confirmation on several good horses that, barring accident, wont miss making good at a price. Having owned anil trained horses myself, "with success," I know when conditions are right. Results count. Special Offer at Windsor, one horse daily, including all specials at this track, for the sum of .0. All wires filed with this publication the night before. Rush your subscription NOW. GEO. L. STRANG Suite 1920 CITY HALL SQUARE BLDG. CHICAGO, ILL. The Reliable, Wonderful, WINNING SYSTEM The select plays are winning big money on a flat bet straight. A cool, conservative method, wherein success is assured, fan be played at or away from track, with large or small capital. My system is giving many good priced winners: Cavalcadour II., 1.25; Fly Homo, 3.G5; Careful, 5-1: Current Events. 5-1; Lads Love, 12.95; Wraith. 8.25; Guy, 19.30; Brisk, 14.45; Talisman, 13.35; Paradcr. 10-1; Idle Dell, 5-1; Kirtle, 6-1; Duko of Wellington, 12.35. You can get my system on small payment down, balance after you win. STOP THAT LOSIXC KI;iIT NOW AND START WINNING. Write at once for free particulars. WATSON CORNELL 125 CHURCH ST. SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y. THE WINNING POST AMERICAS LEADING SPORTING WEEKLY LAST WEEKS FREE CODE: BANTRY PASS 4-1 WON Watch for This Weeks We Expect to Hand You Another Just as Good. From now on these code horses will be advertised regularly every week. Sold at All Newsstands. 15 Cents Per Copy, or 7.00 Per Year by Mail. Address 101 West. 41st Street New York City ATTENTION, PLAYERS! BIG OPENING DAY SPECIAL AT WINDSOR Two real good tilings: One tlie opening day, the other Sat unlay, at Windsor. These look like sure winners at a good price. TAKE NOTICE On the Und I advertised in this paper that 1 had a good one at Hamilton Thursday. It Won at Better Than 6 to 1 Saturdays Special also won. Doth of these were filed early with this paper. I strive to give winners only. A few each week. Terms: Winnings of a 5.00 Straight Play. You can pay big prices, but you cannot get any better information at any price. A trial will convince you. Rush your name. L. WILSON BOX 133 .... DAYTON, OHIO 50 PER CENT WINNERS On Our "Best Bets" Since July 26. GET MONDAYS SHEET as we have one on our "Best Bet" that goes in tho Memorial Handicap at Fort Eric. 50c Daily at All Newsstands 50c Mailed Direct, 1 Week, 3.00; 2 Weeks, 5.00, NATIONAL O. K. PUBLISHING CO. Room 411, Baltimore Building Chicago, 111. I ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM i" I 1 i i " ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY! I PREDICTED I WOULD FILL THIS COLUMN WITH WINNERS Note: Kvery selection of mine is filed each day with the publishers of the DAILY RACING FORM as evidence, at noon before the race. Tuesdays Wires: INCOG To win WON INCOG To show WON EXPLOSIVE THIRD THE DECISION LOST KING THRUSH LOST I Wednesdays Wires: SUDOR To win , WON SUDOR lo show WON PHOTOPLAY To win WON PHOTOPLAY To shew WON MORMON ELDER To win LOST MORMON ELDER To shiw WON Thursdays Wires: REGISTRAR To win WON REGISTRAR To show WON DUKE RUFF To win WON DUKE RUFF To show WON Fridays Wires: RESTRAINT To win LOST RESTRAINT To show LOST INCHCAPi: To win .-WON DEVASTATION To win LOST Saturdays Selections: SWEEPMENT Win and Show TOM McTAGGART Win and Show Look iu today charts for tlie results. Give me your name, and I will wire one day FREE! I have a proposition to make, and am sensible enough to know that our connection cannot be permanent unless I send you the WINNERS Write for Terms, They Arc Reasonable Robert Gee ROOM 610, 179 W. WASHINGTON STREET. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. JACK FIELD "THE MAN WHO KNOWS" Ono Horse a Day Price 1.00. MONDAY FORT ERIE 100 FREE GETAWAY SPECIAL I have been waiting for this one to get tlie O. IC, and I have it that Monday is the day. 0 For is what the connections expect to get on this good thing Monday. You know what they do tho last day, .and Monday is tlie last day at Fort Eric the day they shoot over the long ones. 100 SPECIAL COSTS YOU 1.00 If you paid 10 you .couldnt got anything better than this is why I am so confident that this will win at a big price. HORSE MUST WIN or you get my next special IltKK. Read about this on my sheet for Monday. Dont let 1.00 stop you from getting tlie money on this good tiling Monday. CINCINNATI Sold at Bishows Fountain News Co., 5th and Walnut Streets. And Other Principal Cities. 1 Daily. Send 4 for 6 Days. You get it early each morning in plain, scaled envelope. Suito 1506, 20 W. Jackson Street. Chicago, 111. CAPTAIN SCOTT ....395-100 WON and a Loser Were Last Saturdays 2 XX Spocials. Dont Fail to Got Next Saturdays Two Live Ones at Windsor All they cost is 2.00, and if one of the two docs not win you get tho following Saturdays FREE. Todays Form Special: STANDARD TURF GUIDE Room 403, 22 West Quincy Street Chicago, IU. SUNN YSIDE HOTEL Magnolia Springs Baldwin County - - Alabama In the heart of the Ponce do Lnon country, between Mobile Bay and tho Gulf of Mexico, Open all tho ynr round. Fine fishing. Tho Spring! turnlih a certain our a for kidney dlaeasoi. RATES : 5 PER WEEK,