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STABLING APPLICATIONS AT D0RVAL MONTREAL, Quo., August 22. The following owners have applied for stabling room at Dorval for the second meeting of the Dorval Jockey Club, which opens on August 20: .7. Pons, Cecil Knight. O. E. Smith, C. J. Gamble, C. Whyte, Ayris and Tonilinson, J. S. Whatley, A. Miller, R. V. Haymaker, Blair Mock, J. Mays, J. K. Frayling, P.. J. Macdonald, P. Hinphy, G. W. Crippeii, H. W. Barnes and J. Hoskin. The above owners were racing at King Edward Park and moved over to Dorval at the conclusion of the meeting at the island on Saturday. The majority of them have raced in Montreal all season, and some started their Canadian campaign at Dor-vals spring meeting. A number of the owners will ship to Blue Bonnets and send their horses to Dorval each day for the races by the special horse trains.