untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1921-08-23


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Sporting Blood, 13 to 5, Won CLOSING PRICE This was the most sensational winner Ivo had this year. Not one racing expert in all America gave him a chance against the 1 to 4 shot Prudery. I filed the horse with this paper the night before. I sent it to hundreds of my patrons that the right party was playing an astonishingly big- sum of money on Sporting Blood. During the last twenty-four hours I have received 409 telegrams from my subscribers, congratulating- me. They wore delighted, and asking for details how I camo to send out such a successful winner. On Friday night my chief, of staff at Saratoga long-distanced mo that ho had a specially propared horse in the Travers Stakes for Saturday that was a certainty and could not lose; that he had promised a big sum for the information, but probably if I give horo tho exact long-distance telephonoio conversation, it will be bflBt: SARATOGA "Hello! You know who is talking!" HARRY "Yes; whats the good word?" SARATOGA "Sporting Blood to beat Prudery." HARRY "Have you gone mad? Its absurd." SARATOGA "Do you remember that on August 6th, when Prudery was running against Sporting Blood, I phoned you Prudery would beat Sporting Blood to a certainty? Prudery won by five longths in a canter. I am as certain as I live that Sporting Blood will beat Prudery in a gallop." HARRY "Give me your lino of reasoning; public form does not show it." SARATOGA "Thunder with public form. S. B. is at loast eighteen pounds a better horse than any trainer gives him credit.. Do you know ho worked a mile in 1:37, breezing?" HARRY "I see that all newspapers have given Prudery to win and that the race would be practically a walk-over." SARATOGA "Now,-Mr. White, you invariably tell me never to get you anything but specially prepared horres. Furthermore. Grey Lag will bo an added starter, but he will be scratched at the last moment. There is a good reason for giving it out that way, but I cannot tell you why over the phone; but how I wish Grey lag would start. We would got 8 to 1 and give Grey Lag the worst beating he ever had in his career." HARRY "You are usually more than conservative. Ive never known you to use extravagant language. I am at sea what to do." SARATOGA "See here, Mr, White, you have a balance of ,400 of mine that I owo on Tufter and others. Wire me ,200 of it, as I want to play it on Sporting- Blood, opening betting, and I advise you to make this five times your usual play. The right party is playing a real fortune on Sporting Blood and has sent it out through his lieutenants from Boston to Frisco, to be placed at the last moment, so that the money will not be wired back to the track." Well, HAVING THE UTMOST CONFIDENCE in my chief track man, I SENT OUT SPORTING BLOOD, TURFITES 3CNOW. ON WEDNESDAY OR THURSDAY I WILL HAVE ANOTHER SPECIALLY PREPARED HORSE, AND AGAIN ONE ON SATURDAY. Here are the results of the last twelve horses that Ive sent out. All specially prepared and every one filed in advance with this paper. Ask them. SWEEP CLEAN 8-1 WON . NEDNA 9-5 WON YOUNEED 29-5 WON j GALETA .35 WON CHATEAUGAY 6-1 WON i BUNTING 3-5 WON TUFTER 6-1 WON SPORTING BLOOD 13-5 WON ROYAL DUCK 4-5 WON THREE LOSERS. I claim to be the only man that gave these specially prepared horses to win. I sent out horses only that have been specially prepared. TERMS I want no money until after I win then send me tho winnings of a 0 straight play after tho race by telegraphic money order. NOTE Wire me the cost of six day-rate telegrams, as I prepay all telegrams; none sent collect. I havo about two plays a week. Information wired at 9 a. m. Leave it to my judgment from which track to wire you information. HARRY C. WHITE 2iO; EAST LKXIXGTO.V STREET - - - I1ALT1MOHE, MU. ALL MISS0UR1AHS- DOUBTERS -SKEPTICS - LOSERS ! ! ! meummmmmrmmmm Write Today for Completa Prospectus of mmmm NOT A I1 THE MIRACLE iiiimi SYSTEM vrBvriand.iia m0H INVESTMENT tmammaammmanammmmm FULLY COPYRIGHTED AND PROTECTED Imhhmhmmmm I OUR CRYSTALLIZED RACING MANUAL, containing 28 pages of valuable turf data, vitally iin-I portant racing pointers, testimonials, sworn results and statistics, the, 21 FAMOUS "WALTER" SUC CESS MAXIMS, and a review of tho best known "systems" published, will be sent you absolutely with-i out charge or obligation. Postals are ignored. YOU CAN MAKE EVERY DAY A AVINXIXG DAY with, the same assurance as you would negotiate a certified check! Tha System is not a list of horses I to follow, no "double up," or first, second or third choice BUBBLE. Hundreds of prosperous, satisfied j clients, located from coast to coast, have testified to the unvarying- consistency of this Percentage Wln-: ner Supremo. We ever stand prepared to submit a collection of these flattering endorsements in original form, with the envelope attached showing post-mark and canceled stamp. This indisputable evidence is a hundred fold more convincing than our full-page ad. We are- waiting for you to check us up. If you appreciate the true meaning of the word N-O-W, you will soon spell it the other way around, W-O-N! Liberal terms, contingent upon resultant earnings. If the System does not win consistently and fulfill every claim, you owe us nothing. cViA M. P. WALTER and CO., .SKIS!. CANADA THE TIFFANY OF SYSTEM. CONCERNS AUSTRALIA S. E. ARTHUR, Pnblic Relations Mgr. PRIVATE LOCK BOX 40F - TOWSON. BID. TURF LIGHT RACING WEEKLY 21 WINNERS LAST WEEK 21 All Stands 15 Cents All Cities There is no more up-to-date sporting news printed than is found in the columns of TURF LIGHT. TODAYS FREE CODE: Twenty-One-Six-Four-Willing-Canada. Our Daily Service Daily. 0 Weekly. TURF LIGHT 25 West Forty-Second Street New York City NATIONAL 0. K. RACING LETTER ! KINGLIKE .80- WON Was Yesterdays "Long Shot Special." ! PHOTOPLAY .75- WON j Was Saturdays "Long Shot Special." Yesterdays "Best Bet" Result Not Known AAliere else can you get direct from the track in-i formation for the ridiculous small sum of 50c Daily at All Newsstands 50c Mailed Direct. 1 AVeek, .00; 2 Weeks. .00. NATIONAL 0. K. PUBLISHING CO. ;. Room 411, Baltimore Bldg. Chicago, 111. CHIEF OBSERVER i 35 Cants Per Copy. ! TODAYS FREE CODES: j Saratoga: Vermont-16-11-18 Windsor: Wyoming-5-18-14. GET THE BLUE BOOK FOR THE BEST LINE ON THE SLEEPERS AT CANADA AND NEW YORK 35 Cents at AU Newsstands. Todays Form Special: No. 307 Book 715. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE Room 403, 23 W. Quincy St. Chicago, 111. I Subscribe for Daily Racing Form NATIONAL NEWS SERVICE Turf "information" experts: Mondays Special was withdrawn. POSITIVELY no wire on ANY track sent out. Next 00 Special GOES Wednesday. Our last was Leatherface, 5 to 1, Won This was the grand "melon" cut by us duly advertised and filed with this publication. Just ANOTHER demonstration that we KNOW. Road tho chart of that race and be CONVINCED. Devonshire Meeting 0 Harking to numerous requests, we have decided to issue a DAILY wire on Devonshire, Windsor, which opens Saturday, August 27, continuing for seven days, HERES OUR OFFER: Ono horse DAILY, for the ENTIRE meeting, for 0. No propositions accepted. Books close Thursday at 6 p m. Seal "information" for smart players. NATIONAL NEWS SERVICE Turf llapt. Suite 1002, 109 N. Dearborn St. Chicago, m.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921082301/drf1921082301_8_4
Local Identifier: drf1921082301_8_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800