untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1921-11-02


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MONTHLY RACING FORM containing charts of ail races run on recognized tracks in North America during the month of OCTOBER, The Special Attention of Students of Form is directed to the method of indexing the charts. The index shows each and every start of all horses that have raced, with firsts, seconds, thirds and track conditions designated on the occasion of each and every start. By meant of this innovation it is possible for the nser of the Form Book to instantly determine a horses ability to run on any sort of track concerning which information is desired. Monthly Racing form FOR OCTOBER IS NOW ON SALE THE PRICE REMAINS UNCHANGED, .00 Single copies by mail must be sent as registered mail, with an extra charge of TEN CENTS for registration. Not responsible for books sent by mail without registration. ! DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO., 441 Plymouth Court ------ Chicago, Illinois 157-159 East Thirty-second Street - - - - New York, N. Y. 74 Exchange Street Buffalo. N. Y. MADE GOOD A GAIN! 11 OUT OF 14 Saturday, October 29, S2 X Specials, v FIREBRAND, 220-100, WON: ROCK-A-gak MINISTER, 125-100. WON. Our LaBNgoPxA average past 17 years 50 per cent or rgJW better WINNERS. Mail SI NOW for .rS two andn? Saturday, November 5. vx-" GUARANTEE One MUST WIN or ollowing Saturdays wired you FREE. Eventually you will buy THE REPORTER. OLDEST PUBLICATION IN EXISTENCE. Why not now? Get one any newsstand, 35 CENTS. Get some nice ones at Pimlico that you should not miss. WEDNESDAYS SPECIAL: Express-Wednesday-Us-Put-Put-Pan. THE TUIIF REPORTER. 22 W. Quincy St. Estab. 1904. Chicago, Illinois. The Horseman On Sale at All Newsstands. 15 CENTS PER COPY. A YEAR. TODAYS FREE CODE: Strcam-Thurs-Last-Of -Two-Have. 1540 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. J. F. "LUCKY" BALDWIN Tuesdays Advertised Special: HALU .20-52 2ND Saturdays Advertised Special: MISSIONARY S14.50-S2 WON Next special goes Thursday, Nov. 3, and I believe it will be a sure winner. Dont hesitate if you want information on horses that are well meant. Rush your correct address at once. Terms: Send me by wire, after you collect yours, the winnings of a 0 straight. I cannot win if you lose. 1303 LEXINGTON AVE., NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. GET THE THOROUGHBRED if you want WINNERS. New book on sale at all newsstands, 85 cents. TODAYS BEST: Rush-Westera-Of-Bo-The-Mix. THE AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED Baltimore Bldg. Estab. 1007 Chicago, 111. REGISTRAR 2.55 2nd was yesterdays FREE FORM SPECIAL. This makes 5 WINNERS and a second out of THE LAST SIX ON OUR FREE FORM SPECIALS. You not only get a free Form Special every day, but the best line on all the sleepers that is to be obtained. Get New Book On Sale Today 35 Cents at All Newsstands. Remember, this publication has been on the market for FIFTEEN YEARS and LEADS THEM ALL. It costs no more than the others. TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: No. 426. Book 755. The Standard Turf Guide ROOM 403, 22 W. QUINCY ST., CHICAGO, ILL. National 0. K. Racing Letter TWO LIVE ONES TODAY We have had 4 WINNERS out of the last 5 on our BEST BETS Remember, we absolutely only give TWO HORSES EACH DAY 50c DAILY AT ALL NEWSSTANDS 50c Mailed Direct 1 week. S3; 2 weeks, 35. NATIONAL O. K. PUBLISHING CO. 411 Baltimore Bldg. Chicago, 111. THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM Is obtaining wonderful results on all tracks. MODERATE but POSITIVE; AN INVESTMENT, not. n speculation. We do not claim to perform MIRACLES, but we do claim to WIN conservatively. We guarantee it must win its cost in three days or money refunded. Write for data which shows its results for past two years. Send your name and address at once. Address THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM 117 West Franklin St. Baltimore, Hd. Subscribe for Daily Racina Form DALLY B.ACING FORV 7TJBXJSJBYand 00, l PLYMOUTH COURT it THTOAGO, ILL, 167.150 Hut 32nd STREET, NEW YOBJ6C N. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO, N. T

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921110201/drf1921110201_8_1
Local Identifier: drf1921110201_8_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800