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ENGLISH YEARLING PRICES Youngsters of Royal Lineage Which Brought Over ,000 Each at Doncaster Sales. LONDON, England, October S. The yearlings which sold for 2,000 or more at the recent Newmarket sale of three days are, with their. breeding, purchasers and prices, listed below: Bay colt, by Pelymelus AAillia, by William the Thihd: J. II. Crawford 9,000 Chestnut filly, by The Tetrarch Lychorida, by Black Sand; J. II. Crawford 8,500 Bay colt, by Sunstar Flowing Cup, by Cupbearer; J. H. Crawford 7,300 Bay colt, by Polymelus or Pommern Demc- rara, by lloyal Bealin; Sir H. Cunliffe-Owen 7,500 Chestnut colt, by The Tetrarch Dark Beauty, by Dark Honald; J. C. Congrcve 7,250 Brown colt, by Hapsburg Yokahama, by San- toi: A. Knowles 0,000 Chestnut colt, by Corcyra Shake Down, by Pillo or San try; It. Marsh 5,750 Chestnut filly, by Golden Snn Blundella, by Mackintosh; Marshall Field 5,000 Chestnut colt, by Sunder Snow Marten, by Martagon; II. Beddington 5,000 Chestnut filly, by Bachelors Double Lady Palotta, by General Symons; .1. P. Ark- wright -1,000 Bav filly, by Chaucer marc by Galeazo, by Galllna II.; F. ft. Fry 4,550 Eastern Monarch, b. e, by Lemberg Eastern Pearl, by Dinneford; Lady Bulloiigh 4,230 Bay colt, by Tracery Document, by Spearmint; Lord Lonsdale 4,100 Bay colt, by Charles OMalley Green Gown, by John oGaunt; A. Bendir 4,050 Chestnut colt by Charles OMalley Moydow, by Jacquemart: A. P. Cunllffe. 4,050 Chestnut colt, by Charles OMalley Cala, by AVildfowler; A. Bendir 4,050 Chestnut colt, by AVhite Eagle Flash of Steel, by lloval Realm; Sir II. Cunliffc- Owen 3.S00 Chestnut colt, by Call o the AViltl Sun Kissed, by Sundridge; Ctd. Michael Hughes 3.S00 Marriage Lines, b. f, by Tracery Merry Match, by Matchmaker; F. Hartigan 3,000 Bay colt, by Black Jester Lady Aillein, by St. Serf; II. lt. King 3,500 Bay colt, by Phalaris Lady Orkney, by "William the Third; G. Lambton 3,400 Bav filly, by Sunstar Betty S., by Succoth; Crawford 3,300 Bav colt, by Mercutio Fayre, by Ayrshire; ft. Langley 3,300 Brown filly, by Son-in-Law Statira, by Sunstar; Lord Londonderry 3,250 Bay filly, by Volta Charmeuse, by St.. Frusquin; Lnrtl Penrhyn 3,050 Bay f ill v, by Coriander Eagles Rest, by AVhite Eagle; R. Xearsh 3,000 Chestnut colt, by Xeil Gow Prunelle, by Dark Ronald; Sir Robert AVilinot 3,000 Brown colt, by Sunstar Harpoon, by Fowling-piece; IT. R. King 2.S0O Bay colt, by Blink Missovaja, by Chesterfield; Lady Cunliffe-Owen 2,800 Bav colt, by Aalens Xamur, by William the Third; F. Butters 2,550 Bay filly, by Hapsburg Lady Americas, by Americas; Lady Xunburnholnit; 2,550 Golden Hair, br. f, by Golden Snn Tendril, bv St. Simon; R. Pope 2,500 Bay colt, by Blink Sweet Glass, by Rising Glass; Lord Lonsdale ; 2500 Brown colt, by Friar Marcus Captured, by Earla Mor: F. Butters 2,500 Bav colt, by Happy AVarrior Evcrywoman, bv St. Denis; F. G. Fry 2,450 Chestnut colt, by AVhite Magic AAiltl Arum, bv Robert le Diablo; F. Leader 2,400 Double Exile, br. f. by Bachelors Double Exile, by Prince AVilliam; J. Dnggan 2,100 Brown colt, bv Friar Marcus Rock Juliette, by Rock Sand; Sir .lohn Kelk 2,100 Chestnut, colt, by Harry of Hereford Mekom- eter, bv Marco; T. Bolton 2,100 Bav colt, by Charles OMalley Wattle Bough, by Kroonstad; A. P. Cunliffe 2,100 Bav colt, by Hapsburg Harmonica, by. Isinglass; F. Lender 2,050 Chestnut filly, by Oliver Goldsmith Picardel, by Picton; C. Leader 2,000 Chestnut colt, by Hurry On Dolly Strong, by Count Schomberg; J. Joyc-e 2,000 Chestnut filly, by Hurry On Estrellita, by Grey Leg; H. S. AVeston 2,000 Bav colt, by Cannobie Sigrid, by Spearmint; AV. J. Kilport 2,000 Bav colt, by Braxted Etona, by St. Denis; Capt. L. Montagu 2,000