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JOCKEY UNG A DAYS STARj ! Creates a Stir in Riding Four j Horses to Victory. i Takes Races on Simplicity, Veto, j Petio and Verity by a Display - of Good Judgment. •* i i f ♦ i ! NEW OBI.BWS. La. January 11 Jockey « Laags saeeeeefal riding aas Ike eatataadteg fea Mire of todays racing. Last jrears leader li:nl fire mounts, landed four winner- sad was beaten ■ short margin in law other, lai ladlaf todays sac-em Elves aim eighteea winning iiinuiits glace the first of the jcar and be has not aliased ridteg sae or more winners on urn dag siaee the opening of the Fair Breaada ■cctteg. Be began the Bfteraeoa by beteg beatea a short margin in the seeoad race, In arhieh be bad the mount on Mi-s Bankin, which wa- led home l y Hrccalaad. aa arhieh Garaee had the mount. He then inaugurated hia increases with Simplicity, running iu the I. 1. Baser eater*, that owner hat ing gi . on ■ bean] ami snared his bersea release frees, the government. Comic Baas was ■ prohibit ire farorite here, but Taiaeii peer judgment la keeping her in the areret pan of the iraek caused her failni. Lang in thai race shewed feed Jadg-iiicut when he kept Simplicity in the reed rates and fa air away when the others showed -igns of fatigue. In the aaceeeaaai taee he had the mount ou Veto and again he was Bitted against Taraer, who had the rn"iiut aa the favorite. Qeate W. Again Leant eat wit ted Turner, for the latter f ihaiislcd his mount in aa effort to shake off the fainthearted Pastoral Swain ajid. alter succeeding in doing s« . he made an x raffle sweep on the stretch turn and it was at this poiut that Lang won the race, far he raided his mount a Brack shorter raane and heat Taraer to the better stretch going, then had the race safe through the last eighth. With in the next ra e. at olio Blile, Lang poteted his mount in aa outer coarse right at the start and although beginning from the aside man aged to win the coveted reed footing and it enabled aha to lead the ethera far the entire race and win in a eanter. The final race found him astride Verity aad in this laataace be bided Ms tiate ia 1 rat of •■! luit in the last eighth Verity disposed "T h iu baadU] COLDEST DAY OF SEASON This afteraeea breashl ■ sharp reattaaer of ariater, ■■ heiag the eoMeal day of the season ami arltfa ■ tough track and featarelewa card there was nothing to bring ••ut a bfaj atteaaaace. » . t there eras a stir prise arhea the fall itreea;ih of lacal racias deToteea showed up. The raeiiiL. aa a result of tii- difficall eoiat! iMoaihl bmbjt surprises. Poorly Jadared tides aad the fact thai they « raced i" the worst pari of ■ the track raaaed the downfall "f ataae thai would I i:ivi been vietolioils track eond 1 1 i"ns been nur-111 a 1 The ta ing strip a~ practically two tracks. Those arhieh traversed the better part, or the outer ridge, of the track had by far Ike best of n and left those who raced through the inner part of the track far behtad. The inaugural dash found tl oat for I sacs refers - ai ai lag their P «l rictar of Ibr seaaaa srbea Sa •rata area in ea»y style from elevea other two-year olds. Sle- Bras ■ liglit favor.:. . The iirvt fiaiah -if the afteraeea caaae la the bix tli race ahea the vastly improved Richelieu 1 just managed to ..uts.iy the eetecBB Plckarlek. he , rlese eras the linili here thai aaaae in the crowd 1 took umbrage at the plaeing of BIchclleB "• treat. Keheiieu aarerved late the deep going while free • leaartha in fronr in the las eighth and it iieitrly • .uiseii hjs aadaiag -Joekey LawTcace Lke arhe aatil catty rod* 1 ■ •• 1 B. II Bradley, eras aBtaas tedays arrirala. He t Hie here from his haaae la cwegi. V V. arhere • be spent the holidays arlth his — ther. He wu I ride tor the lireeatree Btabtc. owned by Hra. Helen ti Bay Whitney, on the BMtraaatttefl rtreaM next rac-ing seaaaa aalesa present jiiaus atlatany. Willis Sharpe Kilmer, of Kxterminator and Sun II Krinr fame, today sent insti intions ;.i Otta Raach Ii ta ship Sungai to his farm at Kinghanitoii. N Y . immediately. The filly will be bred in the spring. . EARL POOL GETS LICENSE Jockey Karl "hat, abase Oeeaee was held up far _ ,. several days, was awarded this dacaaaeat today by the stewards at the Iaii tiroiinds. He will ride ,. the remainder of the "inter for the Klorisant stable Na-h Turner, former .101 key. who lauipaigned The j Bay. Faaaaaaa and several ether berses here at past Bjeetlaga, was sasaag todays flat tat a. He e caaae from Texas, where he has been living lately. Weedthrash. aa intended starter in the sixth race e taday, got the heat ef his boy while betec aaraaed d up and raa away a eouple of miles. The stewards s excused him frees starting alter the mishap. Petie. winner of the fifth race taday. was L-Iaiased from W. l». Bernhardt by K. C. Btehater for 12,509. 1. Betnliatdt aeajahred her in the same ftom a AI Kirby upon the atcasfcai of her previous siart t and siie won her only race in his eaters. Dlomedes. a m-mlier of the trosselt Stable. •. was find today and will lie absent from the raves for a while. J. S. Hays apparently made one of the best t ilainis of the ariater when he look Verity at Jef-fetson - Park. She has won four raees for him. two o of lliein within the past two days. When she b" ■ eomes aaad, she usually ■BJBtaras her form for a a long period and it takes a shifty selling plater r of Iter elass to trim her. Robbed Hair, a three year-old daughter of Helmet t —Miss Kinglets and a half si-ter to Behave Yourself, r- winner of the 181 Kentucky Derby, was sold d today by the B. B. Bradley stable to Aiehie Zim-mer. 1- The sale was private. This makes the sixth horse in the Bradley e-tablislnnent to he disposed d of atece trainer William Hurley brought his Uivi-aios South,