untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-12


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j I j I j 1 I | | I i ! I ! I : ■ ■ j J. F. "Lucky" BALDWIN DONT HESITATE! If you are interested in real haaeat, genuine gilt- edged stable inlormatioi!. information on horses that are well meant and oi which lew aristahaa are n.ado. Information on horses that -will be on business bent on any kind of a track. Horses that. Sirring accide -ts. shauM be returned ea-y winnars. Mv Specials are at Tijuana. Hava-.a and New Or- leans. Asrain I repeat. DONT HESITATE. Rush your correct address at once. Only absolutely re- liable parties need reply to this ad. MY TERMS: Send me by wire after you collect your.; the wim.ings of a 0 straight play. It" a special should lose deduct what you would lose pliyinj: for me from successive winnings. I CANNOT WIN IF YOU LOSE 1303 Lexington Avenue. NEW YORK CITY , ; I The Horseman ON SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS 15 Cents Per Copy— a Year FREE CODE: Pftliis-Nine-Reformers-Tuif-Allegeil 1540 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. : 1 I ■ —sea BUB] RICHELIEU 2-1 WON Was Yesterclajys Long Shot Special. Remember we absolutely only give two horses each day. Get to-I days. 50c daily at all newsstands. NATIONAL 0. K. PUB. CO 411 Baltimore Bids:. Cbicago, 111. I . ! , , 1 I 1 PASTORAL SWAIN. 8-5. WON. and a scratch were last Saturdays 52 XX Specials. Dont fail to get next Saturdays two live ones. All they cost is . Todays Form Special: April-Pear-58-16-42-54. THE STANDARD TURF ttlilDlS. 403, 22 W. Quincy St. Chicago, 111. I j VOLUME I. of ANNUAL RACING FORM FOE 1921 IB MOW ON SAXX DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. 157-159 East 32nd STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE 8TREET BUFFALO. N. T. ■ ADVERTISE IN RACING FORI! SPECIALS BOTH WON Jan. 7 TOM HARE JR.. 3-1: PAS- f — *N TORAL SWAIN. 8-5. Dec. 31. BILL fsgllt* BLOCK. 7-1. WON. and loser. Mado F«*J77n*3s 8°od 19 out of 29 past Saturlays- So V~ FiuandRJ ll s heen e01"s l~ "?*-■ Our Ave:-- Jry aSe 50 i er cent or better WINNERS. C~S REMEMBER, we charge but SI for this direct track info. GUARANTEE One MUST WIN. or next Saturdays FREE. Mail rout NOW for 2 going Saturday. Jan 14. People appreciating GENUINE INFORMATION past 17 years been buying THE REPORTER. Want WIN- KERS? Get a copy. Latest, any newsstand, 35r. Mailed finect. plain envelope. 3 weeks. . Wednesday Special Ne. 447. THE TURF REPORTER Oldest Publication in Existence 22 W. Ouincy St. Estab. 1304 CliKago. 111.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922011201/drf1922011201_8_4
Local Identifier: drf1922011201_8_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800