Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-12

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t FAIR GROUNDS The horses v !i i- ii leefl* beat in Thursday races 1 ■Be: I Fair Grounds — Now Orleans. La.. January 11. 1922. I — Duster. Btyitth Miss, Kewpie B a 2 — Mfiriorie M . Flying Orb, May Pauline. 8— -, ALFNANDi.i; HAMILTON, The Nephew, Baa. [ 4- Cape Pillar, Kn..t Grass, Gaasmer Gartoa. ;. Thhnble, lulled Verde, Bygone Pays. •. Waakeeg Paria, Tula* 7- L-izy Lmii. Harvest King. KachhrvellL .7. L. Pempsey. New York Handliitp, 1 Ihi-uor. Ceil pie B., Last ■ as, Lilac Time. l*hfleasVrrr Promising Tom, Bttabe, Serbian. • I Iral Pallet, The Nephew, Anticipate, Jago. -v li ii.lsdalk. Birdie ; . Gsauaer Carton, Knot 1 G tas. I .. Catted Verde. Thimble. Blade of Pleasure. By- gene Daya. 1 Waahcag. Midnight Baa, Little Ed, Paria. of 7 Ales Jr., MacbiareUi, ],i7.y Lou. Harvest King. Chirpy and BnfTaio Handicap*. of 1— Duster. Ladj Beaa, Kewsne S . Lilac Tiase. 2 Philanderer, Bttabe, Flying Orb, riaaalslaf Tom 3 -Antreaa, Anticipate, Pirsl I *;i i ■ »-t . The Nephew. 4 fiamaarr Gorton, BUladale, Galeta, Boh 5--sands OP PLEASURE, Waited Verde, Bygone - Da b, Thimble. ■ Midnight si a, Paria, Waakeac, Bate B 7 L-izy i... ii. Hat-reel King, Macfalavelli, Rhe a Peril. , Observcrn Ha nil lea p. I I— Daater, Ladj Baca, Stylish alias, Kewpie s 3— Flying Orb, Philanderer The Derision. Bttabe :: Pint Pallet, Anticipate, Coariis, Alexander Haaailtoa. t— Hillsdale, Hammer Gartoa, Cape Pillar. Knot Graaa. -.-sands OF PLEASURE, Bygone Da vs. Thiaabie, Catted Verde, i ;— Midnight sun. Koto, Paria, st Isidore. 7— Lany Lea, Alea Jr. He lo Pardaer, Machiavelli. _, i .insiiiMn of Handicaps. 1-DFSTFR. Lady Baaa, Kewpie s . Stylish Miss, i H S — PhUaadcrcr. Uarjoi i FIj aa Orb, Bttabe. i 8- First Pullet. Alezaader Hamilton, Ai-tres*, The Nephew. 4 —Hillsdale. Cape Pillar. Gammer Gartoa, Kaot Qraaa 9— Sand- of Pleaaara, Thiaabie, Halted Verde. By. g« ne Day* 8— Wunkeag, Midaight Baa, Paria, Bala. 7 Uury Laa, Alex Jr., Baracat King. Maehiarelli.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922011201/drf1922011201_2_2
Local Identifier: drf1922011201_2_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800