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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. MEX.. TUESDAY. JANUARY 10. 1922— One mile. Thirty-ninth day. Tijuana Jockey Club. W.nre.- Meeting of 125 or Bore days. Weather clear: temperature 85c. Presiding Steward. Francis Kelso*. Associate Stewards, J. W. Coffroth ;ind Leon Wing. Starter. Harry RRfrHaacy. Raciag Secretary, l,euii Wins;. Etiu ing start 8 ;it 1:53 p. m. Chicago time 8:85 p. ■.. * I n»l i.- ites apprentice allowance. rj"r OTiFinSTlfACEMile"-Ie~20ri9i6— l7li2r—3ll0.— Purse" 00r"3ear-oldrarid . •;. y*J*$£d$ ngward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. S100: third. 0. , Index Herges AWtPPSt i fe "j Sir fin Jockeys OflBl E.iuiv. Odds Strt 50808 LEWWD wiTrrin~i_":. 4 ~ Z V ]• B Fa tor Btoetnrell . ;- Crimen B0-N8 BflSjOJ IAMBI AN won* 71 I] I" -I- -" • Parke C !■; !■■ BSOdRt S8RS7*IKDIAK ETiADK w 9 110 2 2 5* " S= - E Noble A Wright HMM 591145 ETHEL «r* 7 11 1 : ti *» 8* 4-1 41 E Donahue A Mar-key H20-MS 83103 LAXTERN if 7 110 ;, 3 SI 4*1 • -r h .T Banaser Ols, n R F.ryan 880-M8 58929 OOiMOTA v.:-- 7 113 4 7 7 7 7 8* J! McEwwu Coear dAlonc Stable 1520-lOs INM NEPPERHAN vi: 7 US 0 4 8* ; f. 7 P Martinez. J A Hall M0-1M Time. 2G!:,. 524-,. 1:24. Track heavy. ii.ii1ii.-N paid. Lewis P... ST. SO straight, 85.00 plaee, S3. 20 shew; Tamilian. 84.88 place, 83.08 show; Indian IMtinili . 83.09 nhaar. Equivalent booking nihts TrWls I... |M t«. 108 straight. IM to Kill Blare, SB to 101 show: Tamilian. 140 to Ml [.I:...-. M t.. 100 s|,«.v: Indian Brigade. Sll to MR BBOW. Winner iii. .. I.v Prosper.. Lady Marchmont. I.y hmont II. traJaad l.y Q. XV. tetapaa; bred by Mr. BOasael A. Berk BBSS . Went l.i post at 1:57. At past 1 miiiule. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. LEWIS ft. r:,e. .! TAMBIAN in*o defeat early and, taking I tnag lead after rounding the last turn. won in a ranter. TAMIHAN thawed the most early - .ec.| sad, after beta* passed by the winner, lin i-hed resolutely INDIAN BBIGADE made op groOBd la ■ gaaac brisk. LANTERN iiit early. NElLIS-HAN stumbleii n tin- harkstretcb and o,uit. Scratched -58881 Laxj Men. 115; 50187 Coffee .b.lin. 110: r.i4l7 fefcCmnn, 110. CJR197 SECOND RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. June 24. 1910—1:45— 3— 110. Purse 00. 3-year-ol.L, tltllilA! A and upward. Claiming. Net valine to winner S350; rccond. 00; third, 0. Index liorses AWtPPSt -, . , Str I-in lockers Owners E.miv. Odds Strt 88500** FLASH OF STEKLw 8 110 1 S 4« 4*1 2= 2* 1! .5 llu.-iner J P Mackey 90-MO milPKHRA ws • p.s i . . | -l ; T ."■ c Stader Baaaett Broa Too km IM*7*L TTT. ORPHAN ws t n* I 4 »* 2 V 1*1 :: R NoM« B i: Bachanaa na-tw B*4Ct*LY JOSEPHINE w « M8 t t 1* 3» 43 4" !; P Parka K Martin 29V-1M r.9.1«7 1. V INNOCENCE w 11 |t3 4 S E i I i I C Groaa A J Christie T8t-M* Time, 27*Jf 5435. 1:234;,. 1:54. 2:01-, . Traok heavy. S2 inutueis j.;,i,i. ria-h of Bteel, fS.Sfl Rtraicht, s:;.un plaee, f2.C0 aaaw; Bchra, Rr..40 place, SS.3I show: Little Ornbaa. .44 show. Pqairaleut boos as odd*— Platdi of Bteel, M to KM Ktraieht, .".n ;.. mo ptaee, 3Q t.. 100 show: Dehra, 170 to 10O place. iH lo 100 show: Utile Oi|.li:in. 70 to 100 show. ii.o. i -Oh. z, bv Ballot i:;ell.i. I.v On. anient tl.iimd bv J. giaglelaa; bred by Meaata, lle.idley M.lleri. Went to I"st :it l?:jr.. At Beat 6 ininn:es. Start Kaod Bad slow. Won handily: se, on.l and third diivinu. PLASH oi sii:i:i. was hard ridden treat the start and. niovinu- ap faat aa the lat nun. lin- Khed gamely and oatatared DEHRA. The latter :. 1 int.. :.• good lead oa the barks! retch and. whea chaBea«ed, buns oa resalately. LITTTJC ORPHAN did bis best. L.MiY JOSBPHIXK showed a gaah of 1 speed, btrt soon fell bad;. LADY INNOCENCE was alwhrs a follower. Srratehfd EaMfS i..- Diaosaare, lid; r.iir.oi Haekaatare, ii" . t p# prfJ Q THIRD RACE— 5-8 Mile. May 20. 1920 — 59—4—107. Purse S500. 3-year-olds and »1p *jf 9J dal Q cpsrard. Cltiming. Not value tc winr.or 50; second. S100: thud, 0. lade* Horses AWtPPSt U . •■, Btr 1 m Jockeys Qwaera BqulT. Odds Strt 79451- LAV ; A wb a It* ! -! ♦* 13 I" E FatOr Blackwell and Crinpen :••-: I .".iJlti.". INFIELD wb A 187 I J -. -. -:■ T Wilso.i w x Beejchwood ::-!-i-ioi andS245- 1GALE a 4 IM i I 7: 7 r s 33 .1 Deford I! Parrell SaVlM SS949*COOMB.S w 4 b.7 I • S* .. 1 P .1 Hanmer L Hawkiaa MM IM 594 Sd JOSENIA w C 113 - 1 -" I 63 W Gargan !. Williams 134t-MI r.94x: SQUASH ara 6 Ml 7 2 i- 1*5 »i:i B Parke ; Sidney 4M-M8 SM51*HODA IRISH w 4 MG M 7 . ■ s1 s; 7" A Jacobs .1 B Maya fl74s-M0 :,r 4- . XKusiKi DALE w M 113 SM M ! • 4 T Murray WT T Overly f ";!4«7 SHLET SUMNER w 3 IM 3 I NM M M C Ward Anderson .v- UcNanaee 12*d»lM :,t»:,"1 BQ*L HAWKINS a 1 ttfi S .". ■"■ •: 7. M T Iiae A Knapp IM* IM iAIiituel liebi. Time. 26".,, 54-;,. 1:C92;,. Track heavy. |3 m utile!- paid, LaTaga, .ST. Oil straight, :; t;o place, .SM.oo -how: laSeM, -W place. ?.°..20 show: rigah*, M.d* show. Eouivaleat book lag odd* — Lavaca, SM to 100 straight, so to 100 place, r,0 to 100 show; Infield, M to iihi place, M to ldd show; Cigale, IM to ion -low. Wiaaei lr. m, bj Praapera I baileys Aaat, by Bt. Plorfaa trained by O. W. Ciipuea; bred by Mr. B. A. r.eckl.aml. Went to post at L:40. Al post i minates. Start pood and slow. Won driving: second and Ihird the *;iino. LAYAGA waa saved close ap until roaadiag the last turn, fraaa where she was ridden hard into the lead and. standing » hard drive, won only becaase heat rlddca. INPIELD was a gaase and forward roateader fioas the start Bad Bniahed fast, bat Jaat fatted to get ap. CIGALE dosed a hage ..p ■■■i-i Salnhrd faatest of all. COOMBS ran well and bt ..bout dae. JOSEXIA and SQUASH showed speed, b:-t til ed. Scratched CdStM Saial Pierre, 1M7- 55407 Easter Cbrl, 10S. Overweight — Shirley r. . pounds. 1090 FOURTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. June 24. 1916—1:45—3—110. Purse S500. 3-year-oW; l%3 %3 and *Jf and upward. Claiming. Mot value to winner 350; second, 00: third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % !j ;:i Stiiin Jockeys Qwaera K.piiv. Odds Strt .",9t!0 oi~r~ MAID wb 5 M7 i 1 1 1" I* V I I! B Bwer J A Parson iibo - *♦! 70 SHENANDOAH W 7, 112 2 4 4; 4[ S» :" :■ B Parke 11 D Gates 600-100 .-»«4!»0M N [TAIN GIRL wb 5 M7 4 I V I ... :.- :: J Haaaaer W L Schaefer n MO SS44SAUDREY K. a .-it 7 11". 5 7 7 P I • M 1 Marttnes C B Irwin ■■■■ -WO Sa 34MRHYMER ara S 113 1 2 2» SJ 2» 43 •"- A Jacoaa : W Atkinson 2M Ml M4M*NEBRASKA waa 8 MS 7 E 3*2 :; 4* 6* . » Stader «; H Abbott 4.".o-ioo 5tS57«LOLA W 9 IM ", :: E* 7 7 7 7 1; Nob!.- .1 S McDaaiel Soo-loO Time. 27. 53Ji. l:21l/3, 1:50. 1:53. Track heavy. Si n.utnel. paid, Oar Mali, • . _o straight, 14.441 place, SS.4M show; Shenandoah. .r,0 place, ftM show: Mountain dirt, $: .40 show. Loin rah nt booking odds-Our Maid. MM to 100 straight, 120 to 100 place. 80 to 100 show: Shenandoah. .30 to 100 place. M to 100 show: Mountain .ill. TO to 100 show. Winie l -B. in. by Lie b -i.u-.v Edith, by Yankee drained by I. A. Par SOB ; bred by Mr. W. B. Miller. Went to post nt :!:1S. At post 1 Btiaate. Start good and slow. Won easily; second ;ind third oil: MAM took the Eaad at aace and. drawtag far away after entering the backstretch, woa easily all the way. SHENANDOAH raa bis Bsaal hoaest race and was easily second best. MOUNTAIN RlftL Bnlshed gamely after antkiag mi groaad. KHYMEB aad NEBRASKA were done after racing 1 . lo .■ up t«.r due.- ouniei- AUDREY K. taished fa-t. frQRQ.rk FIFTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. a.lay 20, 1820— 5S— 4— 107. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and llJJoulr upward. Claiming Handicap. Net val„a to adaaer 90; second, 40; third, 0. ladei Horses AWtPPSt .• % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt M44Sz*HURON M w.-n i; 11:; 1 I 13 I" L 1- !•: Noble .1 A Parson 170-WO ."i»440 SEDAN wb 8 IM 3 2 2 L1 23 i-l W Cargan C B Irwin ftt»-lft0 Bfggg OLYMPIAD WB 3 »:• 2 E 33 3" :.: Si C Stader Q II Abbott I84B-MS : .",i:t.ii : ■. RBH wa * 112 i 4 ■ .". 4- 4"J A Jaeoba Shafer A Coaway ioi... SS4I1 SEDGEGBASS a 5 M :. " 4*14 S E II 1. Bwer H W Barnes : ,.i n.i Time, »%, 52-.,, 1:07,. Track heavy. 82 arataehi paid. Huron If., 85.40 straight, 83.30 place, 2 M show; Sedan, M.84J place, 8S.40 show; Olympiad, ?4 00 a* . L.|i:i:.l. nt booking odds — Huron II., 170 to loo straight, co to loo place, in to iot» -how: Sedaa, ; in ip ItW place, To io loo -how: Olympiad, MO to 106 dhow. Vlnner B. g, bj Sweeper- Sana, bj Hambarg [trained by .1. A. Parson; bred in France by Mr. It. rata . B. Daryea i. • .1 to past at S:4S, Al peat 1 mlante. Start goad aad alow. Won easily; seeoad and third driving. Hi IfuN II. set the pace from the start and, taking a safe lead. Increased bis advantage to aria In a canter. SEDAN waa hard ridden while racing in seeund place, but was easily held safe. OLYMPIAD teadilj h.ld hi- !.esiii..n aad naisbed gamely. SAM BEH was poorly ridden. BEDGEGRAS8 showed acant peed aad raced disappointingly. Overwetgfats- Hidtegiaini. 2 poawds. r.CliPO SIXTH RACE— 3-4 Miie. Bee. 20. 191C— l:ll-s— 3— 110. Purse 00." 3-year-olds Bad • J kP «3 «: JL -.ipward. Ciaiming. Net vaine io winner 50: roeond. 00: third. 0. Tladei ""Horses At* tPPSt % _ j Str Fia Jockeys Qwaera JBqalv. Odds Strt BtTll* ROUEN m 1 112 2 3 i. :; 13 1- . Hanmer A Brent MMM BS4M- NELUE HABFR wi M t 7 - t: 2] 25 p Hara Tan a Bhanter stable SM-1M .-.tiy.TI CA ILDOUR II.WBdlU 4 :. ■ :. 33 :.» R Noblo Irby 170-hM BS4M**CZARDOAt w 6 M7 :. l Is 2"* 4* V A Jacobs Keal d Bartholomew li.0-loo it REVIEW wp. ". MS ". 1 63 r.1 6*5 5* T Wilaoa Suite tt Valentino AW-W :,UA.l CHARIJET BOY w 4 115 1 1 :: 6" I" ■■ 11 Baladln W Qoodloe 4MB-M0 BS12 * BLACK TOP w I M3 7 i 7 7 7 7 C Stader L S Fountain 700-MO Time. 25",. 52:i. 1:22"5. Track heavy. mnraela paid. Boaen, sin. so straight, 85.00 place, SH.oo show; Nellie Harper. SO. 20 ptaee, 83.M show; Cavalcadonr i . BS.40 show. FViaJralent booking odd- Boar a. 4in to loo trai»!it. ISO to 100 place. SO to 100 show: Nellie Harper. 10 to iihi place, .hi to inn -bow: Cavalcadonr II., 7u to 100 show. Winner- -I!, u. by St. Ani.u.; Kallir Lowl. by Oallinuli trained by A. ; bred in Lncland by Mr. Joaa Baafard. Weui to post at 4:0.".. At post 1 ininule. Start Bead and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. ROUEN raced CHARLEY HOY into early tetireaaeat and. taking tin- load, kept it easily aad withstood the cnalleage of NELLIE HARPER. The latter began stewly, but moved up steadily aa the outside aad lini-l.ed gamely. CAVALCADOUB II. wa- in close aaarters en the last turn, but came fa-t next to the rail and fini-hed in the deepest going. CZABDOM showed speed, but failed to stay. CHAB-LK ItiiY waa prominent fat a ip. art. i . then fell away. BciaUhed 50188 Keaward, 114. f-TOer: OO SEVENTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. May £0. 1920—59—4—107. Purse ?5ML 3 -year -olds and VUOOI upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. index" llo!-es ~AWtPISt . »!■ •", Str Fin Jockeys Owners F.quiv. OddTstrt $•420 HARRY D. wa 8 112 3 2 23 23 2*J 11 B Parke C E Groves 140-MS B0411* MADAM BYNG wb 6 116 11 111 l1 i Stader V R Irwin 400-108 5!lKi THRILLS a T no E i 8 ."- 4 :..• .T Hdnmer n D fates T00-100 M4M 1:1. SABfO wffMi I - 8| A B* 4* P Hum .1 Kern lafeVMO r»94«;s DULY FA8HION WB S 111 4 ". 41 3] :.: il XV Gnrsan .1 I Parson 310-1M | ••Sot PLANT AGENT w 10 IM 2 I ." ; ii I li H Long J W Shocklev 810-100 Time. EC1. 5C2. 1:0S!5. Track heav?/. SJ mutitels paid. Harry I.. 84.88 Stialght, .-0 jilace. 82.4J0 show: Madam H.mis. .00 place, .40 , show : Thrill-. 83.98 show. Bqairaleat hooking odds— Harry 1.. 140 to 100 straight. 00 to 100 place. 30 to 100 show: Madam ltyii. 100 to 100 place, 70 to 100 -how: Thrill-. 00 ta 100 -how. Whim 1 h. g, bv Baraadah — Taraaway, by Nharad trained by C. K. Groves; bred bv Mrs. Samuel Watkias. Went to post at 4:32. At Bast B minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the aaaae. HARRY I, raced lapped on the pacemaker until midway of the stretch, where lie forged to the front BBd held her safe to the end. MADAM BYNG began fast and showed the most speed to the last eighth, thea fini-hed gaatfety after being passed. TURlLU made up greaad from a slow beginning. BJtJLY FASHION w;is prominent until BBteflBg the Mil lib, where he tired. ILANTAOENET was always • outpaced. LL SABIO tini-iied well. Scratched — 59447 ;Tillotson. KM: .".9501-Uessie Mack II.. 109.