Havana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-12


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I * " • •_ I •. • • • ~» • , , , I , . I [ e I J to 0 II ■ •v 11 • to • be ■ n e • * e S- ,e • HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA. CUBA. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 11. 1922. Oriental Park il niih-i I 01 ty third day. Cuba -Aniorcan Jockey and Auto club. Winter Meeting of KM or mot- days Weather showery; tempera- ture 86 ■ stewards. .1. Hacbsaetster, c II. Laaadale and E. Burke. Judges, c. CeraeUsea and Edward Jasper. starter, .hints Milton Bicing Secretary. Martin Nathaasea. Racing starts at -:M p. m. Chicago time 1:37 p. at., •ladleates apprentice allowance. CTQCrg/h FIRST RACE— 3-8 Mile. .Tan. 21. 1916 — 04.-,— 2— 113. Purse S700. 2-year-olds. OJl/O-!:" Maidens. Special Weights. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. ~~~ lades Horses AWtPPSt :, , Str Fia Jockeys owners O II 0 P S BB47B Tank » Us 2 1 l« 1 "w Keisay tioldapple stable.: : ! 1-5 out 5*419 GONWITHIB a 115 . 1 V :• G Fields Rosedale stabb- Ii l". I". 4 eal .*.!»4li CARLOS BNR1QCE v li. 1 S :: ::- J OBrien B A Jones I 7 7 Z eat 5t47h*CARBOXELX, m US o :; «J 4f A McLhlinGoldapple Stabler* : ! 1-.". out tMll IANDINi; w 113 I "• • .1 DoraickWUIteBM Bros s-:. -:, 1-2 out— ." !»t79 IAI.LADHM 112 ."• 7 7 S .1 Kederia Williams Bros B-6 S- i 1-2 out— !i 4 1 !» FRANK s a US 7 1 : 7*3 W UUey 1 Stelnhart v;-" ».-5 -i out— BABE ALICE a IU 4 * v I B KenndyF Stetehart §U-0 ti-j 2-5 out— ICoapled jm betting; mv separate place or sbaa betttag. Time. 25. 37. Track fast, su iinitueN paid. Leak. .70 straight. gS.Bg place; Ueara ithin*. 11.7t place: no shew BMteets aaM I.iuivalent boofciag adds l«mk. 2B5 to Hmi straight. ! .". to l"M» place; Ueawithras. 183 te lM» place. Winner — B. «. b Delhi Zeaohte, by Dark! Oarrick traiaed by P. M. Bray: bred by Mr Thomas Piat; 1. Went te peel it 2:34. At post :i ■iaates. start good and stew. Won dririag; seread and tkird tie-.inie. LANK saved groond wbea eatcriag the stretch, where be raced late ■ long lead, bat was tirteg St the end. .ONWITHIM Dalshed with a rash. CAHI.OS HNBIQCK was speedy, but tired FBANK I quit in the last eighth. CABBOXELL ran well. pQJT A -j SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920—1:11—6 — 102. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. OtjO-l.L Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 0. 7m! Horses ~ AVVrPPSt , _. , Str Fin Jockeys Owners O Ii C P S 58459 * *CA R P. I E BAKER w 1*2 4 2 S* 3J !■» 1* B Scheff el W F KnebelksnrpC-o 5-3 8-S 2-5 1-" 59097 "AT.KSU wli kM I « • V 4* :!i U Prible C W Ross C I I 2] G-". B8S78*KLNG B. wa 1*7 2 S • Si ■"■- ** T Burns H E Swan f 1 t 1-5 4-3 58278*KELTOi wa 1*8 7 8 8i 8* 4s N Swart K Bull 1 4 t s -5 4-5 58878* HYERES m 10:; II : : 7j S» : Fields Rosedale Stable M 81 *• I i 88484 SAX STEFANO wa 1M It • 7* * « H Wakofl M D Bell W M 1" I I .".9379 Miss HOPE w iJ5 I ;. 8* :• : v A Ptckena .1 H Patterson M H 18 1 ."91.i9 MARGARET NASH w 105 5 7 4* B I I 1. Penman T Hodge t; ii « 2J 6-5 58488 NAOMI K w 10S 3 I l» I S " F Hunt .1 Reatle v s s ; 8-5 Time. 23;,. 48i. 1:17. Track fast. |2 arataehi pud. Carrie Baku-. si.sn» straight, 82.88 place. §-j. 10 show: Aleso, SI N place. S3. JO show. King B.. 88-38 show. Equivalent booking adds 1 arris Baker. 143 te 188 straight *8 to 188 place. 28 ta PH show: Aleso, 1G0 to 188 place. 80 to Hx» show: King B., 83 to 188 «bow. Winner p.. r. by Horron Bay of Pleasare, b. KiagstoB traiaed by W B Haaegaa; bred by Mr Thomas Piatt 1. Went to peal nl 8:83 Ai peal 1 minute, start ge.nl and stew. Won driving: serosal and third the same CABBIE BAKER eras saved close up for the first half, then raced late the lead, bat was tiring at the end. ALESO worked her way up oa the out-id- and Baisbed fast aad gaining. KIM. B swerved to the fence at the sixteenth post and was palled up er he Blight have won. KELTOl Batrhed with a 1 ash. HYiiRP.S showed speed. Scratched -30037 Cbartetta Smith. 188. Overweight- Hyerea, ■ paaads; Naomi K., 3. fTQer JQ THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— 1:05 5— 5— 102. Purse 00. 4-year-Dtf04si olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSr % "t Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 11 J P B 88488 TACOLA w 7 118 1 3 »* 3* Z1 I* W MorseyO B Potts 1 1 1 1-3 1-C 58448 i MERRICK w« 11 IM 1 I I l» l"k 2* B Kenndj C Iinig 4 5 5 : I .79191 GEORGE W. wa 4 111 8 : 5s 4; SJ J .Minors M Selferl 1 l| P 8-5 4-3 58443 SKV1LL1AN wsa 9 IM 7 4 - : :" I W Hinphy P 1 Smith • * 8-i I- r,94i SPEEDY i.l V slal t I • V ■- ii K Hunt P .1 Duff I * 20 8 4 58383 MHIXE il NNERwb 1 HI 5 a 1 1 ..; .1 Heapel -I K Alley 8344t*SAIN ROSE wa S N3| . : :■• 71 7fi .1 Malhen D Montour • " St I: •• 53438 LITTLE Bl SS wa 7 110 3 8 s s s -I DomIckT Cheek " 83 81 12 « Time, 23i. 48--,. 1:015. 1:08. Track last. 82 aiBtaels paid. Tacela, .s.3.7o straight, 82.88 place, 82.48 -how; Cy Merrick. 83.88 place. .7tt thee : t.eor-e . 85.88 tfcaw. Rqnivalenl booking odds Tacela. 83 to 188 straight 40 te 188 place. 20 to 188 show; Cy Merrick, 75 to 108 place, 83 to 188 show: George w. 150 t" hmi -how. iriaaei Cb. fa bj Traasvaal Erls Lee. by Hindoo traiaed bj t Rector; bred by Mr. s K. NichoNi Went to pist at 8:27. At post 2 aiiantes. star; good and slow. Won easily: secead and third drii ing TACOLA was under restraial until .ll int.. the hianiitretcb. wbea he went to the front with rash and won la a caatcr. iV MERRICK -t a fast pace, bat tired after racias skvh.I.I.W into dr te.it. GEORGE W. baisbed la-t oa the satside and would hare beea -"end in another stride. Sh VILLI AN was speedy, bat tired. Scratched -58243 Pokey B., 185. Overweigkta Speedy Lady, ■• pound-: Sain Base, 31.-. Kg-.s- A r FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— 1 :05S— 5— 102. Purse 00. 4-yai-ty*Jty±:*_ olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. ~ Indl" Horses A Wt PPSI , Str Pin locjceys Owner- * H t P s 5 949 3»GO f.D K N I •" iTi NT wTl 106 i [~ . " ; i ■ Is lJ G Corey Brooklyn stable 7-5 8-6 8-5 1-8 1-4 58422* HUMPY w 4 8M 3 I • tl 2 L Penntian I. rist « tj I I 5844S**QUAKER at 4 101 2 »; •» V 41 Jl II BrydgeaE P Baxter :i 21 :i 1 I - ".9191 lit. MONT w 11 "115 S S 5 • I B Boyle T Doyle 4 1 l-o 1- 53481*TOM GOOSE wa 7 183 :: ! 1" 2 : •• ! PteWa I A Dorkin I I I - 1 535SS MIDIAN wa 5 lib 7 1 ::■_ ■- 0s* •*• J Pvi. E I Shoe bridge 5 5 4 *-5 4-5 58882 H1ALLOU-BERRY w 4 10s 4 7 7 7.71- Hunt H B Davis IS IS IS I 3 Time. 23" 48. TOl-i. 1:0743. Track fast. 82 nn 1- paid. Golden Flint. 88.90 stralgbt, N:i.o ptece, SL.7o show: Haajpy. 84.58 place. 8andSB sine : Quaker, 83.88 show. Biiairateat beokteg oilds Ooldrn Flint. 15 to Iimi straight. 88 to 888 ptece. 85 t - 888 show: Haasa] 125 to 100 place. 43 to 100 -how: Qnaker, .50 to loO show. Winner 1 b. C, bj Flint Bock Boldea View, by Hsstings .trailed by I Peigiuati: bred in France by -Mr. August Betasoat. Went to BOKl at 4:"3. A: pos* 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily; BBCeBd and third driving. GOLDEN FLINT rated TOM GfJOSB into early defeat and. taking the tend, dt"W away after entering the homestretch. HlMIV saved ground oa the stretch turn and outf ini-hed QUAKER for -.eond place. The latter dosed 1 gap ami tired in the last fifty yards. ELMONT raced wide ou all th" tuns. GALLOU-BEBBT raa awaj far five -eighths at top -peed while going t.. the post Scratched 58105 Rama. lull. KOK/i/i FIFTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. .Jan. 24. 1917— 1:05V,— 5— 102. Purse 00. 4-year- O «ty O -± -1 olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ji550; second, 00: thud. 0. Index fjarita AWtPPsHT"; % Str Fin Jockey- Owner- 0 H C P B 53433* *BLACK BABY w 1 MH 17 S» -- 2*1 ln t PrBBe E F. JiHit.!- 3 :._ V. e-5 S-3 f 33481 MONET w 8 115 7 1 2* r 1 : . G Kiel. is ; C Mizell s-5 8-5 «-* 2-6 1-a 53252 DISCUSSION a 6 IM 1 3 l» J" ■■• H J Maiben S McNeill I-* 8-e 8-» 1-2 1-t 5949:1 JACOBEAN w 4 Mfi • I 7 S* 4 4 H Wakoff M Goldhtett t; . :i M 094iOTWO EYES WB I BJ 2 I 51 l| 5 N Swart C K Myatt 15 15 15 t 3 38S3#|TARASCON wa 8 IM 4 ■ 8 % V H Carey M O Vlan «..:•. l-e S3433*LUI-MEME wS U0 I 1 4 7 C 7* B Scheffel O I. Poater 31 -■ i 10 I ."94i0 NORFOLK BLLE W 5 MB 5 I b! B S B P Hunt 11 V. Davis " 0 Z0 S * Time. 23. 48. 1:01 5. 1:0723. Track fast. $ arataehi paid. Bteck Baby, 813.88 straight, 85.88 place. 83.38 -how: Money. .J0 placo. S.JU show: Discii-sioii. 8338 show. Bqarrateat bssklsa: odd- -Bteck Baby. «9u le 138 straight, 138 te 100 pla-e. :io to loo show; Money. t;o la ioo place. 18 to loo -how: Bterasetea. 13 to kmi -how. W nne; Blk. f. by Dick Finnell — May Maid, hy Yankee trained by E I Major: bred by M -sis. John 1. Carr and Bra.. . . ..... Went to post at 1:28. At past 1 minute Start good and -low. Won driving: secsad and third the same. BLACK BABY 1 ame wide when entering the BSSBIISllllllh but finished fa-t and got up to win in the final -tride- MONKY saved ground on the stretch turn and raced into the lead, but tired in the last -ixteenth. DISCISSION set a fust early pace and tired after going three -eight lis. JACOBEAN finished close up. Overweights Norfolk Belle. 1 pouud. [• arChEr A pr SIXTH RACE— lCile and 50 Yards. Maroh 6. 1918—1:41—5—117.1 Purse 00. t3«7 sD40 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 8550: second, 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPiVSr ■ t c. % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 594i01MAYSYll"l7F. w 4 100 i 5 Is 1! 1- Is 1J L Penman 5 L Baker 8] "1 81 6-5 -5 . 9498COLSKI w I 107 :: :; K" »i- 7- rt3 L"i J Maiben t; Nibbs 15 15 15 ti - 9484*CM1K ws 7 105 I 1 2i 2- V ll VI C Frost B J Laoper VI 12 12 5 2A 59483 SILFJX II. BT8 I lift 7 7 l| 4 41 4J 4 F Hunt J AY Plunkett 12 12 12 I BJ Bw4w4sBA.VKNBKA wa 5 IM 12 :ii V il 5i C RobsonG Price 444 s-a 4-.1 " [ "Zi ZZ~*~ iW»8tt8i84 •» facoatj w|«. . ■ b s ■1 « ,i i ,• s HAVANA FORM CHART CONTINUED FROM FIRST PAGE. B B4BS**B1BBLGR w 8 MB » 4 4- .",• I , t* V R McAneyM J Daly i;. i:. u c 3 :,:iii CHIMERA ws t MB I I 8" M ■* T W Ilinph-.P Hirtphv 2 | 1 4-.", i-5 59482 SIR ADSUM w 7 HO I !• 7; 7 ;." 7- «* M Bt:rper .1 Booker Jr ■ ::i ::0 U ti .-.8.-.00-I.K BALAFRB a S MS I I I 9 » 9 • D Prible P Mock s 8 I ;; M 594BS*MI8ERlCORDB vltttN Left at the nopt. B KeaaadyC J HarrsJl 9411 I 4-5 --r» Time. 24. 48. 1:13. Irs9%, 1 44*5. Track fast. S-_* mtttitcls paid. Maysville, .f:i.3i» - i r.iii:!it . B5.S0 place, $."!.! » -how: Caaaasel, $.".3.3» laaMe, 917.40 w : Cork. SI 1.41 show Bquivaleat bookiag isida Mayaiine 3»io to loo atraight, 17.". to 100 place, 05 to 100 show: Counsel. 2503 to li»» place. 77o t-» 109 -how: Cork. SS9 to 19B show. Winner p.. f, | j Cavalcadoar -Hili Top. by Clifford trained by A. Thomas: bred by Mr. Walter O. Parmer Went to post at 4:".7. At pest 3 minutrs. Start good and slow for all but M ISKKICORDE. Won driving: serosal and third the same. MAVSVII.I.K took the lend quickly and net a good pace until in the last sixteenth, arhere she tired. COCNSBL cbwad a gap with a rash on the extreme outside cork raced "ell to the last eighth and tired. MISKPICOP.DK wheeled tit the start. S1I.FX II. and HAVFN- BEA ran Well. . • ratehed B9421 Ganrdsaaan, 119, Overweight* Chbneta. I pound.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922011201/drf1922011201_1_6
Local Identifier: drf1922011201_1_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800