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: 1. I. . ■ ! , , .. ■ |] FOURTH RACE — ." l- InrliuiKs. gt-ysmtr aisle. Aliosraaesra. FeSa, i!», Ifslfj — 1 too 3-3 ! — 1 2:. » GAXilETl GURrON, ch. f. 3 104 By Vou Tromp— Baleria.n, by The Commoner. Trainer. G. V. Barnes. Owner. C. W. Clark. VGnds and f 1:117. .fast t 197 2 1 1 I 1 1| M Garner 11 f. U.Kcsakse Latonia 41 f 67 Band 27-19 113 2 4 42 4:" N Barrett » Whirl C dAsaoor W Sfentaet rMl« Churchl 4: I 66 mud s m 6 4 F tj 8 Wida 8 Wm.OIdt, Bernicek A lam Girl 1344 fhurehl 41. f 64%faat X i"7 1 1 T 1- s Wida Kt L Rochester Alverida BdaaSHk CSnarchl 1-8 47:fast 19 US 6 9 9 F« M Barrett 9 BerniceK., NghtyNteba, At. Gal HILLSDALE, br. g, 3 86 By Mont dOr— Lady Hilliugton. by SJagfy Herrmaa. .Trainer. W. A. Burttsebell. Owner. J. R. Skinker. F.Gnda I l:15%aloa 8 8 2 | I. Cow 8 R u Maid. Tri.o :■ la I f l:07Hfaat 11-3 113 5 2 5 F f-H King II liaoi.Curton i-.-ii.. u mniie 18 Jefraon »-8 l%faat 9-5 IK 2 111" y- H Kim; lt» S-unTiaie Van I resser Jaciiuclia 58718 Bowie 51 f l:19%raud 13-19 114 6 1 3 4- 8» J Bum ell 1 .• L-eiv/... . ; p ij,d, Wei Strangef A676 Bowie 3-4 1 l-T.livy 12-5 146 6 2 1 1- P] L Con !:! F.VirKini i ■...,!/. ,1 Beamei 68648 Bowie 3-4 1:16%hvy 23-3 K4 6 1 3 - II L Coney 11 IVIhimar Tlieo Wild Eileen 8538 Pimlico |f 1. .,,!,. t 37-10 99 G 4 2 PFL Coae IS Jea.Braat, :■. .-. UKveartS OALETA rh. f. S 197 By firy BeiTmann— Lady Galette. by Lord Edward Trainer, G. KcWtekelL Owner. G. McMitchell . II. •■■ ■ ■ ast M 1951M 8 7 7 :• .1 Zoel 1 II Lcgbure Cosak nana Modesty u togs fl:06Vandf st 12-5 MS 2 2 2 2 1 3] : W Croll 3 Radaaa, Dnnceeap 97 Sartotra 11:42! hvy 2-5 1 7 2 21 1» l« ], Fatoi 7 Talwar, Rou Dovearosot 54707 Belmont Uf at •■• fast 9-5 101 S 1 2* V H Walters 8 BIkRascal RriltBaj FiftyFy MS59 Belmont 5-8 at 59*4fast 8 114 I f. 6 1 T B Sande 9 Prodigiona, Wishbone, Nan-vg a Belmont Uf at 5L-r.ra.-it S IM M G 6; 73 J Boelter 13 Wishbone, Ultimata. ProdlgiottS BOB. ah. e. 3 113 By Orb— Panlita. b7 Panmure. Trainer. G. La::d. Owner. C. W»i.ienian. I F .;ed.- -: • ■ 1 _ : ■ ■ m • ■ 1 1 ■ 9 IM-.! ,1 Del i id i rice i9953 Jeffson _• 1:08 good:. Hi 1 4 i 81 7 - i- Werner 9 WotfsCry, Simplicy, Bob.Batf Jeffson S-4 l:17%slow 2-2 MS 2 111 l» v w iner 8 Com.SIcMeekin JakeBe tt Foy "" • 51 f 1 "" ■• aat 45 IM 8 8 8 8 8*1 J Francla 8 Sir Ragh, Boana Martha Fallon 55199 Latonia 5-8 l:92%bvy 19 lli 7 « - 6 t;j 2t u i.,,,,,- 8 Qa.Garden, Ad rent are Mil Star harchl 4* f 63%fant 17 312 4 4 !■ 41 .1 SmallWd 8 Bocksaiateter, Ab.ft. Rekab BiRDIE G.. b. f. 3 103 By ▼aadsrgrift — Crctche:1. B., by Brya Rawr. : sr, L. Johrson., ,T, Groenberg. I:1".-..- t 4J 193 3 1 II 4 9 Rriselda, I red Kinnev, rants 59154 J rri »n 3-4 1:15 good 7 I ; :. :: _ SJ : A Wl aon 12 Simplicit: IK aney, Kirtis . ff ion .": l 1:11 hvy 1 109 6 I I 21 F 8 Su j, Elmer K Issage ■hurchl ::-4 29 10611 2 2 6 F B Pool 8 J.Bowdre, Pre* lada M Winsor tonte 61 f l:97fifaat 3 112 M It II 111 ll*! B Park" 12 Bright! ". Col.Giri. PrecLsda i7625 Latonte 5-4 l:16*4hvy 1 198 1 2 I 4J 1;H J Burke 7 M.F.dlai. LinaCIark, Omaipteat tonia 61 f IM last 16-5 1*5 :t 2 2 ?4 25 B Kenady n 1. dy Mother Mnrtli.iKalloa Fvil itonls S-4 l:13*4faat 9 1 0 4 6 7 9= 8" G Fields 10 Carpentei Washington, B.Braah MABEL CURTIS, ch. f, K 109 By McGee— Di:tch Barbara, by Flying Dutchman. Traiaar, C. Buxton. Owner, C. Buxton. 1:97 fi 8 : ; •; M M M A Gantnerl2 Br atB -. Vshtend FdKteaey trson 51 1 15 108 ■. G 4 F Fl A Gantner • Wolfs* . SimpUcy, Bob Hair worth .",.. 1 1 ■ . :. ". 4-5 110 1 1 I IJ 1- A Gantner 8 Crest. Bo: Marsdsle Eve White Wdbins 3 I l:lS%faat 1-5 v f 3 11 1» 1-4 A Gantner 7 Delhimnr, Alverida War Relief iTJ69 Thcliffe 1; ri:!7 fast S-S MS 1- a Gantner • Rand Catwd Boy. QckBan Dshlre 61 f 1:07 faal 7 105 1 ill3 V A Gantner Hi 1:. 1:1:1.1..-. O.Dale, Create IBoy •. Dshrre 61 f 17fa«ood 11 MS 7 fi 7 8i 7P1 M Buxton » B. Rutins. R. Tteaa. n RHctraaC CAIE PILLAR, eh. c. 3 112 By DisjruiLQ — Make Good, by Luck and Chanty. Trainer, R. A. S.n.ith. OwneT. Sunnyland Stable. 149 Ji fson " ;" I 961 fast ! I 19916 2 ! :- I L Morria 8 Cole 1 1 B | By Gost tangs 59192 Jeff* son 5-8 lrtHifaat 4 115 2 1111 IJ 1. Morris 12 ByGosh, Honorable, MiracleRaa 68642 B 3-4 l:14%slow 45 114 4 2 3 3J 4* L Morris 8 An Over, Mense, ritegibbon t* 61fl*87%alow 10 113 4 2 4 6J 7** A Johnson 11 Carpenter, Talwar, High Mago 5S1S4 Sartoga 61 f l:10ftmud fi lit 2 2 3 21 2» FJ Hayaea 8 Beatra int. Swift Grate MBS Bar*toga "J f 146%faat 12 112 G 5 5 5 5 C Ksnaraer « BoaoBrigade, Carpenter, Jydoula BOBBED HAI?.. b. ". 3 102 By HeImet—ML;s Ringlets, bv Handball. Trainer, W. Hurley. Owner, E. R. Bradley. l.i:7- . 1 " fast ." 6 3 4 5 1 4" I T. McDott 3 Eternity, Wrecker. Jerry 59307 Jeffson 3-4 1:13%faat 4 MS 1 2 2» 6* E Barnes 9 GriseMa, Irei Kinney, rases 9234 reffson ... f 1:97 fast « 1».! 9 I S F S» V Tbeten 12 Brilntltey. Ashland. F.iKlnucy . son 3-4 l:M%stow 1 112 1 2 :: 22 2 v. Harnea 7 GriseMa. Tries Jake Berger fTson 61 f IM good 25 WW 2 S :: 3i 34 V Th.len 8 WoITsCry, Bimpllcity r.ri.-ida * 68916 Jeff*son S-4 1 :M* good I 107 9 9 S 8 9" V. Barnes 9 Modesty, Peaiteal latags iSSSS Jeffson 61 f 1:11 mud 4 115 t G 7 7 7 K Bames 10 Modesty, Gr rTree, BrflstRgf DEVCTITE. br. c. 3 119 By Granite — Devonshire Doily, by Broomstick. 1 Crsiasr, C. F. CiTk Owner J, H. Louohhelm. P.Gnda . 1 ;" mud ■ l » 7 I G W • 9 P.I1 . 1 ■■ klkia Modesty rraon 1 1li."!iv. - 92 1 4 a •. 5 6*» G Brening 5 Tip.Witehet. Thimble. LnckyB. v. . .1 -fson 6 S 91%faat 12 II- 7 6 61 6 " G Walla 8 Swee f, !, .t firaaa, InMMTe 68166 Lanrel 3 * l:14%good 11 1 5 5 5 6 : * J Walla 5 11 xll , 1 ,, B M 1 z- Laurel 3-t 1 : ,. a.- 15 MS S E 5 F 33J i Walls •". Roek t Caretaker, SallingAlong ! Wdbine I l:41%good 9 U9 3 8 8 6 4 6"i a Walta 9 Marble, John. Dundee We««ieB Th : r-- 61 f !.-« 19-5 no i c. War- 8 i Bock •:. Pa a Pin, Ranaia B. WtXLED COLLEEN, ch. f. 3 and6 By The Finn— Scenery, by Sain. Trainer, A. nweaee. Owner, A. Svcnke. 3-4 1:164th vy 26 J"." 2 6 I «J 4*1 L McAtee 11 Del H :• Thee 1 l:47%hvj 27 1*4 l 2 1 1 i* r A Gantnei 9C roster, S Ma b 1 Virginia Plmllco 61 f l:07Sfcfast 214 194 M :» M b.i • ■ A Allen 13 Joa.B D.Oeadeye, Pevearat •ilico ::• 1:1 ..■.. irood 2 if ]•.:: ii 12 U Ml M«» H ClmentsM JewcllV.l., Carmenrite, AvUp.i "■ 398 i.-nir-d S-4 l:14%faat 28 MS 1 6 5 S" 5"i S Lowe 8 Thee, Boantifel, Sammv K. 0I-2 Laurel 3-1 I:l5%good 41 loo 5 4 10 io« ] »j l toney 11 High C, Cohtaoo, Mad Nell .-. Oahlra f * f 1 07 fast 24 102 8 8 8 8» 8* T Burns Hi M. Curtis, B. Bsaapa, Onna Dal* KNOT GRASS, b. c. 3 111 By Short Grass— Gentlewoman, bv Sain. Trainer. T. O. Webber. Owner. T. 0. Webber. ;. f 1 :"7: .fast :■;-:, !••; 2 ! 1 F r M Garner !t Banl Bay, Modesty, Bt.Raarice Jefraon 51 f 148 rood 11-5 188 8 :i :• 9 F» S Bulbnan » WolfsCry, Simplicy, Bob.Halr 58911 Jeff*sen .".. f 148*«siow 31 S3 2 i 1 SJ 31! 0 Brening ; Tip. Wl tenet, Bap.Day, B.S1 1 : f 6879 Jeffaon 61 f 1 7 MS 1 1 2 2 i 2- S Pullman 8 LdAllen, Simplicity, Omnipatt 5S792 JefTaon 5-8 I8-0 MS a 12 2- 2 1 8 Bnllmaa 8 Sweeny, usage, Modesty i8384 Rmptre Ab 3-4 l:ll%fnat 8-6 11* 3 11 lJ 4-J C Turner 8 Taaxeriae, GlenbeBa, Nchtboat l.mire 5J f l:07"..fa3t 11-10 108 1 1112 V- M Buxton IS Kiltie. Avtena, CltechfleM MABEL A., b. f, 3 99 By Ballot— Sadie S.. by Charaxu. Trainer. C. A. Applajrate. Owner. O. A. Applegate. 59413 FGnds .: f I ."•■ teal • M2 11 :» M l": »«a li Thomas 12 Pasee, Simple Biawn, Bare 58835 Jefraon ■ f 1:11 mud SS 112 8 7 | F F* H Tboaaaslb Modesty, lira iTree, BrllltBay i6S59 Knopira 6-8 M l"fi .! S 8 1*1* M H*rsonl5 Swift Graas, Dotsean, t Vinr.nia SMS4 Knapira 5-s 1:02 -. ialow 1 69 IM S « fi 7 *»* C u Rttterll Jaaka, Tricks, nimpte fTbaaia 65813 Bmpbra 61 f l8%faat 89 M 1 7 8 8 7° R SSeSTay It Bteipl Bteson. Kirle. Wrrekieaa SSIKRnafdre 61 f lr97%font 3" infill 8 ll IF SF* F W*atoeStlS Oaraaanrlta. R. Mary. Rnd HaM DADDY WOLF. br. g. 3 M 19S By Assagai— Ha.tb.or, by Himyax. B. Wippfield. Owner. M. ic J. Loweastein. 132 P.Gnds 3 I l:14%fast 15 :•- 1 N I Sj I" B Bcobia 11 B. Lee, Archive, Btrahrhl Bba4 6S3S2 P.Gnda .", f i: 7 15 US M 9 M 94 S** B BcaMa ll Tbefelerae, S.H.Levy, BanrTteM 51119 Chnrchl 4J f 65%mnd f US 1 5 I S»* G Stack ." Stump. Tamper. Bully Buttona 538R P.Gnda S-S SS%faat N IM IS 13 13° G Stack 13 D.Tardea, Lit .Annate, RosaLee t9*4 P. 7nds 3- S646fa*4 M IM « 52 Ro O Start- 8 OsiasteSk. HappyRuxton. Stamp ERSKINE DALE. b. c. 3 M 112 By Sweej — Frances Gaines, by Star Shoot. Trair.or. J. McPheror. Owner. J. McPherson. 6S38S F.Gnda ■. 1 147%faat M 116 S * 9 F I :: i ConnOyll TbeFeiscan, I.H.Levy, SaaTteM 5764S Latonia 3-4 1:14 good 214 112 10 10 10 10 10= F Smith 10 RudFisher. Treasurer. Rro.Jobu •7360 Latonia 3-4 l:17.hvy U7 112 6 10 10 10 10* » F Smith 10 Tulane, Clougbjordan, Maximac