Suitable for Sprinters: All but Last Race at Short Distances-Principal Contest to Black Baby, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-12


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! i j i ! ■ I SUITABLE FOR SPRINTERS All but Last Race at Short Distances — Principal Contest to Black Baby. HAVANA. Cuba. January 11. The I wo year-olds were asked t" go an ejCi:|li farther this afternoon. the di.-tance of the Drat race being three eighths I mile. Prank S and Babe Alice were favorite, with * the Williams entry. Pandine and Ialladiuni. the rec- " Bad choice. The favorites both had outside post positions, which prared too big a handicap fop them • to overcome. The winner turned up in Lank, a big, •_ rangy colt by Delhi /.cnobia. which carried the col- I Ota of the ioidapple Stable. L«iiik saved grornd all •. the wag, then drew away into a commanding ledd • entering the homestretch, hut Bras tiring badly a; • the end and had to be ridden out to beat ilonwithini • ~» by a half length. The latter flaisbed fast, getting up iu the final strides io heal Cartel Kiiriipie by a neck. Carrie Baker scored a lucky victory in the second when she lasted long enough !•• beat Aleso by a head. The winner followed behind the pacemaker to the stretch turn, where she slipped through on the in side. Aleso Was on the oitside the entire race. King B.. which finished third, caaae faal in the Stretch Jaal opposite the sixteenth post, but bore orer on the inside and T. Burns pulled him up and. looking heated, lost a couple of lengths by ttiis move. Tar els, after racing under restraint until straight-eaed on: in the boaaestretch, closed with a raak in • the last sixteen!! and drew away into a ~ix length lead at the end of the third race. Cy Merrick, the pacemaker, just lasted long enough to beat George , W. by a head for set "ml place after hading to the , last eighth. Golden Flint cat tied Tom tome along at a fast pace la the stretch turn in the feortb, ion raced him into defeat aad won going away, having half a length 10 spare at the end. while Humpy lasted long enough to heat the fast cteateg Quaker by a head. Callou-IVeriy ran away half a mile at toil speed going to the post. Condition- of live out of sjx- races at Oriental Park tli i - afternoon were framed to suit sprinters only. The remaining ra e. a agah of a mile and fifty yards, the fifth, brought together the best field of the afternoon, furnishing a sinew-straining finish in which Black Baby got up in the final strides to win by the smallest of margins from Hoaey. It was a tight fll between the fust two. and took the official placing to decided which had won. A light shower fell before the horses went to the post in the ..polling dash, but did little mere than lay the fast. - the afternoon progressed the footing bcame faster and in the last three races the going was never better. The last race brought together I field of ten. Maysville. with Penman in the saddle, proved tie-best. She out ran the other* to the first turn, was rated in front until 1 lie last sixteenth, when Penman began riding OB her to withstand Counsels rush. The latter finished fast aa the outside. Mis-e-ieonle. tie favorite, wheeled when the start caaae aim was left. W. II Paaeett. tie publisher of Babbiaadale, Minn., and L. I*. Strong, iaaaraace manager a; New ton. N. C. were among todays arrivals. Other visitors from the States included W. It. Fleaaiag, Baleigh, N. C; H. c Trogdoa, Greenabaro, N. C, and K. i*. M. Base of Charlotte, N. C. Most GeMatetl was adviaed by trainer .lames Rowe thai a big head of twe-year-etds belonging te B P. Wiiitie-y. which Mr. teUMatl will train. Will nol be shipped to Loulsvile until Iebruary 1. owing !•• a number of tie youngsters barteg derehi ed distemper R. P.roderici. .;rrie.i with the horses Baadiatal and Ely. the |.toperty of B. Hllter.

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Local Identifier: drf1922011201_1_3
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