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B. I. ir a y, * ■ a I _ -i ■ -J •] •" -J * -j • • j J : a I ■ ; ! -" a -t .3 3 I 1 3 | i i ; ; „ ; . ■ ; ■ | | i | j , - I II v ,1 " k of 11 / " 1 •■ n •3 - FAIR GROUNDS FORM CHART NEV.r ORLEANS. LA.. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 11. 1S22. lair Grenada il mil. t. Ninth day. Busings M ns !,■ ing Assoeiat ■■■ Winter Meeting of 50 day-. Weallier clear; temperature 68 . Stewards. E. C. Smith, M. Maefarlaa, A. C. M. hie and 1. M. H TTme"s JudgTs.-J."~is. Campbell and Joseph McLennan. Starter. A. H. Dade. Racing Secretary, Joseph McLennan., Baciag start- at 2:13 p. m. Chicago time i:io p, mi. Indicates apprentice aBowaaee. RrOKOO FI3ST RACE— 3-8 Mile. Jan. 15. 1921— 34,,— 2— 117. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. «-* «-F a •! «_ Maii?n.-. _CIa|rr.ijigL Net value to winner 00: second. S200: third. S100. Index Horsey WiPISt , , str Fin Jo. key- Owners » H C P S~* 59412 NOV v ! •• l2 Il E Scohie Montfort Joneo .: 4 ::. 7-5 7-10 ROSIE H n m :t 3 :. _ R RanelliJ Shrpp N H 5 ! 1 59412 MARJORIE WOOD a 111 1 1 H .1 BnrkeJ M Goods 10 M R 1 s-r. 59412 LADT BTl NHAM w 1«7 IS 7 l« E Martin W M Carter M M I 4 I 59412 PIXAQCAXA w Wi ■ • ■ i .". P Weiner Waldeck Stable !• 91 12 I !*i .-»«.-,»« ATHLETE i It 11 s | .; p CltilettiA Aubuchon 8 15 l". I I •LAURA GAFFXET ". 3 a 7!; RreninsrJ I. Holland 17 7 3 M ."»:.".»• .ii!.-.; wiin 4 1 1 1 B MarinelliH T Griffin 15 24 I I 4 59412 i AHV MOX1IODTH m Hi I n S ■* C Ponce C A Applegata 5 I 7 :; M 59590 BOB VI CRA1 v. 113 ", 13 1. lo- || Garner W Daniel 4 s s :: x-f, :.M." -; MARGAB *T LTTA v. 114 2 2 111 11* M Buxton J A Cobnra •; io M 4 ! 59372 STOXE AGE a 113 I M M 12 : Walls .i n Louchheim k I I :: 8-7. Time, 24. 3643. Track heavv. Winnet t!i. I i- Then, took Cnrre, by Ogdea trained bj K. Bpeace; bred by Xalapa Farm. Went !• l - 1 U. At ] e-t •_• miniiles Start good and -low. Won easily; - ml and third •Mat ing. XOWATA .v - :.;.. to race wide on the turn :.nd suffered from Interference, ba! rccsveied fa-t and took a good lead ia the la-t sixteenth. ROSIE li. raced prominently all the way and Bntahed eamely. MARJORIE WOOD began fast bwi bolted on the turn and Bnisbed well. LADT BBETTBN HAM. from .;:, outer position, had ;.. make • wide sweep on the turn, but Bnisbed gamely. BTONI Aflfl ivas taken ap at Ihe start. PIXAQCAXA raced gamelj Overweights Marjorie Wood. - ponads; Matrgarei Lsretta, 1, KQWnQ A. SEC0ND RAGE— 3-4 Mile. .Fob. 9 1818—1 11 3— €— 116. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds *-* * * *_5 •! -rl: and apward. ClnimUsg. Net value to winner 00: second. S200 : third, S100. ne: Horses A WtPPSI ;, n-k»-ys IVsmers • H~- P « 5813:1 CRKKXLAXD 4 1r: L " . ■:■•:- . • .in A- SaiiforT7 " IX-5S-5 4-5 " .".:/ 72 .USS RAXKIN v I I«3 3 11 !•• Il P !* C Lang .1 S Hays I I ::; I :, ::-.. .-.HS." :: l • WKXTl ■ E wa 4 lev 7 , ;. 4 Roach Woodman Pros 3D l" M 1 I ."■•Jtti BACK 1 . a il 113 BW I ..- I Wilson K Purman 4 r T :, 7 10 o!i-i!Co SACAJAWKA a I 108 11 ; I :• F WdatckJ Sainton 1 25 10 S 59433 CORKKV V*. w * 113 S 3 ! 1 • . 1 MneyO Drumhiller i 7 3 7-5 59971 •FAREWEL1 TAPS a 3 :•! » * 12 12 r Finn .1 W Fleiachanaa S3 35 23 10 .". .: i-k 1 i.i.- a t p.s p. !_• -. v - HaraonA Hagi 1 I I 12 4 59413 w 3 BC II T- •• ; ■« ■ r CltUettiF E Hawktna 4 5 5 2 1 :,••«!« MARY FOXBO « • l«l I • II1 I M "•• A Gantner Huffman A Lane M 15 15 ti t .■ •* 1 7 i ALVERIDA wa 3 M : 1 •; :• II 11* G Breningl K 1 1 -• M 1". 1- ■ . 594S3 MXIGHT STIES wa 3 101 fi t 12 F Weiner .1 W Murphy N la U Time. 24. 51. 1:18. Track heavy. Winner Ch. g, bj Broom stick Hansa, bj Hamburg ti . o b] M Caia; bred by Mr. Ilarrv Paj 1 ■: Whitw vi Went t :— _ -:• Al ;•■• I I mianti S ari good 1 al bin Won driv ag: — mm] aad third the same GREEN! M well iM • kepi ia the liesl going, passed iitKM.V W. after going ■ half n ■ snd, taking ■■■ lead, woa drawing clear. Miss BAXK1N begnn slowly, but mane fast in the la-t in "i t o: ENTRATE was K pi In Ihe Brmer inirt of the track and oatatayed BACK BAT. The latter was la the worst pari of tin track for the tii-i iinartei and tired ia the stretch. COBKBT W. iiuit after setting a rotKl |Mi •- •■■■ 1 he stretch. Scratched .-!»:«■:; M ,, 1: West, 115; 5354*1 Rastler, 113: o »i7 BoaecliB, 198; Briatow IBB, Overweights -Dan*, f pounds. CiSlPt, TBTBD RACE—t-- M:l?. .Feb. 9. 1918 — 1111 -— 6 — 116 Parkway Purse. Purse ,000. c? ty I J • O 3-year-olds. AUowanoss, Net vaiuo to winner ! 700: second. S200: third. 00. Index i-- A WtPPSt • str Fin jockeys Irwi - O H C P S- 59475 SIMPLICi i w P* . 4 P i: C Lang I, T Bat i il~3 4-;. l-:t r 39322 ASHLAXD wa 110 14 ; • - ; .1 McCoy : Knebelkamp :: i 1* 7-5 3-1 59413 PAP ROCK a .••. 7 « 1 I E H b ■ Montfort .[ones I IS ir :, 8-r, 59434- OMH SOXG wa ho ■ J f 111- C Turner ; Konigswald 4-19-107-191-4 1 I 59434 IMAGE a W3 3 1 5 B RsnelllTrencj 9 w ker M 9 91 I 4 .-.8",K! "Id: ■ EXGEAXCE si 143 18 8 7 «* A Ga InerC J Casej :•" ::" M I I 59434 E kGER I 1 KS wB W2 i 8 8 1* C. HamondG 1 ! - " 40 40 pi ., 59454IDELH1 MAID wn 10 I] •■ S 1" W Iner I Kahn la 81 :0 t. 2| Time. 24, 50. 1:15. Track heavy. nnei B. f, lo id it- Clara Atkin, by s.iin trained bj J. P. S*ai1 1; bred by Mr Ai.hnr B. Ilan- W ■ .: to ;•-: ; 3*93. A; poal I miaate. start good and alow. Woa easily; »teoad and third driving. BlMlLICITT. kep ii Ihe good going for the entire raced ato the bad with a ru-h on the htretcfa It -u and ea-ly held the oth*-rs safe al t!..- end. ASHLAND was takes up soon after the .-tart Hd guided into good going, then finished gamely. CAP BOCK ma w.-n. COMIC soN«; wa- exhaaated -in the flrsi half when guided through the deepesi pari the track 1MAGB net the early pace and ipiit. Scratched- 59434 Omnipotent, H,s. Overweights Comic Bong, - pounds: Image. 1; The Vengeance, 1. * ££ 10URTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. 12. 191H— 1 :421i— -4— 113. Lakeview Purse. 5frji"r Lyi jl vB SI 000 Added. 5-vear-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; second. SSSl; third. 14. liiud-:" Horses A Wi PPSt *4 li % Str Pin Jockeys Owners O II 0 P S 59375 VETU wa 4 Hd I I •: • Lang A S Wood iifiv _•; 3 ~i ::-". out .■,!»47 i G :XIE v.". i .. m ! 3 2S 1 ■: -- - C Turner D s Murphy 3-2 2 13-132-5 oat 39477P*ORAL SWAIN wa 9 IM 1 . t* 3*1 . Babin G C Winfrey t-5 13-52 l-.out 39377 ITRAXSLATB WB S MB : 4 I 4 4 t M Buxton H Marshall I 12 10 4 7-10 Time. 25. 51. 1:17%, 1:49*4, 1:493. Track heavy. 97 an Ch -. bj Ballot Bosaana, bj Bosy Mora trained by i:. Peters; bred by Mr. o. B. Fen- Vent to post at 3:24. Al nsel :: minntes. Btarl good aad daw. Won ..isiiy: accoad and third driving. VETO, suddenly improved, was reatraiaed in Ihe early running and. saving much groaad when coming into the stretch, raced iato the lead in 1 Bash and held GENIE W. safe through the tasl eighth. GENIE w probably best, wa- forced to p. fiftj irda farther lhaa the wianet and was much used in racing into : ad PASTORAL swain tired and raa ■ bad race plans!. a i i. mnde a rhaHeacs on the lasi tarn, but qnii ia Ihe last eighth. Scratched — f 59438 Irish Kiss. US. "QROI7 FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. Jan. 11. 1916— 1:37s —5— 106.1 Purse ,000. 3-year-olds. OutiO i Caimins-. Net value to wtaaaT S700: aaoaad, .-,200 third, 00. "index" Horses IWtPPBI Sir Fia Jockeys Owners o S C P S 99997 *PETIE w 19 ~ T_M V V I - C Lang W I H.-rnn-irdt - ~Y1 4-7 J-"." 59397 *KIRTLE WB I9J 1 ■ "" 31 _ _ A Wii n I. C Bteiner :; 7 7 -I 94 39413 LUCKY OIRL wn 1953 8 4 P Sl 3* ::- 3s* J Zoeller Croesett Stable r IS I Z] I ■" :.".07 NI". w 191 ■•■ 3 7; 7: l bl 4- B RaneUiJ II Maker :il 40 40 1". s C9414*HERMIS KLMPLP. w S3 ! 1 !] SI .". i* r,4 E RobbinaG L Blackford 12 1". IS :. 1 59454*TRICO w W 7 i B» 4* 7 1 1 ij I . BrenlngJ .1 Bohaer s 2 10 3 M 59597 *PLUN ELLA wi K 3 7 S s 1* 7 74 J Wallaoe 1 B BradfieM 12 15 1". I 3 59339* BILL BLOCK wa MC 5 8 • ■- 8 8 S A GnntnerJ Dundee 2 2 4-5 3-5 1*4 Time. 26a, 51S. 1:20. l:46;,i. Track heavy. Winner— 1;. f. by Patau.] — Baa Andre-, bj Qnlekliaae trained by I. Womeldorff: bred by Mr. John — ■ I. Net ti. Went to pool :it 3:53. At post 1 minute. Sta: t g. .► ! and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. PETIB, away weU, waa rushed ts the i»-i going at aace ami sway all the way to win as her rider pleased. KIBTLE raced close np tor the entire way and made a game finish. LUCKY GIRL ran a good race, bur was tiring al the end. NP. was going fast at the end. BILL BLOCK, away badly, was raced ia the worst pari of the track and exhausted in the first tliree-ouart et s. Scratched 59494 Bobbed II. "r. Hi : r.:*!li Jssephiae Wiedel, 199; 59307 L:tt".e Ammie. Km; :i9.".07 Bills Lnch •.."■ Overweights Kirtle. _ poands: Lucky Girl. 2i; Nig. 1: Herntia Kemble, L: PlnneBk, 3. rlThR: OO SIXTHACE— 1 1-8 Miles. March 14, 1908— l:514j— 3— 122. Purse ,000. 4-year-I t «lf iU 00 oids snd upward. Claiming. Xet value to winner 00: sacond. 00: third, 00. "index Ht i - A WtPPSt % % Str Pin Jockeys Ownera O H 0 P S 39459 RICHELJBU wa 5112 8 1 3 :: 111- l1 1 D M*noy"W A B*marartner S-5 2 8-5 3-41*4 5951 2 PICKWICK wb 8 112 3 7 I M Buxton .1 A Coburn 8-5 2 fl-r. 7-101-:; 59438-YOI NG ADAM arB I 112 4 • * 1* : M Garher T F Devereaux 4 " 4 6-5 1-2 59397 -■ BEAT .rid. wb 7 107 7 5 7 P 4- 4,J -V Gantneri . - F Porrotta I M M •; 7-5 r t:ti»* BL*K WATCH II W 5 132 "■ I l ■ •• •• L .Morris W Woodnrd 31 40 40 15 S !» »:; 2 1 CAR wa 5 112 1 2 I* -: .- B MarinelllC J BrockasJUar 28 34 20 8 4 59271 SH!i.:.i:LAC.H li w5112 : 1 I ■"- • 7 7 1" CHilefiK* Patera I U I I 7-5 Time. 26, SSs. 1:21 .-,. 1:4G. 2:0015. Track heavy. Winnet Ch. l. by Pelt Network, bj Ena trained by J. McKeon; bred by Mr. Arthur B. Hancock. v* Wen! to 1 o-t al 4:18. At pftsl ! minute. Stan good ai-.d slow. Won diiving: so. ond and Ihird the same BICHELIE1 was rushed Into the bad after going five-eighth* and kept it. but swerved into the deep going 1 the tasl eighth and lust mated la win. PICKWICK was la the beat going throughout and wa- tiring In the taxi eighth, but held oa gamely «ad wa- geiag fasteal at the ead. YOUNG ADAM raced well but tired in the stretch. GBEAT GCLL finished with a rush Scratched 59378 Royal Duck. H.7: 5 t34Woodtkrnah, US; ."«:•;.;!» Maize. 102. ii- -weights Black W:-t-u IL. pounds. sdTh CW SEVENTiTr ACE— 1 1-8 Miles. March 14. 1008—1:51—3—122. ,000 Added. ttjili*y 4-yca:-oids and upward. Ciaiming. Not value to w.nner 00; second, 42; third, 4128. Indi-x Horsea AWtPPBI j _• ::j. Str Fin Jo. keys Owu.-r- O H C P 8 rXil.i 1 0 1 • ViElWTT W 4144 i I 5 1" 1 1 1»* C Lang J S Hays 1 T-oll-lOI -2 1-4 S95 12 : SERBIAN • S 1"7 • 1 Il - • 2" 2" -- A Wilson 11 Neusteter 21 4 4 7-5 1-2 59498»J"XXY OVERTON WB 5 1*1 ■= 3 S| V V ■■■ - K Bcsb4e C X Freeman M 11 12 4 X-5 " 01" 1 KING TROJAN WB 4 IN 5 •• 4*1 4- 4* 4" 4" R LansterC Morton I 10 7 I 1 59512*JACK REEVES w : 107 ! E ti •; •: I »« .1 Wallace O Oahto 10 H H 5 2 594?i DAHABIAH 11 WB 7 191 1 4 3*1 V* V "•■ I F "tilettii; ■ Chancellor 5 5 lS-Oli-5 1-2 Time. 261-,. 523,. 1:19. 1:47=5. 2:0145. Track heavy. Winner Ch. m. by Ivan the Peillhte Veraehnsa, by St Leonards trained by J. S. Hays; bred by Mr F. ! Knight i. Went Is post at 4:43, At tiost 2 minutes. Start g I ami slow. Won driving: second and third the same VFKIlV was kept ia the best going during th" early fanning, then raced into the lead and out-r gamed BKKBIAN in Ihe final drive. SERBIAN ran a good race and made a game finish. JOHNNY OVERTON closed a big gap and was running last at the end. DAHABIAH II. raa 11 poor race and far below her best form, Scratched— 5»511Gourmnnd, 107; 60478 J. C. Stone, 107; r.0512 Hollo Pardner, 107; 59343 Darlldcz, 107.